Chapter 23

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God I hope this works, this super baggy jumper has to work it's bad enough I'm a freak but come on! Juliet runs up to me just as I'm about to walk inside the men of letters,
"Hey girly did you find her" I scratch behind her ear she nodded and handed me a map, obviously the one Crowley gave her,
"Her location is on that map" I smiled gratefully and scratched her ear,
"Stay with me?" Juliet shook her head grunting,
"I've got a few unfinished things to do" I nodded and gave her a hug,
"Be safe girl" she licked my face leaving a massive trail of drool and she left running away,
Standing back up I open the door and lock it behind me,
"Where the hell have you been? Looks like you got into a violent fight? And apparently one a cool big ass jacket" i look down the stair to see Sam and dean, I laughed awkwardly walking down the steps avoiding eye contact.
"Yea I did a few things and stuff and found Rowena" I held the map up but they didn't look convinced,
"Fine I'll show you it'll be easier" I took the jacket off and show massive light blue wings that seemed every feather had black tips giving it a dark blue look to it,
"What? That the tattoo things seem to have moved to your waist?" I look at them with confusion and disbelief,
"Y-you can't see them?" The wings twitched god I wanted to use them but I'm mildly afraid,
"See what? Black all we see is you standing there" Cas walked in with a tray of silver tray holding tea and a few beers but when he seemed to see me he dropped the trays runny to me touching my wings which I moved quickly for some reason they felt extremely sensitive,
"H-how.... w-when?" He stood there looking afraid and in utter disbelief,
"Okey lets from the start what can you guys see that we can't?" Dean crossed his arms looking annoyed shitless,
"Uhhh I have wings?" It was more of a question I looked at Cas who just nodded now moving to my back looking at my shoulders,
"Can you turn your back to crystal? Wings usually have armor when being shown but it doesn't seem you have" I shrugged closing my eyes focusing on my back and imagining my wings with the vibrant blue and the black, before I could do anything else I head something fall, I open my eyes to see Sam and dean have sat down but Sam had fell of his chair both looking in awe,
"Can you see them now?" The nodded quickly,
"Okay lemme see" I closed my eyes and imagined an armor my back felt a slight more weight but nothing to much, I turn to see my wings looked the same but there were silver feathers littering my wings,
"So that's why you didn't have armor" Cas walked back in front of me with a blank face but his eyes were swirling with emotions,
"Because?" He looked deeply in my eyes,
"Arch angels have weaponized wings, so they can throw knives with their wings summon swords and spears, some angels have it but they are the few of the first angels. Extremely rare for anyone else to get them unless it's from god." I look at him,
"I didn't get them from god" Cas eyes seemed to darken,
"From the darkness" I nodded slowly dean shot from his chair,
"Where did you see her!" He tried to grab my shoulder but Cas stood between us, obviously her knew I wasn't gonna let him touch me or was it because he knew he would hurt me to get the answer?
"Dean we will talk before you start to -"
"She doesn't understand what's going on! I need to find her to kill her!" Dean was struggling to get to me past Cas, but Cas stood his ground not letting him past,
"You say that but could you really deal with killing her?" Dean instantly stopped he clenched his jaw and glared st me walking off,
"I do know everything that's going on, while I was in the training thing for hunters before all this happened one of the real life things we sat in a computer room monitoring the situation everyone got small cases like vampire or wolf I was on the darkness case which was pretty much monitoring Sam and Dean while they did the case I never knew about you tho" I looked at Cas,
"I went to Crowley to look for Lucifer about the weird necklace that held in my power, found him then I saw Crowley to find Rowena he didn't know so I got Juliet to find her and she marked it on the map" I unrolled the map that was in my hand and laid it on the table were a small puncture was,
"I was thinking she's pretty powerful maybe we could, get her to help us and use a powerful spell to maybe do something to the darkness?" I looked hopefully at Sam he looked helpfully but unsure I looked at Cas but he seemed to be in his own little world.
"You're lying" Dean walked in with a beer,
"You want to find Rowena so you can find that girlfriend of yours, because she's gonna die" I had a flash back when I was in the cabin and I had that vision of her dying. How could I have forgotten that?
"What?" Dean took a gulp of his drink finishing it and throwing it in the trash,
"You talk in your sleep" I felt angry but it was the truth,
"Black is this true?" I stayed silent,
"I" I couldn't form words,
"I don't know, I don't remember the vision but I guess I'm subconsciously trying to find Rowena desperately is my mind has this slither of hope she's alive, Lucifer told me that she's alive but being help together-"
"Oh so you believe him? What if he's using your emotions so you can get rid of the darkness so he can cause problems for us!" Dean shoved me hard causing me the fall on my arse I was going to fight back but I decided against it, I took a photo of the map and ran out the door in a blur.
"Dean you dumbass" I muttered running as fast as I can until I hit a small town, i thought of my wings disappearing nothing changed except they looking semi clear, I shrugged and walking into town sitting in a small diner pulling the map out,
"What can I get ya?" I flinched, god I was so deep in this map I didn't realize she walked up to me,
"Uh yea can I get a coffee and-" I was gonna get pancakes but for some reason pancakes sounded disgusting right now,
"Just a coffee thanks" she nodded and walked off,
"Huh only a few blocks away, that's weird I could've sworn the tear was somewhere more south" I whispered I stared at the puncture but it didn't move,
"Here ya are darlin if you want anything else I mean anything just ask" I looked at the pouring  coffee I looked at her face and instantly knew she was a witch,
"That's all thank you" her face twitched and she walked off seeming annoyed? I looked at the map to see the puncture is right in front of the diner I was at, I snap my head up to see a woman wearing a very fluffy coat and Cat eyed sunglasses,
"Rowena" I whispered I picked up the coffee and took a sip, either she knew I was here or was heading to another location, she walked straight in sitting at the booth right behind me,
"Black" she had her back to me as I had my back to her the only thing between us was the booth seats,
"Rowena, either your stupid or you have a deal" my voice was cool and unwavering,
"Well you have a very convincing hell hound," her voice seemed calm but I could sense the venom behind her words,
"The deal is that I give you the location to your love, your mother and god for Sam and dean." I knew my mother was alive, that day when we were fighting of the infected.
"We can be together again, just me and you all we have to do is go nothing is holding us back"
I shook my head,
"I don't care about my mother-"
"You do, Luna told me" I grumbled annoyed,
"What do you want in return" I heard her shift uncomfortably,
"Well a lady does what she wants I would like to do that without any hellhounds ruining my plans" I stayed silent with a smirk sprawled on my face, thank you Juliet.
"I think we have a deal" I stood up and cut mine and her hands and put them together,
"W-what did you just do?!" I smirked,
"Can't break a blood promise even you should know that" if this was a cartoon I would see steam shooting out of her ears.
"Shall we get to Business?"

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