Part 6

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After running awhile from Paul's place, Michiko went to sit at a park close to her house. She cried heavily, terrified of the events that had just occured.

Her shirt was soaked with tears, as if she spilled water on herself. She was just glad no one was around to watch her have a break down. 

With everything that happened, Michiko had totally spaced on the fact that this was the very park Reign took a walk in every night.

While she walked through the park on her nightly routine, Reign saw Michiko sitting on one of the swings in the playground. She got excited and began to approach her, but the closer she got, she soon realized Michiko was crying.

Reign immediately rushed over to her wanting to know what was wrong. "Michiko! What's wrong? What happened?" She questioned. Michiko was shocked to see Reign, but she was more happy than anything. However, she was too scared to tell her what happened.

She quickly wiped away her tears and  put on a quick smile. "Nothing's wrong, I'm as happy as a clam. No problems here." She lied. "Oh look at the time, I should really be heading home. See you around " And with that, Michiko tried to walk past Reign.

However, Reign grabbed her hand and she was passing by. Michiko stopped in her tracks, her heart beginning to beat harder and faster.

"Michiko." Reign said with a serious tone.

"I told you... nothing happened..." Michiko said with a much softer, quieter tone.

"I've known you all of my life Chicko. We've been best friends for all of our lives. I know when somethings up. So stop lying to me.... Please. You know all I ever wanted to do was help."

Hearing Reign's words, hearing her sweet voice, Michiko became weak. Her tears began to pour out again. She turned around to face Reign and quickly hugged her.

"I was so scared!" She cried.

Reign rubbed her back, wanting to comfort her. "What happened?"

Michiko explained what happened, except she left out the details of what she needed to get her mind off of. 

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? We could press charges against him?" Reign panicked.

"No no no. Please I just want to forget about it." Michiko sighed.

"Hm... Okay. Come with me." Reign said, taking a hold of Michiko's hand again. Michiko became more nervous, but even more happy, it felt so nice to be holding her hand.

"W-where are we going?" She asked shyly.

"You'll see." Reign smiled.

They walked through the grass for a little until they got to a large tree. "What are we doing here?" Michiko asked as Reign laid down on the ground.

"Lay with me."

Michiko slowly got down and laid down beside her. They both gazed at the stars that twinkled above them. Michiko suddenly felt calm and happy, as if the situation with Paul had never happened.

"You remember when we were younger and we snuck out of our houses to come out here and 'camp'?"

"Oh my gosh we got in so much trouble for that." Michiko laughed.

"It's just a good thing you got to your house before your mom called the cops." Reign laughed with her.

"Good thing I forgot Mr. Fluffy at home." Mr. Fluffy was Michiko's favorite stuffed animal when she was younger.

"Mr. Fluffy!! I totally forgot about him. I can't believe you actually carried him around until you were thirteen." Reign couldn't stop laughing.

"Leave me alone! Mr. Fluffy was an excellent advice giver. AND! An excellent cuddler." Michiko defended Mr. Fluffy's honor.

"You still cuddle with him don't you!" Reign joked around.

"And if I do?!"

"That's so cute." Reign laughed.

"What about you, Ms. I sucked my thumb until I was 14. Hmmm?" Michiko teased.

"You're so mean to me." Reign laughed.

"Oh, please. You love me."

"Yeah you're right," Reign smiled, "I missed this."

Michiko suddenly sat up, surprising Reign. She sat up next to her, "Michiko? What's wrong?"

"Reign... I've been having a problem. A big one. And I don't know what to do about it. I'm scared if I do end up doing something about it, everything will be messed up and ruined. But I'm also scared if I don't do anything about it, I'm always going to feel weird and uncomfortable." Michiko confessed.

"Well then I guess you'd have to do something about it. It's better you feel comfortable and happy." Reign told her.

"Yeah... maybe you're right." She sighed.

"If you tell me what the problem is, I can probably help you figure out what to do." Reign said.

"I don't know..." Michiko became more scared.

"Oh come on, just tell-" In the midst of Reign's sentence, Michiko pulled Reign in close and kissed her.

When she pulled away, she panicked. "Reign, I'm so sorry."

Reign was silent. Her face full of shock.

"Reign, please say something." Michiko pleaded. However, Reign didn't day anything. She just stood up and ran home without saying a thing.

Michiko's heart dropped. This was the exact thing she didn't want to happen. Yet here she was, living her nightmare.

Michiko walked home that night, uncertainty all around her. Unsure if things would ever be the same.

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