Part 19

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With the school year coming to a close within just meer weeks, everyone was in high spirits. Summer break was just around the corner.

At school, Masato looked around for Suno. It was his off period which he had shared with Suno.

Usually she would have met him at his locker, but today she was no where to be found. Masato worried something had happened to her. 

He walked outside to the school courtyard as he was about to send her a message asking where she was. However, he erased the message as he saw her sitting on the fountain facing away from him.

He quickly walked over to her and took a seat right beside the girl. "Hey." He smiled.

"Oh, hi..." She says quietly. Something was definitely up.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" He questioned.

"Do you remember the first day of school when we met?" She questioned, bypassing his question.

"Of course I do."

"I remember thinking you were so adorable," She slightly smiled at the thought, "I was so horrible to you then, I don't know why you fell for me."

"I knew there was something amazing within." He smiled as he grabbed her hand and held it in his.

The small smile she had left as her sadness took over once again. "This year has felt so long, but our time we've been together has been so short..."

"Suno... Is everything okay?" Masato questioned fearing something bad was about to happen.

"Masato... I..." Suno began, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.

His heart began racing, "Suno... Are you breaking up with me? Did I do something wrong?"

She dropped her head and shook it back and forth, "No... It's a lot harder than that."

He gently put his hand on her chin and lifted her head up to face him, "Please tell me what's going on." His voice was quiet and calm even though his mind was thinking of all the worse case scenarios.

"Masato, my mom is making us move..." She cried.

"Move? Move where? Move why?" Masato's heart was shattering piece by piece.

"Somewhere far." She wrapped her arms around him and wept into his chest.

"But... Why?" His mind was plagued with thoughts of worry.

"My mom says she doesn't feel safe here anymore... My dad... He got a plea deal. If he plead guilty he would only get a year in prison and then another year on probation. He took it and now my mom is worried that once he gets out he'll come for us again now that he knows where we live." She explained as tears continued to fall down her face, sniffling every few words.

"No... No way. Only a year? He stabbed me." Masato was furious.

"I know... It's awful..." Masato held her tightly in his arms as she cried.

"I don't want to leave Masato..."

"I don't want you to either. I can protect you, I can keep you safe." Tears began to trickle out of his eyes as well.

"My mom has already made up her mind... There's nothing we can do." Suno said sadly.

"No. I won't give up, I'll talk to her. I'll change her mind. I can't let you leave." Masato shook his head.

Suno gripped his hand tightly and looked him straight in his eyes, her pain very visible to him. "Please don't make this harder than it has to be Sato..."

"I don't want to let you go..." He dropped his head to her shoulder and cried.

"We can still be together. I want to still be together. We'll just have to make things work long distance. I know we can get through this." She ran her fingers through his hair trying to comfort him. 

They sat for awhile without a word spoke between the two. The only sound to be heard was the sniffling of their running noses.

Breaking the silence, Masato asked in a quiet voice, "When are you leaving?"

"The day after the last day of school..."

"Only have two more weeks together then." Masato heavily sighed.

"I wish things could be different. I'm sorry Sato." Her heart broke seeing how upset Masato was.

"It's not your fault your dad is a psycho. Just don't apologize anymore, it'll be okay. We'll work something out." Knowing the time they had left was short, he knew he had to be strong. Being sad over the situation wasn't going to make her stay.

The girl nodded her head also knowing the same thing, She gave Masato a smile, the remaining bit of tears sparkling in her crystal blue eyes. "I hope my mom will let me come visit every now and then."

"I'll wait for you as long as it takes." Masato leaned foward and brought their foreheads together.

"You're the sweetest guy in the whole world. How did I get so lucky?" Suno gently laughed.

"Mm maybe it wasn't luck, maybe it was just fate." Slowly he brought their lips together enjoying her warmth on his.

"I'll miss you." She whispered as they pulled away from the kiss.

"I'll miss you too." He kissed her on her forehead and took in the view of his brown haired beauty.

"After highschool is over, I'll get you back, you just wait." Masato grinned.

"And how's that?" Suno questioned.

"I'll get us a place of our own to live. Somewhere where I can protect you and keep you safe all on my own."

"I think I like the sound of that plan." She smiled brightly and hugged him.

"Good." He hugged her back tightly, excited for his new found plan. He knew he was going to have to work hard if he wanted his plan to work, and that's exactly what he was going to do.

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