Chapter 7

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We sat in the cramped car on our way to the mountains near our cabin.
They want to see my powers. I was fine with that but what made me nervous is that I didn't want them to kill me.
I sighed bouncing my foot up and down.
"Stop tapping your foot!" Melanie yelled,
"Do you want to me to punch you again but this time you nose breaks and goes through your skull successfully piercing the brain killing you?" She shut up.
"That's right" I started tapping my leg again,
"Are we there yet? I'm about to kill someone" no one answered.
We sat in awkward silence before I noticed everyone shivering,
"Are you guys cold?" They nodded without speaking, "sorry" I closed my eyes and calmed myself. I opened my eyes to see they were relaxed now and weren't shivering.
"Was that you making it cold?" I looked at Jackson through the rear view mirror,
"Yea I didn't mean it I'm just" I sighed combing my hair back with my finger, "overthinking it" I stated tapping my foot faster.

After what seemed to be forever we stopped I launched myself out the window and sprinted towards the cliff that was a good 500m away but I got to it in two seconds and sat down hanging my legs over the ledge breathing deeply. I pulled out a 'cancer stick' and lit it. I took a huge puff and blew out the smoke.
I looked behind me to see that they finally caught up and sat with me except Melanie who cringed at me smoking,
"I didn't know you smoked" I laughed and looked at Jackson.
"I ran a good 500 meters in a few seconds and you're surprised that I smoke" I took a puff of my smoke and sighed.
"So I can freeze things and bring them death with a touch, haven't figured out how to get but I don't want to use it just control it. Umm telepathy and telekinesis anddddddd" I thought for a moment, "oh see the future" I flicked my cigarette over the edge and stood up.
"And I have amazing strength healing and speed as of before" I said,
"Is that why you told me there were newly turned ghouls?" I nodded and stretched my crystal hand,
"What should I turn it into?" I asked flexing my hand,
"Whips!" Jackson shouted.
I shrugged and thought of my hand turning into a whip.
It was weird watching it turn into a whip.
Just imagine a piece of sticky toffee being pulled into a thin snake.
I cracked the whip and smiled while the three of them looked horrified and awed.
"Why does it make me feel so alone?" I shrugged,
"It's always been this dark. My fathers was green and mothers was pink" I sat down with them,
"Can you tune them into non weapons like a fork?" I laughed at Jackson's strange questions but I shrugged and turned it into a cup.
"Well there's the answer to you question." I laughed I looked at my arm and saw that it was now past my elbow and was halfway between my elbow and shoulder.
I quickly put my arm back to normal and saw no the black flames now had a little bit of orange and reds like a real flame but it's mostly black still.
I smiled.
"Okay now what's next. Telekinesis!" Riley shouted giggling I fucking loved it I wrapped my arm around her. I smirked and looked at Jackson and gave him a purple nurple making shout and squirm.
"Okay umm telepathy?" I nodded and looked at Riley and smiled showing her us kissing in the closet. She blushed a deep shade of red but then her face dropped that's when I realized I left her.
"I'm sorry I was afraid" I whispered lightly kissing her cheek. She smiled.
"Yea yea get a room you to" I nodded.
"I'll beat you to the cabin" I picked up Riley with ease and held her tightly "hold your breath" she nodded and took a deep breath as I sprinted and jumped down the mountain.
I turned my arm into a grapple hook and shot it catching us a few meters from the ground and landed gracefully.

In about five minutes we were back.
We had about an hour before they came back so me and Riley sat in her room talking before I couldn't handle it any more.
I tied her hand to her bed post and sat on her waist.


She was blushing wildly,
"W-what are you doing?" I smiled,
"I've been wanting to do this. I love you my little princess" I kissed her passionately as I took of her pants, I sensed her nervousness,
"Your perfect" ripped her shirt off and left her laying in her bright pink lacy under wear and bras.
I straddled her again and grabbed her tits and started making out with her again she trusted towards me so I reached down and gently rubbed in between her legs.
She moaned and tried to press harder into my hand but I pulled my hand away.
"Not yet princess" I undid her bras and gently squeezed and rubbed them.
"In the top draw there's a toy please use it" I smirked and grabbed the fairy wand and plugged it in and pressed it in between her legs making her moan loudly.
Fuck this was turning me on so bad. I wanted to run but I didn't want to hurt her again.
She was moaning and panting I could tell she was so close to cumming so I pulled the fairy wand away.
I stripped and grabbed a strap on (that I brought, guilty pleasure) and turned her around so her butt was in the air I spanked her earning a few moans but I heard a car pull up.

In a blur I untied Riley and dressed me and her into 5 seconds.
I saw the dildos on the bed so I shoved them into her draw,
"Pretend I said something fun-" she dived into me and started making out with me.
God I was so tempted to continue.


Fuck it.
I held her hands above her head and looked her in the eyes.
"You know what your doing but people are here we will wait till later princess" she put on a innocent face "I don't know what you talking about" she giggled and laid on her bed with her but wiggling in the air. I groaned while smiling so I spanked her ass again, she yelped and turned around,
"Later" she huffed and laid down as I walked out smoothing out my hair and saw Jackson and Melanie making out intensely.
Jackson was grouping her ass while she was just playing with his hair.
I had to stop for them to avoid getting walked in on but they're just seriously about to strip and do it on the couch.
I coughed loudly and they look at me smiling,

"ohhh heyyyy I thought you would be fucking Riley by now" I rolled my eyes,
"Yea until I heard someone bash down the door" he shrugged.
I sniffed the air and smelt alcohol mostly on Melanie.
"Melanie you alcoholic! I hope you get kind eyes failure" she smiled but vomited everywhere turning Jackson off 100% I laughed and waved at Jackson,
"You can clean this up I'm to busy having sex" I said sarcastically and walked into Rileys room to see her in a massive hoodie laying on the bed,
"Can't sleep?" She shook her head.
I looked at her queen size bed and hopped next to her pulled her close so I was spooning her.

I held her tight to my body and I felt her trace the flames on my arms,
"Hey Black?" I hummed in response,
"How did your parents die" I didn't reply and just stared at the back of her head.
"My mum died of ghouls dad died of dream ghosts" I felt water on my eyes but that when I realized she was crying,
"Hey shshhhhhhhh it's going to be okay I'm here" she sniffled,
"My parents abandoned me because of my sexuality. I was 14 and a few days later they found out when I brought my girlfriend over they beat her to death and beat me nearly to death I had to walk to the hospital but I was attacked by a vampire because of my blood that's when I met the hunters they killed it and I wanted to train." I put her hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek.
"It's okay. I love you" I whispered she's sobbed for a bit then she fell asleep.
I smiled lightly and closed my eyes and slept next to her.

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