Chapter 13

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I sat there digging into left over burgers throwing bacon to Juliet as she gladly gobbled them down I look up to see 4 boys sitting there confused in an awkward silence,
"So, this whole darkness thing is a mess am I right?" Dean coughed and the others nodded and quiet yeas sounded.
"Okay enough is enough."They looked at me confused, "I've been locked in a room for 5 days, I've had a lot of time reading thinking and weird ass dreams, my powers include telekinesis, telepathy, acute senses, I can steal someone's life force, I can make things cold or freeze, I believe I can ward common enchantments, I can heal faster then normal I can move incredibly fast, shape shift apparently and as all you probably know now I can see the future. In Latin I'm known as the somnium exspiravit in Greek I'm  known as Όνειρο φάντασμα but I'm most commonly know as a dream ghost .
I'm a hybrid of hunter and a dream ghost. My father a hunter, was turned and fell in love with my mother creating me, every since I was 4 my parents were killed and I've been hidden training to become the ultimate hunter to defeat evil with evil. And the time has come we become victorious defeating the darkness! Who's with me?" By now I was standing in my chair after a somewhat motivative speech.

Dean slammed his fist on the table shouting yea while Sam, Cas and Crowley sat there looking at us like we got major issues.
"Are you barking mad? She's got the equal amount of power as god and you think a bunch of mortal can defeat her?" I shrugged sitting down,
"It's not just her anymore, when we were captured I shafpeshifted into a guard and I was told to fake the 'prisoners' death they said we need to go deeper underground because they can't let the cure get out. Obviously what's going on is they're making an army of crazed people with the disease to fight hunters with no mercy." Dean walked over to the cupboard and brought out margarita glasses and started making margaritas,
"Dean are you all good?" Sam asked dean nodded,
"Yea I'm fine just want some pie but there's none left so imma make this" Sam instantly held his gun up and aimed it at dean,
"Dean doesn't know how to make margaritas, he usually if he has to just, just takes a shot of tequila" I sniffed the air but smelt nothing,
"Are you sure you know what you're doing? I smell nothing out of the ordinary-" I knew what was happening,
"Wow that's a really nifty spell" I shouted looking around, it was way to normal for dean, which is what made me realize.
Dean started to blur and turned into a red head chick, she looked late 20s and looked beautiful and the aura around her screamed cunningness and tricks,
"Mother" Crowley cough annoyed and looked at me,
"Where's dean?" Sam kept his stance aiming the gun straight her,
"Oh shush Sam he's fine having a wee nap" her voice was smooth with a Scottish accent,
"Rowena, it's a pleasure, im hunter black" I walked up to her with confidence, holding my hand out I front of me. She looked at me and smiled sweetly, the kind of genuine sweet like from an old lady down the street cooking apple pie, he dress was crimson and was dragging majestically behind her while her hair was neatly done up,
"Now this is an introduction" he soft hands creased mine and her handshake was firm I felt a pulse of power, she was trying to put an enchantment on me, I took a breath in trying to see the enchantment, it seemed she's trying to put a controlling one on.
"Now my slave kill my wretched son" I let go of her hand and crossed my arms,
"That isn't gonna work on me, maybe you're compelling enchantment worked but not that one" I pinned her against the wall not hurting her just keeping her still, and her mouth sealed.
"now Rowena you've been watching us awhile and I know you know what I am, all I want is answers I know where bases are. Now I need you to do some research use spells and shit, I need to find the darkness and all the most diseased people are huddled together, as prisoners if it helps, understand?" Her big dark grey eyes looked at me with hatred and anger but I could see through that mast and saw a weak woman, she nodded hesitantly,
"You don't want me mad, I don't want to hurt anyone. We need this alliance and afterwards you can chase each other like dogs chasing their tails but for now forget all the shit you've done and wanted to do to each other and fucking work as a team" I was tapping my foot impatiently while silent glared were thrown around before they sighed in defeat.
"I'll show dean every-" Xas was cut of but a huff from Rowena,
"Don't worry dearie, he'll know everything when he wakes up, don't know if he will agree but I don't think anyone of us do" she pierced her lips looking at the wall avoiding my glare,
"It's like dealing with 3 year olds, grow the fuck up!" I shouted,
"Now Rowena if I let u down you cannot do any spells only spells to find these prisoners, got it? As soon as a move falters I'm freezing and I have a feeling you don't know what that feels like" I stated she grumbled but nodded.
I gently put her down and walk her into the room with the Big map in the table,
"Rowena right all needed ingredients down Crowley and Cas will get them, Sam I'm chaining her up and you watch her and make sure she has all the tools from around the men of letters library they should have most of the stuff, when dean wakes up he will take over watch and I want you to check on the other survivors in the area" he nodded but grabbed my shoulder,
"What are you doing?" I sighed,
"I need to make sure someone's okay, she's a hunter but before I was captured we were attacked so she found out what I am but I was able to get her out in time." I snapped my mouth shut, what am I doing? I don't fucking know these pricks!
"She's a good hunter, and she knows everything in Latin law so she is our only hope"
I quickly ran up stairs disappearing out the door and jumping into the car following the navigation system back home,

Please be okay,

My Riley be ok.

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