Chapter 14

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I hope out of the car slamming the door and quickly jogging up to the house, I saw the familiar Old looking cabin, I bang on the door,
"Open up its me!" A camera appeared from the door handle,
"Identification please" I grinder my teeth and clenched my fists,
"Hunter black" I snapped through gritted teeth,
"Hunter Black" it replayed what I said and then it started to beep getting faster,
I stared confused but I realized what was going on.
Throwing myself off the porch and into the bushes a small explosion happened as soon as I landed, I looked back up to see that everything was still intact but with burn marks only on the door,
"Fuck they must've removed me from the system" I muttered to myself I got up, the Identifer does pop up unless someone speaks, I cracked my back and walked up to the door breaking the door knob off sirens started going off and the beeping started getting faster but I pulled my pocket knife out and cut all the wires hoping it wouldn't explode it didn't but instead opened the door, instantly I'm on the floor with people on top of me.
Jackson, Melanie and my Love, Riley.
"Guys it's me!" I shouted but they kept putting handcuffs on me Riley just stood there as they picked me up.
Something not right.
It looked as if they didn't even know me,
"It's me Hunter Black! Do you even know who I am?!"  I stared at Riley with pleading eyes.
"An alpha?" Melanie asked Jackson,
"No she wouldn't of come here if she was"
"Guys it's me the coven has erased your memor-"
"Shut it mutt! There's only one way to find out" Melanie pulled a silver knife out and cut my arm which healed instantly,
"Not werewolf or shifter" Jackson stated I looked at Riley and she had this look of disgust on her face like I was a lesser being then her.
I was broken but somewhat relieved.
She is more safe without knowing who I am.

I broke the chains and ran to the car in a blink of an eye, usually it would take someone a minute to realize what's going on but these dumbasses are hunters and wouldn't let me go without a fight. Doug, the hell hound, jumped onto the bonnet denting it but I look him in the eyes,
"Doug it's me keep them occupied for me please" he did a nod sort of thing and ran towards Jackson jumping on him causing him to fall, Melanie ran towards me as I slammed on the reverse pedal shooting backwards, I throw the hand break on and turn the steering wheel as fast as I can to the left then changing the gears into drive shooting down the mountain. When I think I'm in the clear I see Riley riding a horse.
Somethings not right.
She hates horses.
They've fucked something in their heads not just memories but making them robots.
She aimed a gun at me and shot but I quickly turned my arm into shield successfully stopping the bullets her face was awe stricken and it looked as if she realized something and stopped the horse dead in its tracks letting me shoot ahead onto the dusty road getting the fuck out of there.

I finally got back to the bunker and ran down the stairs, Crowley and Cas were obviously looking for the ingredients still, Dean was still passed out and Rowena was pondering around looking at books while Sam was no where to be seen,
"Where's Sam?" I asked walking to the kitchen grabbing a beer,
"He's off checking the other survivors"
"Did you?"
"No I didn't deary, he got a call from one of them babbling on about how another one of them saw a mysterious girl wear a black dress and had amazing brown hair and eyes and a strange mark." Sarcasm dripped from her voice when she was describing this girl,
"Taking the hint you don't lik-"
"No it was the guy survived going on and on about this dreadful girl" she shut her mouth and picked up a book and walked away with the clicking of her heels trailing behind.

I walk up to dean and slap his face lightly causing him to groan I wave the beer in front of his face causing him to smile and grabbing the beer but not realizing that you can't drink a beer laying down half asleep.
I just laughed when he poured beer all over his face causing him to jolt up and drop the bottle which I caught and took a drink of it he looked at me confused and grabbed his head,
"What happened?"
"Don't worry about it, it's all sorted out get ya leather booties on where going to check up on Sam" he looked at Rowena and looked back at me,
"Don't worry about her come on clean yourself up" I went to walk away but he grabbed the beer out of my hand,
"You don't even like beer" I shrugged,
"Alcomohol is alcomohol don't judge"
and walked off to see what technology they have here.

I hacked my hunter system I just wanted to see what they have on my file but it's taking ageesssssss even with my skills this is painfully slow,
"Oh dear how am I supposed to tell them when 50% of them are at her hunter thing she was talking about"
"Rowena I can hear your thoughts" I got up from the wheelie chair and this stupid slow laptop to keep going and go to Rowena,
"Was the spell a success?" She rolled her eyes,
"Well if it didn't work I wouldn't be thinking of a way to tell you" I nodded and looked at the table where the map was but all there was left was ashes where there were 3 pieces of the map that didn't burn, Rowena pulled out another map and marked where the unburnt pieces where they were,
"No" I whispered, "this can't be" the cabin, the training place, and the one that made my heart sink.
My childhood home.

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