Part 13

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After the cruise, Michiko had been left feeling more awful than before. The feeling she had while laughing with Reign was something so amazing and indescribable. However, that feeling was stolen as soon as Reign said what she had to say.

The sadness and confusion that came across on Reign's face appeared everytime she shut her eyes, making her feel even worse.

Michiko wished and pleaded that she could start everything over. Maybe then Reign could still look her way and smile. Maybe then she'd still have her bestfriend...

'Michiko. Move on.' She heard a voice in her mind.

"Huh?" She questioned.

'Move on.' She heard again.

"But... Why?" She asked, by now she seemed insane just talking with herself in the middle of the school hall.

'This girl causes you too much torment, move on.'

"No! I won't give up on her!" She exclaimed, now everyone in the hall was looking her way. She noticed, giving an awkward wave.

"Not yet at least..." She said quietly.

The voice didn't come back. Hearing herself say those things made her feel good again. She felt confident and strong, just like the day she finally came out.

She went about her day as usual. Did her work, chit-chatted with some friends, had some fun. It was a typical day for her.

Until... Reign showed up at her locker. At the end of the day, Michiko would head to her locker to retrieve her items. Though as she headed to her locker on this day, she stopped midway.

Her heart pounded and her hands became sweaty. 'No... This can't be good...' She froze, afraid of what was to come. Reign stood there with her back against the locker, looking around, probably looking for Michiko.

After standing there, staring at Reign stand at her locker for what seemed like forever, she finally managed to take a step forward.

One step after the other, Michiko managed to make her way over to her locker. Upon seeing Michiko, Reign lifted herself off of the lockers and straightened out her uniform.

"Reign?" Michiko questioned, "Is there something you need?"

"I... Came here because I needed to talk to you." Reign told her, avoiding all eye contact.

"A-about?" Michiko stuttered, her heart beginning to beat faster and faster.

"I told you I needed a little more time to think... and I've finally come to a decision I guess you could say..." said Reign.

Michiko's heart sank, she knew what was to come. For as long as they'd known eachother, Reign always had a thing for boys, especially Masato. Michiko realized she never had a chance in the first place. "Look... I know what you're going to say. And I understand. You like guys and that's just the reality. If you don't like me they way I like you, well then so be it. I'll move on and hopefully we can just go on like we used to." 

Reign stood there dumbfounded by what Michiko said, "Wait wait wait. Hear me out first."


"I've thought alot... and I mean alot. When you kissed me... I'll be honest, I was angry. Mostly angry because I was confused. I kept thinking how could you have done something so selfish to put me in this position. But..." Reign paused as she began to twiddle her fingers.

"But what?" Michiko asked.

"No matter how mad I was... I couldn't stop thinking about it. About the kiss and you, I mean. Every time I thought about it I got butterflies and a warm feeling in my chest. But that just left me even more confused. I mean I've been dedicated to my feelings for Masato since we were 8."

"I know..." Michiko sighed.

"But suddenly... those feelings for Masato were gone... and instead... replaced with feelings for you." Reign admitted.

"H-huh?" Michiko was surprised by what Reign said.

"It's true..." Reign said with a small voice, a bright red blush spreading across her face.

"Y-you have feelings for m-me?" In her state of shock, Michiko was surprised she was able to stutter the sentence out.

"Yes, stop making me say it!" Reign's blush became even more red.

"Ah!" Michiko squealed grabbing Reign and bringing her into a hug. Michiko felt happy, complete. This is what she had been dreaming of.

"But Michiko..." Reign began as she slowly pulled back from the hug.

"What is it?"

"Can we just keep this a secret for a little... I haven't come out yet..." Reign said shyly.

"No problem, we can wait until you're fully comfortable." Michiko told her.

"Thank you, Michiko." Reign gave a smile.

"Of course." Michiko gave a big, happy grin making Reign's heart melt.

"I'll text you later, okay?" Reign told her.

"Later, yeah." Michiko smiled. Reign hugged her once more before she left the school.

Michiko was full of joy, everything was finally coming together. She quickly got home so she could celebrate. Which meant dancing in her room by herself.

She got home bursting with happiness. "Well hello there Cheer Bear, what's up." Her mom asked as she walked through the door.

Michiko gave her a big smile. "Not tellin."

"Tell meeee." Lucy pleaded.

"No." Michiko laughed as she tried to dash to her room, yet her mom was too fast. Michiko tried to shut her door, but her mom slipped right in.

"Why are you hiding secrets from me, I thought we were pals." Lucy fake cried.

Michiko couldn't suppress her excitement anymore, "Okay fine, but you can't tell anyone, okay? It's supposed to be a secret."

"My lips are sealed." Lucy said as she excitedly prepared to hear what Michiko had to say.

"Okay so.... Reign told me she likes me!" Michiko squealed.

"What!?! Really!?!" Lucy exclaimed.


"That's great! I told you everything would work out."

"Thanks mom." Michiko smiled and then gave her mom a hug.

"So you guys a thing... or..?" Lucy asked trying to make everything clear.

"Well, I think? But like I said, it's still a secret right now." Michiko reminded her.

"Right. Well I'm glad everything worked out and that you're happy. I'm gonna go start getting dinner ready." Lucy told her.

"Alright mom, thank you again." With that, Lucy left her daughter's room closing the door behind her.

As Lucy made her way to the kitchen, her phone began to ring. "Hey Juvia, what's up?"

"Lucy, Levy and Erza said they wanted to go out for girls night soon. They want your input on where we should go." Juvia explained.

"Anywhere is fine with me, I'm too happy to care." Lucy answered.

"What's made you so happy? N-not that you being happy is bad, Juvia is just asking."

Lucy laughed at Juvia's cuteness, "Our daughters are dating and Michiko is just so happy which makes me happy."

"Huh? Did you just say our daughters are dating?" Juvia questioned with a shocked.

Lucy gasped and covered her mouth, realizing what she did. "Uh... Got to go!" Lucy shouted.

"Lucy-!" Lucy hung up on Juvia before she could say anymore.

'Uh oh....' Lucy thought feeling terribly inside for spilling the beans. Michiko would not be happy when she heard about this...

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