Chapter 18

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Sam's POV
These locks aren't gonna hold the heard much longer,
"God Dam it we're are you guys!" I shout at the door aiming my shot gun at it, I only have 12 bullets left and no holy water left because we surrounded the town with it,
Suddenly I had this gut feeling, the bad kind something has gone very very wrong,
"Dean?! Cas?! Black?!" I shout no reply.
What do I expect.
There's about 5 people here, 2 teenage boys, a teenage girl, about a three year old boy and an old lady about 50.
None of them can help because they're petrified.
The door starts to buckle,
"Guys go lock yourselves in the armory!" The quickly scurry away but the old lady stays,
"I'm an ex hunter ya know I can help even if I'm old" she pulls out a magnum,
"Ya know if ya ever wanna carry around a tiny cannon" she stated aiming at the door shooting when they get to close to getting inside,
"How many bullets do you have?"
"4 more what about you?" Bang another down I heard a window breaking,
"2 left" I reload my gun,
"Someone's coming in through the window go check it out I'll stay here" she ordered I nodded and ran to where the window broke to see Cas and dean climbing through it,
"Hey where the hell have you been?" Dean was puffed out and Cas looked at Dean,
"There was a horde going out of town we stopped them the survivors just stood there confused and someone obviously shot them but had a silencer, by the last little girl the silencer failed the shooter was aiming at Black or the little girl they got them both but Black was just injured" something dropped in me,
"Where's black?" I asked,
"I thought she'd be here helping get rid of the horde" I shook my head I head a horse neigh loudly it was very close,
"Cas got weapons?" Dean threw a bag in front of me,
"Go help keep the front door secured, Cas keep an eye on the windows and back door, I need to go on the roof to check it" they nodded as we ran into our different directions.
Once on the roof i look around and see a cowboy looking chick with a plaid blue shirt on with similar tats to Black but blue and a white horse, they were laying in the ground looking at Black that's when I noticed the figure standing there but I couldn't see their face all I knew is black knew them and was shocked to see them. In a blink the person was gone and the lady in blue got up and put her hand on her shoulder saying something.
Black didn't like what she said and turned storming towards the building the lady shook her head a bucket from thin air appeared and next thing I know they were both next to me,
"Sam this is AK, AK Sam now do u have the holy oil AK?" The bucket was snatched off of AK and thrown off the building onto the infect,
"Is that necessary? Setting possible survives on fire? Can't you say something at least?" AK said annoyed at Black,
"Cumbya my lord" she threw a match on them and turned around and walked down stairs, AK stopped me,
"You were watching weren't you" it was more of a statement then anything,
"Yea I was looking for some sort of help, who was that person?" She shook her head,
"None of my Buisness, but I can tell you what they said, they said something about stopping and they can be together again like old times, Jess looked pretty upset" Jess? Who's that?
"I'm her aunty I knew her when she was just a baby, Jess my little dung beetle weird nickname I know but" she sighed looking my in the eyes with her purple ones,
"I've seen her past and I can't see her future but I know she sees a family with you, I'm on the run and my spirit is out there I want to stay with her but I'm close to going insane without it and I suggest you tell you angel buddy to look for her spirit. You might be able to find it before it disappears" she hopped off the roof and landed on her horse,
"She just needs some tough lovin dear and it'll be all right!" She whistled and her and the horse where gone in a flash.
Wow I was expecting something a little more intimidating.
I'm not gonna tell anyone I'll just use it against her.
"Sam you alright?" Dean comes up the stairs and looks at me,
"That's all of them?" I nodded
"Just around here I want to attract them here with some alarms or something so we don't have to put much effort in" I stated seeing alarm speakers around here,
"Can you look for the alarms I'm gonna quickly check something" dean nodded and ran back down stairs I walk up to a speaker and see if it's still wired.
I break open the door to the wires and see that the wires are intact in this speaker and walk to the next to repeat the process,
Out of no where Kansas starts playing his favorite song was blaring,
"Carry on my way ward son
there'll be piece when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more
No!" A guitar solo starts filling up the town I see infect people coming around the small building around us, looking like cockroaches coming out from between floor boards.
I pull my phone out,
"Dean ready?" I shouted into the phone over the music,
"Huh?!" He couldn't hear me over the music,
Shit sprinting down stairs I quickly find dean and drag him upstairs shoving a cross bow into his hands,
"Ohhh that's what you said" he put the cross bow down and picked up the shot gun,
"Dean use the cross bow, to set them on fire with holy oil? Remeber!" I shout over the music he rolled his eyes and picked up his cross bow but arrows came flying from behind us, both of us shocked we turn around to see Black, Jess shooting arrows but I noticed there's no blade like more dud arrows on fire with the holy oil all the arrows were doing is hitting them and bouncing off but the fire sticks to their clothes for a few seconds and disappear with the disease and for most, their lives.
Me and dean just sat while she did most of the work you can tell dean was irritated when he stormed downstairs but only to come back up because 'grandma is doing more then me'.
"That's all of them" her voice was different, it sounded almost pained with confusion and anger,
"Je-Black?" She turned around and a sad smile spread across her face,
"There's no one else in this town, just the few downstairs" she clicks something on the bow and it flies into a wallet looking thing,
"AK saved it for me she said she bought it for me when I turned 16, but yea shit happens, I'll meet you at the car" in a blink of an eye she was gone,
"Great now we have to walk 15 miles to the car!" Cas appeared next to dean,
"Which I'm totally fine with" he cleared his throat Cas knew he hated teleporting and thought it was funny,
"Emergency services are on their way, we could ask for a lift to our car and say we were hunting animals, I even got a fake hunting permit" Cas held up a piece of paper saying 'hunting permit' in bold black writing, I had a real one in the car,
"Cas that's not a hunting permit" dean laughed sitting down looking at the sky tired, even if we didn't do anything today's been really eventful.
"Yea it is dean I googled it" oh god,
"Dean I told you-"
"Yea yea I know but I left my computer opened and he obviously used it"
"You remember last time he used the Internet?" Dean flinched,
"Oh god never bring that up again, I can't even say pizza man without thinking about that time" me and dean laugh while Cas looked annoyed,
"I was learning your human ways and I didn't know that to show affection is to slap someone's ass" dean slapped his ass,
"Not always it can be used to joke around"
I heard sirens in the distance,
"Thank god" dean got up and we went down stairs to see everyone sitting down shocked but the old lady that carried the magnum was covering them with blankets making coffee and tea and telling everyone what happened in not supernatural ways like,
"It's a disease deary it's very rare but it make people aggressive" in the end Cas ended up teleporting us because the fake names we gave them were also criminals so we had to kinda outrun them.

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