Part 3

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As the week went on, Michiko knew she needed to do something to stop feeling the way she did. Michiko figured if she hung around more guys,  what she felt would just disappear. Which is how she came to meet Paul.

"Hey Paul." Michiko waved as she walked into class. His feet were propped up on top of the desk and he had an attitude about him that just suggested he thought he could be anywhere better than school.

"'Sup pink." He said in the most relaxed tone. Obviously the nickname 'pink' coming from her hair color. Michiko took her seat next to him.

As she observed the guy sitting next to her, she noticed a tattoo on his arm. It was a snake wrapped around a blade.

"Hey, what's that?" She asked pointing out the tattoo.

"A tattoo."

"Well obviously, but like does it have a meaning or anything." She questioned.

"I just thought it was cool." He answered.

"Oh," She slowly nodded her head, "that's cool."


Unfortunately for Michiko, his quietness today was not helping Michiko feel any better about the things she was feeling inside of her.

Later that day at lunch, Michiko decided to hang out with Masato. "Do you have like $5 I can use to go buy lunch?" Masato asked.

"Yeah... But what happened to all of your money?" Michiko questioned. It was weird of Masato to not have money since he was usually so responsible with it.

"I went to the mall with Suno, that girl I was telling you about, and she really wanted these pair of shoes, but didn't bring any money with her. So I couldn't resist." He smiled lovingly.

"You blew all of your money on a pair of shoes?"

"And a couple outfits for her." He told her.

"You guys have only known eachother for less than a week. Why are you spending so much money on her?" Very confused, Michiko shook her head.

"I feel something with her. Like there's a real connection between us yah know." As he said that, Michiko couldn't help but to think about Reign. She heavily sighed, then pulled out a five for Masato.

"Thanks sis." He happily took the five from her hands.

"So what's her next class?" Michiko asked as she rested her chin on her hand.

"Phys Ed. Why?" Her twin brother questioned.

"It's my off period and I'd like to see 'Ms. Everything'. See if she's really all what you talk her up to be." She explained.

"She's absolutely perfect, you'll see." Masato cooed.

"Great." Michiko gave him a thin lipped smile.

"So. What's been up with you lately. You've been acting.... strange."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She lied.

"Come on. I've literally known you all of my life. I know when something is up." Masato pushed for her to tell him. As much as she wanted to tell him what she felt and the pain she was in from her own emotions, she locked up more.

"Nothing is wrong, okay?" She exploded, "Just leave it alone." She stood up from the table they sat at, her heart racing at the speed sound. She couldn't believe she had exploded like that on her own brother. However, she turned and began to walk away.

"Mich! Come on! Now there's for sure something wrong." He called to her, yet she continued to walk away without another word spoken.

Once lunch was over, Michiko headed to the gym where she knew she would find Suno. She walked into the girls locker room where she found the sleek, brown haired girl talking with her friends.

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