Part 15

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"Reign?" Juvia knocked on her daughter's door.

"Yeah?" Reign answered as she looked up from her homework.

Juvia slightly opened the door and stuck her head in, "Can we talk?"

"Sure, mom. What's up?" Reign asked as Juvia fully entered the room.

"Uh..." Juvia thought back to the phone call she just had with her close friend, Lucy.

"Our daughters are dating..." She remembered Lucy saying. She wasn't sure how to bring this up.

"What's been up? Anything new?" Juvia asked, trying to create a casual atmosphere.

"Nothing much." She replied, putting her homework to the side.

"You sure? We haven't talked much lately, there's really nothing new?" Juvia tried to get Reign to tell her anything, but she wasn't budging.

"Yeah mom. Just school work."

"Okay... But if you ever need to talk about anything... Mom is here for you..." Juvia said, she began to become sad knowing Reign was hiding something from her.

"Mom. Is there something that you know that I don't?" Reign questioned.

"W-well not necessarily that you don't know... but then again you wouldn't know that I know or what I know... because there's no way you would know unless-" Juvia began to ramble causing Reign to become very confused.

"Can you just tell me what's going on?" Reign said, getting frustrated.

Juvia held her hands tightly, nervous to bring it up, "A-are you d-dating Michiko...?"

Reign froze and all of the color drained from her face. 'How did she find out...' 'Michiko said she would keep it a secret!' These thoughts flooded through her mind. More and more continued to flood in, making her terrified of how her mom would react if she told her the truth.

"W-what are you talking about?" Reign managed to get out.

Juvia took a seat next to Reign on her bed, "You can tell the truth."

"I d-dont know what you're talking about." Reign began shaking from being so nervous, she felt her anxiety boiling up inside of her.

"Please don't lie..." Juvia sighed.

"S-she's a girl. Why would I date a girl? That's just crazy." Reign tried to play it off as if this were the truth.

"It's not crazy." Juvia said calmly, surprising Reign.


"Juvia has never seen a problem with a girl dating a girl. Or even a guy dating a guy. Juvia thinks as long as there is love, it's okay. There isn't a problem." Juvia smiled.

"You really think so?" Reign asked. Juvia gave her a closed-eye smile and nodded. "How did you find out..?"

"Lucy had mentioned it, but it was probably on accident seeing as how she quickly hung up after that." Juvia gave a small giggle.

As happy as Reign was that her mom accepted her feelings, a frown quickly made it's way upon her face. "What's wrong?" Juvia panicked.

"I asked Michiko to keep it a secret until I was ready. She went behind my back and broke a promise." Reign let out a frustrated sigh.

"Baby girl... Lucy is her mom, they tell eachother everything. You can't be made at her for having a good relationship with her mom. And it's not like Lucy was going to go out and scream it to the world, she didn't even mean to tell Juvia. It just came out." Juvia tried to make her upset daughter feel better about the situation.

"Yeah... I guess you're right." Reign admitted.

Juvia brought Reign into a hug, "Juvia is very proud of you."

"Thank you mom."

"Juvia should have known you two would have ended up together." Juvia mentioned.

"Why's that?" Reign questioned.

"When you guys were just cute little 5 year olds, you promised to marry eachother so you would always be together." She smiled as she recalled that memory.

"Aw." Reign blushed as her heart began to flutter.

"How sweet, hm? Who could have guessed it would become reality?" Juvia gave a happy little laugh.

"Yeah... Don't tell dad yet, I want to tell him when Michiko is around." Reign told her.

"Okay. Juvia will get out of here and let you finish your homework." Juvia told her as she began to stand from the bed.

"It's okay, I think I'm gonna go talk with Michiko." Reign let het know.

"Okay honey. But be back in an hour or so, dinner should be ready by then." With that, Juvia left the room and Reign pulled out her phone to begin sending a text to Michiko.

SEND TO: Best❤❤❤
Come to the park with me?

She sat with her legs crossed on her bed waiting for a response, which she didn't wait too long for.

Best❤❤❤: Right now?

SEND TO: Best❤❤❤
No next week 😐 Yes right now

Best❤❤❤: Lol ok, I'll meet you there in 5 minutes

Reign got up from her bed, threw on some shoes, and left her house. She made her way to the park with a gentle spring breeze blowing past her.

As she got to the park, she took a seat on one of the few swings that were there. She rocked herself back and forth on the swing, watching as the sun began to set.

"Hi." She heard a familiar voice say from behind her. She smiled, knowing it was Michiko.

"Swing with me." Reign patted the swing next to her as she continued to watch the sun.

"What's up?" Michiko asked as she took her seat on the swing right next to Reign.

"You lied to me." Reign said with a smile.

"What? Why are you smiling? If I lied, shouldn't you be mad?" Michiko scratched her head in confusion.

"How could anyone not smile when watching the sunset with the one they love?" She said ever so peacefully.

Michiko became choked up as she heard Reign call her the one she loved. Although her telling Michiko she loved her wasn't something new, this was the first time as a couple she had told her she loved her.

"A-ah... What did I lie about?" Michiko tried to stay calm.

"You promised me you would keep us a secret until I was fully comfortable." Reign reminded her. Michiko's eyes went wide. "But you told your mom, and your mom told my mom, my mom said it was an accident though."

"I'm so sorry! I was just so excited about it and my mom was there for me when I was figuring it all out... I'm so sorry." Michiko apologized over and over, feeling awful for breaking a promise to Reign.

"It's okay, really." She continued to smile, "I don't blame you, I'm glad you did."

"Really?" Michiko questioned how Reign could possibly be glad about her breaking a promise.

"Because your mom told my mom, we had a talk. And it made me a lot more comfortable with it. Because of that, I want you to be with me when I tell my dad." Reign told her.

"Wow, really?!" Michiko became excited.

"Yes. But he needs to be in a good mood. You know how bad things can get when my dad is in a bad mood." Reign laughed.

"I know!! I'll have my parents make dinner and invite you guys. We'll have some good conversations, make him feel good, then we'll tell him! We can do it like the day after tomorrow or something." Michiko smiled brightly.

"Yeah! What would I do without you?" Reign grabbed Michiko's hand and held it, making her blush.

"I don't even want to know." Michiko smiled as they both watched sun finally finish disappearing over the horizon.

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