Chapter 21

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"Nope I am not agreeing I said to my terms I hate this idea do you understand how crazy you sound?" I had told Crowley my plan and let's say he isn't taking it lightly,
"Come on, you don't even have to see her I just need to find her so I can find someone else!" I tried to keep my patience but it was irritating me,
"I will not help you find her!" He shouted spit flying everywhere, I kept steady eye contact as I took my necklace back off,
"I don't think you understand what I'm capable of" I felt a weird feeling in my eyes but everything seemed to go sharper and colors more vivid,
"Do we have a deal or not Crowley?" I crossed my legs observing him,
"It's your choice really but I can tell you if you agree you're making the right choice" Crowley's eyes flickered between emotions but I could see him concaving,
"Fine" those words seem to burn him, getting up from the throne I smile putting my necklace back on,
"Wonderful give me everything you have on her-"
"Which isn't much at all really" he muttered clicking his fingers a map appeared another click and a table appeared,
"Right is there any other witches that can track her?" He glared at me,
"Don't you think I've tried everything?" He made it sound like a serious question which I simply replied,
"You haven't tried he'll hound yet have you." He was taken aback he wasn't actually expecting an answer,
"Why would I use the bloody hell hounds they're good for fetching souls but not witches-"
"If you connect with a hell hound spiritually they will do anything and everything" I say on the ground closing my eyes,
"Juliet" the words rolled of my tongue I didn't say it loud but the room shook slightly, the next second I opened my eyes to see a big black dog that seemed to be made of black smoke with the cutest red eyes you could ever see,
"Juliet hey baby is Crowley treating you good?" Juliet shook her head,
"Well from now on hunny you stay with me okay?" Juliet bark playfully it would've made anyone tremble with fear, except me of course,
"So baby I need you to do a big favor for mummy is that okay?" I start scratching her face cause slobber to drench my hands in slime, she replied with a bark,
"Good girl" I give her a quick kiss on the nose,
"Mummy wants you to find someone, she's very mean and tried to kill me-" I was cut of by Juliet growling,
"I know baby it's okay but I don't want you to kill her I want you to find her so she can do some things for me then you can keep her as a chew tow hmm? Doesn't that sound wonderful" Juliet barked again, see with Hell hounds when they bark (which is rarely) it shows eagerness or excitement hunting souls and that are their job but they don't really enjoy it but it feeds them and they enjoy just because of that,
"Okay Crowley you have something of hers? Or even a picture?" There was some shuffling and I was handed the map that was laid out,
"Okay Juliet my beautiful girl I need you to find-"
"Rowena" it came out as a growl but somehow she said it I looked at her happily scratching her ear,
"Yea that's a good girl I'll be right here" with a quick nod Juliet ran through the wall and there wasn't another sign of her,
"Why do you treat her like a house pet" it was more of a statement then a question,
"Because the more you care and treat them with respect the more loyal they are, see if I kicked you and beat you up everyday then asked you to do it would you?" He remained silent,
"Crowley they might seem like beasts but see them as someone you love and they will love you and go to the ends of the earth to protect you, example one ask that hellhound to get the newspaper it'll growl and grumble or even say no" I was sitting on the throne again wiping the slobber into the thrown,
"Mutt get me my news paper" Crowley demanded the hellhound didn't move as it sat there staring at me,
"Bloody mutt move!" He kicked it in its guts cause it to get ready to attack, sighing I get up and crouch in front of the feral looking hellhound,
"Hey it's okay, just calm down" I gently pay its head it calms down and sat down relaxing to my touch,
"Now can you please get the news paper" the dog hesitated but got up glaring at Crowley leaving the room,
"You might be king of the cross roads but hellhound don't have a leader, they choose to serve who has power but if you hadn't notice this necklace suppresses my power making me weaker then you, yet they still obey do you know why? Kindness is a good way to a beasts heart" I turned around to him mocking me I smirked and sat on the throne again,
"Can I at least have my throne back?" He grumbled throwing a goblet at me which I caught in a split second centimeters away,
"Sure when I get Rowena" he knew that the longer he was away from the throne and someone was on it he looses power, since I don't want it, it lays dormant in the throne for the next who wants it,
"Yea if you get her" he muttered sourly,
"I know I will I just like seeing you mock me, I see you mocking what I'm saying in that mirror" he quickly looked up seeing a body length mirror leaning towards me so I could see him,
"You know it's impossible to escape this" I frown as Crowley turned around looking into my eyes,
"The same as how it's  impossible to find your soul, let alone your family. Remember meeting them? It was when your arm shifted-"
"How did you know?" I was staring at my hands tears blurring my vision,
"They are your family even if you do defeat the darkness..." he pauses and grabs my chin making me look at him in the eye,
"They will come for you because you kill them the same as they kill your parents" his voice was deep and threatening without thinking I pushed my arm out in front of me throwing him across the room,
"Don't tear me Crowley, I might be beaten down but if you take opportunity from that when I loose control..." I walked next to his body which is sprawled on the floor gasping for air,
"I might not want to save you" I stand back up brushing imaginary dust from my body,
"Fuck finding out about those few days, I'm going-"
"You don't even realize what is happening this second" Crowley spat blood onto the ground while slowly standing up,
"Yet you have never known what is happening and what side to choose" I slam the door open running down the long twisted halls following the faint smell of me when I finally find a bright red door, without thinking I slam it open sprinting into fresh air with a forest surrounding me.
I turn around to look at the door which has disappeared like it wasn't there.
I shove my hands in my pockets annoyed but my fingers brushed passed something smooth, I realized it was the box Cas gave me.
Hurriedly I pulled it out of my pocket and stared at it.
What's inside?
I open the box and gasp.

Oooooo cliff hangerrrrrrr woop woop

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