Part 14

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"Masato, you really don't have to walk me home." Suno told him as she held his arm in her hands.

"Do you really want that though? I mean what if I was just like 'ok' and turned around and started walking home. What kind of boyfriend would I be then?" Masato tried acting serious but just ended up laughing.

"You're such a punk." Suno laughed along with the pink haired boy.

"Lets just get you home, okay?" He continued to laugh.

The continued walking along the sidewalk, having a casual conversation.

"If we ever had a kid, would you want a boy or a girl?" Suno asked.

"Why not both?" Masato gave his answer.

Suno let out a cute little laugh, "Well if we had a boy, I would name it-" Suno suddenly stopped speaking and walking.

"Suno?" Masato questioned, grabbing her hand.

"No... No no no no no..." She kept repeating 'no' over and over as her eyes were set on something in front of her.

"Suno what's wrong??" Masato tried to ask, but she didn't answer. She continued to say the same thing. Because she wasn't answering, Masato tried to look in the direction she was looking at.

She was looking toward what he guessed to be her house. There was a car hastily parked in the front. "Suno, talk to me. What's happening?"

She slowly pointed her finger to the car, "T-t-that's my dad's car..." She suddenly dashed towards the house, Masato followed closely behind. As they got closer, they could hear yelling coming from inside.

"You never loved her!" A woman's voice shouted.

"She's my daughter!" A husky male voice yelled back. Suno and Masato rushed into the house.

Everything was trashed. The coffee table was flipped to it's side, glass shards were scattered all across the floor, everything was out of place.

"You can't take her!" The woman yelled. The man slapped the woman, making her fall to the ground. From her position she spotted Suno and Masato standing in the doorway.

"S-Suno!" Suno's mom said, shocked. "Suno, go! Get out of her!"

"Don't you dare." Her father growled.

"Mom..." Suno had tears in her her eyes.

"You're coming with me." Her father began to approach her, however Masato stepped in front of her to protect her.

"Back off." Masato ordered.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are. But you better get out of my way if you know what's good for you." The man stared deep into Masato's eyes, but Masato didn't move one inch.

Suno's father grabbed at her arm, but Masato quickly punched him square in his jaw, knocking him back.

"You little..." He turned over and grabbed a large shard glass and lunged at Masato. Masato pushed Suno out of the way, making sure she was safe. However that meant he wasn't safe.

When Suno's father lunged at him with the glass shard, he was struck down. He fell to the ground and felt his face where the pain was coming from. He looked at his fingers and saw blood. Suno's father had cut him straight across his cheek, right under his right eye.

"Masato!" Suno screamed, seeing the blood trickle down his cheek.

Masato stood up very menacingly, a fire now burning in his eyes. "Leave. Before I hurt you."

"What's a kid like you gonna do to me, huh?" The man said, getting in Masato's face.

Without breaking eye contact, Masato punched him right in his throat. The man once again fell back, this time clutching his throat while gasping for air.

"Leave." Masato ordered the man.

Suno's father tried to regain his composure as he finally was able to breathe again. He stared deeply into Masato with a hateful look.

"Now!" Masato exclaimed with a growl making Suno and her mom flinch.

Suno's father slowly stood up from the floor, giving everyone around him a glare.

He pointed towards Suno, "I will be back to get you." Then pointed towards Masato, "This isn't over. At all." He now pointed around at everyone.

He angrily grabbed his jacket which laid on the sideways coffee table. Then walking out of the house, slamming the door on his way out.

"You guys okay?" Masato asked calmly.

"M-masato..." Suno said quietly.

"Are you okay?" Suno's mom asked as she raised herself from the ground.

"Yeah? Why?" He questioned.

"You're bleeding, Masato." Suno reminded him.

"Oh Yeah, forgot about that." Masato smiled.

Suno began to cry. "No No why are you crying?" Masato questioned.

"You're hurt because you tried to help us." She cried.

"No it's okay, it's just a scratch." He reassured her.

"Are you sure? It looks pretty deep." Suno's mom told him.

"Meh, it'll heal. As long as you guys are okay." Masato said. Suno tightly hugged Masato, crying into his chest as he rubbed the back of her head.

"You're crazy." She slightly laughed through her tears. Suno pulled back from the hug and turned to her mom. "Mom this amazing boy is Masato Dragneel, Masato this is my mom, Jenny Grace."

"Masato, the way you protected us today... I can't thank you enough. Suno has never brought any of her boyfriends home, but I'm glad she brought you. And I know it wasn't the greatest first impression and I'm sorry for that. But I'm so glad you were here. Thank you. Thank you so much." She said as she began to tear up.

"It wasn't a problem. I'd do anything for Suno, which includes you as well. So if he ever bothers you ever again, call me and I will be here faster than the speed of sound." Masato told them.

"Thank you again Masato." Jenny gave him a heartfelt smile with a hug following after it.

"Well I should probably go, gotta clean up my face and stuff." Masato hugged Suno tightly before waving to both her and her mom as he left.

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