Part 8

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At school, Michiko was also noticing something off. She noticed that her situation was now switched. Instead of her avoiding Reign, Reign was avoiding her.

She wasn't dumb, she knew why. Knowing the kiss was the reason why Reign was avoiding Michiko, she gave Reign her space and left it alone, not wanting to cause anymore conflict with her.

Although she understood the situation very well, her chest still ached. She couldn't help but feel like she had ruined everything. She felt as if they would never speak again.

Michiko went throughout her day, earbuds in and some music blasting. Her heart heavy, mourning the eventual loss of her bestfriend.

As the school day came to an end, Michiko went straight home and straight to her room. She dropped her bags at the now closed door and then face-planted right into her bed.

She could no longer hold in everything she held in all day. Her pillow became soaked as she began to spill her feelings. She regretted everything she did, everything she felt. She wanted things to go back to how they used to be.

In the midst of her sobbing, mama-bear Lucy happened to be walking by and heard said sobs. Lucy knocked on the door asking, "Michiko? What's going on?"

"Nothing, mom. I'm okay." Michiko called back, however the shakiness in her voice bled through.

Lucy shook her head and walked in the room to see Michiko balled up on her bed, clutching a pillow. "Michiko..." Lucy sighed as she walked towards her.

"I said I'm okay. Just go." Michiko said as she began to cry harder. Lucy took a seat on her bed next to her and began to rub her arm.

"I'm not stupid, Michiko. Tell me what's wrong." Lucy said with a calm tone.

Michiko looked at her mom with tired, bloodshot eyes. She hesitated, afraid this would make things real or that her mom that she looked up to for so long wouldn't see her the same.

"I know you want to tell me, I can see it in your eyes." Lucy nudged her.

Michiko took a deep breath in. "The other night... when Masato and I were fighting about Suno..." She paused.


"He said I had been acting strange... Or at least as if there was something up with me... He was right, mom..." She looked at her mom with sad eyes.

"What's going on with you?" Lucy asked as she gently rubbed Michiko's arm.

Michiko began to cry harder, "So much has happened, mom. I just wish everything could go back to normal. It's all because something in me feels different but I don't want to. If I truly feel this way, I'll ruin everything." She sobbed into Lucy's arms.

"Michiko... Just tell me what's going on sweetie."

"I... I think I have feelings for Reign... But it's wrong! And I screwed up, mom. I really really screwed up." Michiko confessed. Lucy was shocked by Michiko's words, but then slightly smiled.

"Shh... How did you screw up?" Lucy asked with a calm tone.

"I was at the park the other night just thinking about everything... and then she was there. We were talking about old times and we were having fun..." Michiko gave a sad smile, "But then I kissed her... And she hasn't talked to me or even looked at me since."

Michiko cried harder and harder. "I'm such a disappointment. I shouldn't have feelings for her, I know. I mean she's a girl and I'm a girl. I'm sorry, mom." She sobbed.

Lucy began to laugh, which seemed incredibly inappropriate for the situation. Michiko stopped crying, confused by her mother's laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked.

"Because you're being ridiculous, Michiko. You're not a disappointment and you really don't need to apologize." Lucy told her.

"...really?" Michiko asked.

"Yes sweetie. You can't choose who you have feelings for. As much as you try, at the end of the day the heart wants who the heart wants. Just because you like girls over guys doesn't change who you are." Lucy began to play with Michiko's hair.

"So... You're not disappointed in me?" Michiko questioned, sniffling away her tears.

"No, silly. Plus I always had a feeling you didn't like boys." Lucy smiled.


"You're my daughter, I can just tell. Plus you've never had a boyfriend. Never had an interest in boys." Lucy explained.

"Yeah... I guess you're right. But what about Reign.... I completely screwed up with her." Michiko sighed.

"You probably just surprised her. She's probably just as confused as you were when you first started feeling what you feel. Just give her some time and I promise everything will be okay." Lucy looked deeply into Michiko's eyes and gave her a heartfelt smile.

"You're right. Thank you mom." Michiko hugged Lucy tightly.

"How about we watch a movie to cheer you up? We can have ice cream and popcorn like we used to when you were little." Lucy suggested.

"Sure, mom." Michiko smiled.

"Alright, I'll go set things up and you just come to the living room when you're ready. We'll decide what to watch when you're there." Lucy said as she began to leave Michiko's bedroom.

"Hey mom," Michiko called before Lucy could completely leave.

"What is it?" Lucy asked.

"Can you not tell dad... Or Sato. About any of this? I want to make sure I'm ready before I tell them." Michiko told her.

"Of course honey." Lucy smiled.

"Thank you."

"And honey, don't forget. None of this changes who you are. You will always be Michiko Dragneel. Okay?" Lucy reminded her.

Michiko smiled happily and walked up to her mother to bring her into a sweet embrace. "I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Michiko."

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