It Comes To Me Like It's My Fault

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Teamin's parents were happy to see everyone, their smiles were warm and they had easily offered the boys dinner. Kibum felt as if Taemin's parents had come straight out of a dream. When they got to Taemin's, Jinki and Kibum changed and washed their faces. They returned the wigs and uniforms, then the five of them gathered in Taemin's room. After a while of talking about anything and everything, they came to the subject of Taeyeon.

"What is she on a trip for?" Jonghyun asked, not noticing how tense Taemin got at the question.

"Uh, family business" Taemin answered and Jonghyun nodded.

"How can the two of you get away with being absent all the time?" Kibum asked as Minho draped an arm around Taemin.

"Well, after being threatened expulsion by the school, our parents bought the school. We don't let people know, but we do threaten to cut funds if things don't go our way" Taemin explained, feeling a little ashamed.

"At least you don't use it to change your grades" Jinki observed and Taemin smiled.

"We always catch up on our work, our parents make sure of that" Taemin told them and there was a silence.

"This is going to sound like an odd question, but is your sister dating anybody?" Jinki asked and the question seemed to only shock Kibum.

"She's not your type Jinki" Taemin smiled.

"I never said I was interested, I'm just curious" Jinki told him and Taemin nodded in understanding.

"She's with someone at the moment, he's good to her and that's all that matters to me" Taemin answered, "But if he hurts her I'm calling all of you to help teach him a lesson"

Everyone agreed to this and Taemin couldn't hide his smile. The room became quiet again as they all seemed to be lost in thought. Kibum looked up from his lap and to Taemin, the look on the boy's face causing him to break the silence.

"Taemin, you look worried about something" Kibum observed and Taemin met his eyes as Minho rubbed his back as if to comfort him.

"It's not important, don't worry" Taemin told them as all eyes flocked to him.

"If talking about it with us will help, we're always here Tae" Jonghyun offered and the other agreed.

"I might talk about it eventually, I just don't think I'm ready to now" Taemin explained and Minho took his hand and squeezed it.

"That's okay, we'll be here when you need us" Minho told him, flashing a warm smile his way.

There was a loud knock on Taemin's door then, and Taemin's mother opened the door when Taemin gave the word.

"Dinner's ready when you're hungry, I would come eat now before it gets cold though" Mrs. Lee told them and was showered with "Thank you's".

"We'll come down soon" Taemin told her and she nodded before closing the door.

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