Chapter 11

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We stop at this abandoned looking place that had a hill that lead to a door ,
"Welcome to the bat cave, that's what my brother calls it, really it's a men of letters thing or what ever you want to call it, we like to call it home" he opened opened a crumby looking door to reveal a huge set of stairs leading to an open area that had books lining the wall that lead to another room that had a long table with a map on it with a guy wearing a black shirt with a plaid on top drinking a beer looking stressed out at a computer,
"Uh Dean," the guy instantly stood up and walked to Sam which of course was shorter, looking him dead in the eye with this look of worry and hurt,
"Sammy where have you been?" Sam shrugged,
"Well nice to see you to, I'll tell you everything just, umm" he coughed awkwardly and looked at us, "these are some survivors, they need a place to law low until we figure out what's going on" Dean? I think his name was nodded and hugged Sam once more before looking at us,
"Uh hey I'm Dean Winchester and this is my little brother Sam, I'll show you guys to some spare rooms to stay her-"
I felt an angel blade rest against my throat, I swallowed and felt the blade digging into my Adam's apple,
"Cas" dean said in a questioning tone,
"This thing is an abomination!" He shouted, my hand turned into it's crystal form and grabbed the blade out of his hands and threw it into the wall before he actually noticed it was out of his hand he tried to slit my throats what he still thought to have his blade.
Immediately Dean had a shot gun with silver bullets aimed at me,
"Cas, please explain what it is and how to kill it" his voice was deathly low and his face a mask of coldness with no emotion, he looked scary and almost... inhuman.
"We need to kill it, it's the main species that is destroying everything"
"We're pretty much extinct! I'm hunters just like you okay? I'm apart of a hunting society where they choose you at birth to train you. My father was a hunter turned and thought he couldn't live a life but met my mother so technically I'm a hybrid! I'm not hear to hurt anyone I just.." I fell to my knees with tears in my eyes,
"I want peace so my Riley can be happy" I whispered.
Cas put handcuffs on me that were enchanted,
I looked up at him with my mask on,
"I'll leave-"
"Then what? Tell your family where we are?" Dean punched my face, I only realized Sam was gone with the others.
"My family is dead." I just sat on my knees, feeling numb as I looked into fiery green eyes that held so much disgust.
"I want this war to end, I will risk my hideous life to save another" I whispered looking down using my blue hair to cover my face.

"Dean, she's telling the truth, she saved us from that... that place she could've killed us, or left us in those tubes to succumb to that disease! Let her earn your trust lock her in a room with a bathroom. She could escape if she wanted but to earn our trust she has to stay in there" Sammy was standing there calmly looking at his brother, I looked at dean as he stared down at me like filth but I could see the internal battle, then I look at Cas' burning blue eyes to see distrust and hate.
I don't understand what I ever did to them. I hate my kind as much as they do.
My kind.
I wanted to throw up just for thinking it.
"Put her in the room right next to mine, I have most of the weapons in there so any funny buisness-" he pushed the barrel of the shotgun to my forehead hard,
"Got that son of a bitch?"
I just nodded and sat there,
Dean grabbed the handcuffs off of Cas and started dragging me to the room not giving me a chance to get up but I let him, I needed their trust if I wanted to survive.
Him and his brother and their angel is something that was and probably still is  commonly thrown around back at home because they cause a lot of 'trouble'.
Well that's what everyone says, they save lives, human lives yet somehow they can't save their family and friends.
I was harshly thrown into a room,
"I'll bring you food tomorrow, lights will be turned off at 7pm, clean clothes are in the drawers, towels and soap in the bathroom which is there-" he grabs the phone out of my room, "no funky business got it?" I nodded and he slammed the door in my face.
"Smooth" I whispered standing awkwardly in a small room with a single bed and a desk cramped into here.
I decided to look in the bathroom which was surprisingly big compared to the room, there was a shower and a bath.
Hmmm a bath seems pretty good, one to burn the filth from my skin.
I started running the hot water adding some soap, I realized there were candles and shrugged but I remeber dean saying something about 7pm, I glanced at the clock and saw it was 6:55pm.
I sighed and lit the candles with one match I found and slowly got into the fiery hot water and laid there letting the hot water soak into my skin, the lights suddenly shut off, the only thing emitting light was a small scented candle turning some parts of the room orange.
I watched as the candles fulmar danced to the soundless music soothing my tight muscles.

I couldn't help but let my mind wander.
Why didn't Sam say something about what he saw? He could've easily killed me like his heartless brother.
Well he isn't heartless I can see that, it's just most of his soul has been chipped away and darkened and I can see he hides it from Sam,
Then there's Sam he's soul is heavily tainted red, which is the color of demon but ive only heard roumors of Sam actually being addicted to demon blood but why?
I sigh loudly and go under the water, I know I can't drown so I just lay there underwater staring at the roof.
At one stage I must've fallen asleep because I found myself reliving the day my father was killed. I scream as I run away crying, I should've saved him!
Wake up
Wake up
I felt myself being pulled back into reality as I find myself on the bathroom floor with Sam on his knees looking at me worriedly,
"You could've killed yourself! What were you thinking!" He shouted I snatched the towel from the sink wrapping it around my body,
"If silver bullets can't kill me I doubt going under water will" I stated numbly I looked at the bath to see ice chunked floating around in it,
"Dean heard muffled screams and asked me to check on you, I saw you in a semi frozen bathtub- I-I'm sorry I should've left you alo-"
"It was a nightmare don't worry, besides it's kinda sweet your brother sent you to check up on me" he rolled his eyes,
"Why didn't you tell dean about what happened at that facility?"
"I did before, he trusts you a little bit more but I didn't tell you this, by the way that clocks wrong, it says 2am but it's actually 5am, I think you need some food. What do you eat?"
Sam was so nice Jesus,
"Jack Daniels and bacon is the usual for me" I said needing a drink desperately,
"Just like dean" Sam whispered, I pretended not to hear him,
"I'll talk to dean and Cas I'll see if you can sit out with us at a table with room" I shook my head,
"Cas is an angel, I bet you $5 that when you ask he'll say 'Sam, she's attacking your weak spots and hooking them so she can use you' I highly doubt he'll agree" Sam pulled out $5 and smirked "I'll hold it to you" and walked out closing the door tightly.
I changed the clock and got dressed into black jeans and a white T-shit, surprisingly it fitted really nice, i out on a pair on fluffy black socks I found and tired my hair into a messy bun, I was halfway through looking at the books hidden in the drawers Sam walked in and gave me the $5 with a bottle of JD's and a few pieces of bacon.
"Told ya so" I shoved the money in my back pocket and take a bite of the bacon letting it melt in my mouth, "wow this bacon is good" Sam smiled and shook his head,
"Sammy I need your help" dean shouted from the hall causing Sam to sigh,
"Destiny calls" I teased as he grumbled walking out of my room.
Alone again.

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