You're Like A Flower Petal, Waiting To Fall

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AN: I am so sorry this took six months to get to you, a lot has happened since June, and just as I was bouncing back we lost a piece of our hearts. Please enjoy this chapter, and look forward to the continuation.  

"I don't have a twin... It's just me" Taemin explained, avoiding Kibum's eyes, scared of his reaction.

"So Minho wasn't cheating on you... I yelled at you for no reason" Kibum sighed at himself, "I'm so sorry for all of that"

Taemin looked at him confused, "Uh, it's okay, but... Are you not disgusted at me?" They asked, putting the wig on lazily.

"Taemin... I love you, I could never find you disgusting" Kibum told them, "Can I ask why you do this?" Taemin smiled at this.

"Have you ever heard the term 'genderfluid'?" Taemin asked, looking nervous.

"I've read about it a few times, I didn't think anyone would go to such lengths" Kibum smiled at them.

"It's the only way I can wear dresses whenever I want" Taemin explained and Kibum nodded.

"Is this what you an Minho fought about?" Kibum asked.

"We still are fighting, he wants me to tell everyone after last night, but I'm honestly so afraid" Taemin said.

"He's not always in his right mind, just tell everyone when you're ready" Kibum replied, "It's fine if that means one person at a time, just never rush into it" Taemin smiled at him sadly.

Taemin looked down at their hands, carefully letting themself grab Kibum's hand. They began to play with Kibum's fingers, lost in thought.

"I love you" Taemin mumbled and Kibum felt his cheeks go red.

"I love you too" Kibum replied softly.

"You fell in love with Taemin and Taeyeon, I've never found anyone like that. Someone so purely in love with me" Taemin spoke their thoughts, eyes still on their own hands.

"How could I not fall for every part of you? You're so perfect, inside and out" Kibum said, and Taemin scoffed in disbelief.

Kibum took one of his hands away from the younger, using it to instead pull their head up so that Taemin's eyes met his. Both of them had something they were planning to say, but as they looked at each other, words melted as their faces came together. Nose to nose, they slowly moved to kiss each other, but this kiss was different then the others.

Kibum felt no desperation, no sense of surprise, it instead felt natural and real. It felt like the purest kind of love, and Kibum couldn't have been happier in this new found state of bliss.

They pulled apart and the two of them erupted into stupid giggles, both were unsure why, but they ignored the confusion and decided to continue to follow their hearts. When the giggles subsided, they were laying half on the bed horizontally, staring at the ceiling.

They talked about seemingly useless things, like space and favorite foods, things they already knew about the world but wished to question further. They were only slightly interrupted by Kibum's phone ringing.

"Jonghyun's calling me" Kibum announced and answered him quickly, "Hey Jjongie!"

"Finally someone answers, between me and Minho calling both you and Taemin" Jonghyun sounded irritated, but Kibum recognized the worry in his voice.

"Sorry, I just didn't hear my phone ringing. I meant to text you about me not coming today" Kibum replied, looking over to see Taemin checking their phone.

"I'm just relieved to hear your voice, after so many missed calls I was beginning to think the worst" Jonghyun said.

"I feel bad for worrying everyone, I guess I was just deep in thought" Kibum watched as Taemin left the room as they put their phone to their ear.

"Also, did Minho ever arrive? He left a while ago to check on the two of you" Jonghyun told him.

"I don't think he made it yet, I'll text you when he does" Kibum promised, eyes on the closed door.

"I'm so glad you're okay, class is about to start so I have to go" Jonghyun said.

The two said their goodbyes quickly, Kibum curious of why Taemin completely left the room for a simple phone call.

Kibum left the room, but Taemin wasn't in the hall as he had thought. Kibum went further into the house, heading into the kitchen for a drink and to give Taemin any privacy they needed, despite his growing curiosity. When he made it to the kitchen, he could see into the living room where he saw Minho and Taemin hugging.

Kibum forced a smile at the sight when Minho's eyes met his. The hug broke shortly after that, the two coming hand in hand up to Kibum.

"So... They told you" Minho said, breaking the already fragile silence.

Kibum nodded, "And I am very sorry about yelling at you last night" Kibum smiled at him, hoping Minho couldn't see the pain hidden behind it.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know the whole story" Minho replied as Taemin slipped from his grasp.

"Anyone want a drink?" Taemin asked, opening the fridge.

"No thanks, I have to get back to school, I'm already late" Minho declined, and Kibum couldn't help but notice a flash of sadness in his eyes.

"We should all go somewhere tomorrow" Taemin suggested, but Minho shook his head.

"I have something planned with my family tomorrow, but you can all go without me" Minho replied as he walked to the door and grabbed his school bag, "See you Kibum"

"See you" Kibum responded.

"I love you Tae" Minho said and Kibum noted Taemin's hesitation.

"Love you too" Taemin called back, a sigh escaping them as Minho finally left.

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