Part 12

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Spring Break!!

After everything that had happened, everyone was ready to get away and relax.

"Luce, please. If you love me you won't make me go on this cruise!!" Natsu begged.

"Natsu you've known about this for over a month now. You've had time to prepare." Lucy rolled her eyes.

"But now it's real!" Natsu whined.

Michiko skipped over to her whining father, "Come on, pops. It could be fun."

"Yo! Natsu!" A shout was heard from someone walking up the dock. The Dragneel family turned to see it was the Fullbusters.

"Juvia!" Lucy waved.

"Well since everyone's here, can we finally get on the ship?" Masato asked.

"I think so, yeah. Everybody grab your bags and let's go!" Lucy said excitedly.

Everyone grabbed their bags and began to walk, except Lucy was being held back.

"Natsu! Let go! Get up and get on that ship!" Lucy yelled, trying to shake Natsu off of her leg.

"Lucy please, I get sick just thinking about it." Natsu begged.

"Natsu. You're not going to ruin this vacation! Get. On. The ship." Lucy growled. Hearing Lucy's scary tone, he let go of her leg and crawled to his bag.

"You're so mean to me." Natsu sulked.

"But I love you, so get on the ship." Lucy said in a sweet tone.

"Pathetic as always." Gray laughed at his miserable best friend.

"Shut up, Stripper!" Natsu continued to sulk. Everyone grabbed their bags and began to make their way up the ramp and on to the ship, Lucy having to push Natsu all the way up.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Michiko said excitedly, glancing over to Reign. However, Reign avoided all eye contact.

"Hi guys! Welcome to Sunny Shores Cruise Line. May I take a group photo of you?" A man holding a large camera asked before they could enter the ship.

"Of course." Lucy answered with a smile.

Everyone bundled together as the man focused his camera on the group. He counted down from 3 and once he was done a bright flash was seen. The moment had been captured.

"The photo should be ready in a while, it will be brought to your room." The man smiled.

"Do you think we could get 2 photos?" Juvia asked.

"Of course!" The man smiled. "Well, have a wonderful time aboard the cruise!" And with that, everyone made their way inside of the ship.

The sun beamed over the cruise ship, everyone (Except Natsu) was excited to start the trip and enjoy some fun in the sun. They all quickly went to their rooms and got everything set up. They changed into swimsuits and went out to enjoy the activities of the cruise.

Once the ship began to move, Natsu was completely miserable. Toppled over, one hand holding a rail and the other cupping his mouth. Masato kneeled over by his sea sick father and gently pat his back.

"Just let it all out." Masato told him.

"Including my life?" Natsu gripped the rail even tighter.

"Come on, dad. It's not even that bad." Masato rolled his eyes.

"You're just saying that..... Because you got Lucy's... genes instead of mine," he paused, almost throwing up, "You don't get motion sickness like I do."

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