Part 20

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Now that they were no longer hiding their relationship, Reign and Michiko proudly walked out of school hand in hand. Everyone was actually really happy for them, though confused since most people had never expected Reign nor Michiko to like girls.

"I'm so happy it's Friday!" Reign smiled brightly as she squeezed Michiko's hand happily.

"Couldn't have come sooner." Michiko agreed as they continued to walk home.

"Since it's Friday... Do you wanna go see a movie or something?" Reign shyly asked the pink haired girl.

"Reign," Michiko pretended to be shocked, "Are you asking me on a date." She held her free hand over her mouth, holding back her fake gasp.

"Our first official one, yes." She smiled.

"I would love to see a movie with you." Michiko smiled as she leaned over to kiss her girlfriend on the cheek as they continued to walk.

"Well then, let me just get home to change out of this uniform and then I'll come get you and we'll go see that one movie about the circus guy you wanted to go see." Reign told her.

Michiko actually gasped this time, but with pure happiness, "The Greatest Showman!?"

Reign nodded and laughed at the girl's cute excitement. Michiko cheered happily.

"Okay, go home quick," Michiko left a kiss upon her cheek once again, "I'll see you soon." With that Michiko dashed off towards her house leaving Reign shaking her head as she continued to laugh.

As Michiko quickly got home, she burst through the door, slightly frightening her father. She stood at the door huffing and puffing from the running she did.

"Michiko, are you okay?" Natsu asked very concerned about his daughter.

"Reign asked me on a date!" She threw her hands in the air and her head back as she happily screamed.

"Yaaayyy." Natsu began cheering with his daughter.

Michiko intertwined their fingers together with both hands and smiled brightly. "It's our first official date."

"What are you going to do?" Natsu questioned. The happiness he saw in Michiko reminded him heavily of Lucy, her looking exactly like her probably helped more. But regardless, the happiness he saw from her made his heart leap with joy. Though there was also a tinge of sadness as he realized his little girl was growing up.

"We're going to go see a movie I've been really wanting to watch. Ah! I have to go change. I love you, dad!" She removed her hands from his and dashed to her room to change leaving Natsu standing alone.

He let out a soft sigh and walked over to a book shelf and pulled out a photo album full of baby photos of the twins. Natsu dat down and happily yet sadly looked through the pictures. Nostalgia filled him as he recollected the memories. Although he was sad they were really growing up, he couldn't have been more proud of the wonderful people they had become. Completely unafraid to show who they truly were.

The door bell rang and Natsu went to open it, knowing it was most likely Reign. As he opened the door, the navy haired girl gave him a smile as he stepped aside to let her in.

"Michiko will be down in a second. She went to change." He explained.

"Okay," She noticed the photo album sitting on the coffee table, "How are you?" She asked.

"Always good." Natsu answered.

"Were you looking at their baby pictures?" Reign questioned.

"Yeah," He happily sighed, "I never knew raising kids would be like this. Didn't ever think it would be this hard to watch you guys grow up."

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