Part 2

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Masato walked over to the brown haired beauty sitting across the room. "Hi, I'm Masato Dragneel. What's your name?"

"Suno. Suno Grace. Did you say your last name was Dragneel? As in the Dragneel company?" She asked.

"Oh, yeah. My dad is the head of the company." Masato grinned.

"Oh that's pretty cool." Suno smiled brightly.

"Anyways, I just came over here to talk to you because I saw you were alone and I thought to myself, 'hm, no pretty lady such as her should be alone.'"

"Aw you you think I'm pretty?" She smiled even more, making Masato extremely happy.

"I do."

"Well I think you're pretty cute yourself." She told him, making him blush.

"Oh really?" He asked and she nodded her head in answer.

"Then you wouldn't mind going on a date with me?" Masato smirked.

"I'll think about it." She grinned then wrote her number on a piece of paper. "I'll text you my answer." Masato took the piece of paper and then returned to his seat.

Michiko, however, was not having as easy of a time.

She sat in class, her heart nearly beating out of her chest every moment Reign popped into her mind, and it probably didn't help that she was sitting right next to her.

'What is going on with me' She thought to herself as she tightly grabbed the the fabric over her heart.

"Hey? Are you okay? You've been acting weird all morning." Reign asked.

"I'm fine, I don't know what you're talking about." Michiko lied, starting to play with her hair to make her feel just the slightest better.

"Stop lying to me. We've been friends our entire lives. I know when somethings off," Reign rolled her eyes, "just tell me what's going on."

Luckily for Michiko, the bell rang. 'Saved by the bell' she thought as she quickly stood from her seat and left the classroom.

"Michiko! Wait!" She heard Reign call as she sped down the hallway packed with people. "Well okay. Maybe all the people give her anxiety?" Reign said quietly to herself.

In her process of trying to run away, she ran straight into her brother. Stunned, she took a few steps back. "Hey Mich, how's it going?" Masato asked.

"Um. It's okay I guess." She looked around anywhere for an escape route.

"Well I met this girl and I think we really hit it off." He grinned happily.

"Oh that's great. But I gotta get to class." Michiko said as an excuse.

"Well alright, see ya later pal." As Masato began to wave her off she disappeared into the crowd.

'What a weirdo' Masato began to think before he was called over by Suno.

"Hey there, thought anymore about the date?" He asked as he leaned against a locker.

"It hasn't even an hour since you asked me." She laughed.

"Yeah, but the sooner you give me an answer, the more time I have to show you how great I am." He smirked.

"Yeah, sure. I'm still thinking about it though." Suno told him. The bell then rang to signal the children in the hallway to get to class.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" Masato started walking backwards towards his class.

"Maybe." Suno winked, making Masato smile then run to class. Suno then began to head to class with her friends.

"He's cute. Are you guys going to date?" One of her friends asked.

"I'm not sure I like him. But his dad is the head of the Dragneel company, which means he probably has money. Just think of all the stuff he could get me." Suno happily sighed.

"You're gonna use him?" Another girl asked.

"Duh. When have I ever dated someone because I liked them." Suno snickered.

"Girl you are bad!" Her friends then began to laugh.

"That's why you guys love me." Suno grinned.

Unfortunately for Masato, he believed he and Suno would be a good pair together. She was only thinking about the money he had.

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