Part 1

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"LUUUCCCYY PLEASE HURRY UP! I DON'T WANT TO BURN THE BACON!" Natsu shouted in a panic. Lucy had left him behind to make sure the kids were ready and set for their very first day of highschool.

"Give me a minute. I just have to make sure they each have their notebooks and pencils." Lucy scoffed.

"Oh come on. I didn't have notebooks or pencils on the first day."

"Yeah but you're... you're Natsu." Lucy giggled.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" Natsu asked defensively. Lucy shook her head back and forth and she continued to laugh. "Lucy~!" Natsu whined.

"Here dad, let me take over." Michiko came around from the back and took over on the cooking job. All dressed in her new school uniform, her mother and father began to get a little emotional.... and by a little I mean a lot.

"My babies are growing up." Lucy cried as she went to Natsu's arms for comfort. But comfort, she did not get. Natsu was already balling on his knees.

"Do... Do... Do you have to go to school? Why can't you just stay home with daddy!! We can play games and color in the coloring books! Like we used to!" Natsu cried and pleaded.

Michiko giggled, "Dad we did that when I was 10. I'm 16 now. Plus! Highschool sounds so exciting! New people, new area. How can I just skip that?" She fantasized what her first year in highschool would be like. She would walk through the halls and see the love of her life standing near the lockers. They make eye contact and begin to walk near eachother to then share a passionate kiss. As Lucy was, Michiko was a romantic. She loved love.

Lucy wiped her tears away and helped get the bacon off of the stove and on to a plate. "I didn't have the best time in highschool, there were a few up and downs..," She had a flashback to a few of the moments she had in highschool (problems with Lisanna. Being told she was going to marry Natsu. Sting. Falling for Natsu. Etc.) "It was fine though, I believe you'll have a fantastic time."

"Thanks mom!" She excitedly kissed her mom's cheek.

"Where is your brother? He always takes so long." Lucy questioned.

"I'll go get him." Michiko volunteered.  She left the kitchen and headed down the hall and up the stairs to their bedroom.

She first knocked on the door, then called out to him. "Hey, breakfast is ready. Are you coming?"

The door flew open, so fast it startled Michiko. "Is there bacon?" He asked.





"Yes, Masato! Just come on." She turned around and walked back to the kitchen as her excited, foodie brother followed closely behind her.

As they got back downstairs into the kitchen, Lucy and Natsu smiled. "Hey! You look just like I did when I was in highschool." Natsu grinned.

"What do you mean 'did'? You still look the same." Lucy laughed, and she was right. Somehow through out the years, they didn't look like they aged a day. The only thing that changed was they looked more mature. 

"Mom's right, you and Masato are basically twins, more so than me and him." Michiko joined in on the laughter.

Masato and Natsu looked eachother in the eye. "Mmm nope, don't see it." They said in unison.

"Hey!" They said together again.

"Stop copying me!"

"OK, fine! But what about you and your mom. You look exactly like her, except you have pink hair." Natsu mentioned.

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