The Tip Of Our Fingers Are About To Touch

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Kibum met Jonghyun in front of the school the next morning, smiling as he saw the bouquet of roses in Jonghyun's hands.

"Do you know if Jinki's here yet? Jonghyun asked nervously.

"I saw him walk in, you should ask him to come out here" Kibum suggested and Jonghyun shook his head.

"If I ask, it won't be a surprise. Can you call him?" Jonghyun asked and Kibum nodded, "Ask everyone to come, so he doesn't get too suspicious"

Kibum dialed Jinki and waited patiently for him to pick up.

"Hello?" Jinki answered.

"Tell everyone to come to the front of the school" Kibum told him.

"I don't know where Jonghyun is" Jinki replied and Kibum smiled and looked over to Jonghyun.

"I stopped him before he walked in, hurry and come" Kibum said and Jinki complied before hanging up.

"They're on their way, I say you hide and come out at the right time" Kibum suggested and Jonghyun nodded, moving behind a corner.

Kibum waited silently, smiling once he spotted his friends. He waved at them, making sure they saw him and they began to walk towards him.

"Hey, what's up?" Jinki asked confused and Kibum couldn't help but smile.

"I think Jonghyun can answer that question better" Kibum told them.

"Where is he?" Minho asked confused, his arm laying across Taemin's shoulders.

Kibum looked in Jonghyun's direction as he walked into view, the bouquet in his hands and his head slowly looking up. He looked at Jinki nervously as he walked to him smiling as Jinki looked shocked.

"I thought about it, and I thought you'd want to hear my answer" Jonghyun smiled and handed Jinki the flowers.

"So are we?" Jinki asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"As long as you still want to" Jonghyun nodded and Jinki smiled.

"I'd love to" Jinki told him and Jonghyun pulled him into a hug.

The other three began clapping and cheering for the new couple as the hug looked like it would never end.

"Hurry us guys, the bell is about to ring and we have an assembly today!" Kibum called to them and the hug broke apart.

"Assembly? For what?" Jonghyun asked, grabbing Jinki's hand.

"I'm not sure, maybe some event" Minho answered as they began walking.

"I'm just happy to get out of class" Taemin told them and there were noises of approval.

They made their ways to their first classes, where the teacher took attendance and led them to the gym. The five of them found each other before going to sit in the floor. The principal had the mic and began to lecture about the big tests coming up. This happened every year, and the five of them talked through it all.

Jonghyun was the one to start the conversation, nudging Kibum to get his attention.

"Did Taeyeon ever text you back?" Jonghyun asked and Kibum checked his phone just in case.

"No, are you sure I didn't upset her?" Kibum asked and Jonghyun shook his head.

"You don't say anything to upset her" Jonghyun answered and Kibum sighed before putting his phone up.

"She's probably busy" Taemin cut in and Kibum looked to him, "I know she had to leave yesterday, so she probably couldn't answer you"

"Yeah, don't worry too much" Minho reassured him.

Kibum nodded and began to look down before shooting his head back up.

"Ah! I just remembered! I need a place to stay for a week" Kibum told them, receiving looks of confusion.

"Why?" Jinki asked and Kibum took a deep breath.

"Personal reasons, it's not a big deal" Kibum answered and Jonghyun sighed.

"I wish we had room" Jonghyun said, looking dejected.

"Well, I have a guest room, and I don't think anyone would mind" Taemin said and Kibum smiled.

"You are a lifesaver" Kibum replied and Taemin smiled at him.

"Lucky~" Minho fake whined, "I want to stay with Taemin too~"

"You stayed with me last night!" Taemin laughed, playfully hitting him.

"But Kibum gets a week" Minho pouted, but ended up giggling, "I'll visit often" Minho smiled, wrapping his arm around Taemin.

"I packed necessities in my backpack, but I couldn't fit in other clothes so my uniform will have to do" Kibum told Taemin and he nodded.

"We can get clothes if you need them" Taemin suggested and Kibum shook his head.

"I'll be fine, I'm already making you spend enough money by staying with you" Kibum replied.  

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