Part 4

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The next day at school, Masato was determined to prove his family wrong. He knew Suno was something good and he wasn't going to give up on her.

He walked into school with a a pep in his step. He explored the halls looking for the girl his heart was attached to.

His plan was to ask her to come over and have dinner with his family so he could show them just how great she was. He wasn't going to let them have a bad opinion about her if they haven't even met her. 

He continued to walk through the hallways until he finally saw her. Although, she was with her friends. Even though Masato had wanted to speak with her so bad, something compelled him to stand to the side and listen to what they were talking about.

"Things with this new guy are getting too complicated. Like I don't think you've ever used a guy who had a sister who went to the same school as us." One of her friends said.

'Used?' Masato thought.

Suno sighed and rolled her eyes, "Yeah I know. His sister is a psycho." She laughed. "But I think I'm gonna keep him for a little while longer. He makes a cute little love sick puppy right?"

"You're so right." Her friends began to giggle.

Masato's heart was crushed. He was wrong. Michiko was right, yet he yelled at her and said all of those things about her.

Masato walked away unnoticed. His heart was heavy, every beat felt like a punch to his chest.

'How could I have been so blinded? Why didn't I listen to Michiko? Why was I so stupid?' The more Masato thought about it, the angrier he felt. Suno used him. He had real feelings for her, yet all she saw about him was the money.

Masato went through the day, his anger boiling throughout his blood. When lunch came around, he knew Suno would be there soon since he had promised to get her lunch the day before.

He sat silently, waiting at one of the lunch tables. Suddenly, he felt arms from behind wrap around him.

"Hi babe, we going out for lunch?" She asked sweetly.

"Babe? Wow, that's a change." He said in a monotonous tone.

"What are you talking about?" Suno asked confused.

"I didn't know you called puppies babe, but then again what do I know?" He said, bitterness laced in his words.

"I'm sorry? What?" She continued to play dumb.

"Oh please, stop playing dumb. You know I fought for you. Even though everyone was telling me how bad you were for me, I told them no. I told them what I felt for you was real. What we had was real. But really, you couldn't give a care in the world about me." At this point, Masato couldn't even look at her.

"Have you been talking to your sister? I told you, she-"

"Stop. First of all, my sister isn't a psycho. If you ever say anything like that about her ever again, I won't hesitate to knock some sense into, girl or not. Second of all, my sister isn't a liar which I should have realized when she was telling me what you said even though you had told me something different." 

"Come on Masato, you don't wanna leave me, do you?" She said, twirling her fingers on his arms, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"No. But I'm done being your 'pet'. I'm done being your toy. I really liked you, Suno. I really did. I fought for you. I thought I could be someone who taught you how to love. But you're obviously too self centered and cold hearted." Suno became silent.

Masato stood up from the table, "Have a great life." Then walked away.

Suno sat with a blank look on her face, absolutely dumbfounded.

When Masato got home later that day, he noticed Michiko's backpack hanging on one of the dining room table chairs, meaning she was home. He went to her room to see the door was closed.

He knocked twice then opened the door. As soon as he entered, Michiko gained a sad look on her face as she crossed her arms. "What do you want?" She asked.

"Mich... I'm so sorry." He quickly walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. Michiko was very confused, seeing as he had already apologized the other night after their mom had told him to.

"What? Did mom tell you your apology wasn't sincere enough? Because she was right."

Masato pulled back with tears brimming his eyes. Michiko was shocked and suddenly very worried. "Masato?! What's wrong?!"

He pointed his finger to his heart. "What happened?" She asked as she was the one to pull him into a hug.

"I saw Suno for who she really is today... You were right. Everyone was right. I'm so stupid." He began to cry harder. Michiko squeezed him harder.

"Oh, Sato.... I wish you would have listened to me. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen." She ran her fingers through his hair, knowing it was one of the ways to calm him down.

"I'm so sorry Michiko. I'm so so so sorry." He repeated over and over again.

"Shhh." She continued to play with his hair until he was fully calmed. "Everything is going to be okay. You're going to find someone so much better than her, you'll see." She told him.

"Thank you... if you need anything, or if you want to talk about what's going on with you, I promise I'm here." Masato said, finishing wiping away his tears.

"I know, I love you, Masato." She rubbed his head one last time.

"I love you too, Michiko." He replied.

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