Part 5

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One day after school, Paul invited Michiko to hang out over his house. With everything she was feeling, she said yes.

Paul had his own apartment, which Michiko thought was kind of weird considering he was only 16, but she wasn't going to ask.

"This is my place." Paul said as they walked in. It was pretty bare. There was a couch, a small tv and a coffee table.

"Oh, cool." Michiko said quietly. They sat down on his couch and he turned on the tv.

Throughout the night, whenever Paul would try to talk about something, Michiko would give short quiet responses. For some reason, in this night she felt more sad and confused than ever before.

"So am I boring or is there a problem? What's up?" Paul asked.

"Sorry... I don't know I guess I just feel down." Michiko told him.

"Um... do you want to talk about it? That's a thing people do right?" He asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it, sorry." Michiko sighed.

"Well if you don't want to talk about it, I could help take your mind off of it." He told her.

"How so?" Michiko asked.

"Well... You ever been high?"

"No, but I'll try it." Michiko said as Paul got up and left the living into what she believed to be his bedroom.

"Well lucky for you I just got a bunch of good stuff." He said as he brought out a box of stuff.

"Are we going to smoke?" Michiko asked.

"We could, or I have other stuff. I have stuff you could eat if you don't want to smoke."

"I'm always down for food. Plus I've never smoked so I'm not sure how well that would go." Michiko giggled a bit.

"Alright." From the box he was holding in his hand he pulled out a few things. A brownie, a muffin, some gummy bears, and some other foods.

"Your pick, pink." Michiko looked over all the foods he pulled out. Everything looked like it would be good, but she had to go with the gummy bears.

"Are you sure? The gummy bears are pretty strong." He warned.

"Even better." She smirked and happily sat down with the small bag of adult gummy bears. She began to eat them, they had a funny taste to them, but that was probably because they weren't normal gummy bears. 

At first, she didn't feel anything. "This is lame, I thought you said these were strong."

"Give it a second, I promise you'll feel it." As soon as he said that, she started to feel it. As if she was looped up on laughing gas.

"Okay, I take everything I said back. This is awesome." She laughed. Paul laughed at how much things changed so fast.

All of a sudden, Michiko had the sudden urge to dance. "Can we play some music?" She asked, her eyes wide open, both hands gripping his arm.

"Yeah sure, pink." He stood up and plugged his phone into a speaker. "What are you feeling?"

"Anything, I just wanna dance!" She said excitedly.

He put on "Today's Hits" and let her go at it. She began dancing as if she never had before. Jumping, swaying, anything that she felt like doing, she did.

"Dance with me." She said holding a hand out to him.

"I don't dance." He told her.

"Please!" She pouted.

"Fine..." He agreed and stood up to dance with her.

"Yay!" She took him by the hands and started moving about, "dancing". Michiko felt better, she felt good. Her mind was void of anything about Reign.

All of a sudden, Paul stopped their dancing. "What? Why? What are you doing?" Michiko asked, questioning why they weren't dancing anymore.

Instead of answering her with words, he kissed her. Michiko pulled away, highly confused, "Paul?"

"Shh..." He began to rub his hands up and down her body, while kissing her neck. Discomfort and fear struck Michiko's body, immediately sobering her up.

"Paul, wait." Michiko pleaded. Paul didn't listen. He swung Michiko onto the couch and threw himself on top of her. He continued to rub his hands on her body, slowing trying to raise up her shirt. 

"Paul, stop!" Michiko fought to get him off of her.

"Come on, Pink. Let loose, have a little fun..." He said face deep in her neck.

"Get off!" She shoved his body off of hers, breathing deeply.

"What the hell?! You owe me this." Paul said, clearly angry.

"Owe you for what!?" Michiko yelled back at him.

"Drugs don't come cheap, pal."

"I'm not giving you my body as payment, you... you... You Sicko!" She quickly stood up and dashed out of Paul's apartment.

She ran and didn't stop, afraid Paul would be right behind her if she did.

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