You Wrap Around My Heart

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Kibum always thought he was gay, he really did, until this girl came along. She made his heart feel like it was going to jump out of his chest, but then again, there was also this guy. He made Kibum feel like they were meant for each other. Kibum could never find the courage to approach the girl, he never had any luck with them before he found out he was gay. Although, he is good friends with the guy. His name is Lee Taemin, and he is the sweetest thing on the planet to Kibum. He's never fallen this hard for anyone, but he seemed to be falling hard for two people at the same time.

The class ended, but Kibum had been lost in thought about the two who had stolen his heart. He paid no attention to whatever lecture the teacher just had to give because of two students. All of his friends had lunch together, and so did the girl. Kibum was determined to approach her today, that is, if she is here today.
To his luck, she didn't come to school again, she hadn't been for a while. It was either very rare to see her or she'd come for weeks in a row. Maybe that's what got Kibum's attention, or maybe he wasn't gay after all. Maybe he's bisexual.

"I think I'm bisexual" Kibum blurted out while picking at his food.

"Why?" Jinki asked out of curiosity.

"There's this girl I like, I've never talked to her, but I'm falling way to hard for her" Kibum answered, taking a bite of whatever they were having for lunch, he didn't care to check.

"Who is she?" Minho asked as Kibum's face turned to disgust from what he ate.

"I don't know her name, I don't even have any classes with her, we only have lunch together" Kibum told him, laying down his chopsticks and deciding to just have the soup today.

"Point her out then" Taemin suggested, taking the leftover meat Kibum had rejected.

"She's not here today" Kibum replied, playing with his soup instead of eating it.

Kibum jumped when his phone buzzed, he pulled it out to see a text from Jonghyun who was sitting across from him.

Jonghyun: What about Taemin?

Kibum: I still really like him

"Are you going to approach her?" Minho asked and took a sip of his drink.

"I haven't even said a word to her, I don't want the first thing I say to be 'Hi, I'm probably in love with you'" Kibum answered, finally taking a bite of the well mixed soup.

"The fearless Kibum, shot down by a girl!" Minho placed hands on his chest and put emphasis on the words 'shot down' as he teased Kibum.

"I've never had good luck with girls, but there's something so intimidating about her" Kibum mused, playing with his food again.

"Maybe you're really in love" Jinki said in between bites.

"I like someone else too, but I can't seem to approach them either" Kibum replied, dropping his spoon in the soup.

"And who's this other person?" Minho asked, his tone of voice playful.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know" Kibum replied.

"And why can't I know?" Minho asked.

"Last time I confided in you, you tried to help me and he transferred schools and blocked my number" Kibum replied, and Minho's hand went to his chest.

"I'm hurt Kibummie, but that seems fair" Minho told him and started on his soup.

"Can you tell me?" Taemin asked hopeful, voice almost singsong.

"Sorry Minnie, this is strictly confidential" Kibum replied.

"Would you tell any of us?" Taemin asked, picking at his meat.

"Eventually" Kibum answered, "But not until I can get my head straight on who I'd rather be with"

"You've never been with a girl, if you really like her than I say go for it" Jinki told him, finishing off his soup.

"I would if I could go up to her without freezing up" Kibum admitted, pushing his lunch tray away from him.

"Then have one of us do it" Jonghyun suggested, looking up from his food.

"No, that's not like me" Kibum replied, "If I tell one of them, I'm going to do it myself"

AN: I've had this fic started for a while, but I hadn't posted it here until now. I am so sorry for depriving all of you.

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