The Moment You Get Distracted, It's Over

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Kibum didn't know what time it was, or if he had been to sleep yet, he just knew that the bathroom was too far away. He had decided if he ever had the money for a big house, the bathrooms would always be close to the bedrooms. He sleepily dragged himself down the hallway, but slowed down as he heard voices. Kibum peeked around the corner, his tired mind instantly thinking robbers or murderers had broken into the house. It took all of Kibum's willpower to stay quiet as he watched Taeyeon and her boyfriend kiss, the two seemingly blocking his path to the bathroom.

Taeyeon broke the kiss, and Kibum covered his mouth as he got a good look at her boyfriend's face.

"Minho... We can't, Kibum is here" Taeyeon spoke and Minho backed off a bit.

"Why is Kibum being here a problem?" Minho asked and Taeyeon sighed.

"Because he could see us!" Taeyeon exclaimed in a hushed voice while Minho shrugged.

Kibum couldn't watch anymore as Minho leaned down to whisper in her ear. He went back to his room silently, taking his phone out of his pocket and quickly texting Taemin about the scene.

Kibum: I don't know if you'll believe me, but I just saw Minho cheating on you with your sister

Kibum waited for a response, and his heart jumped when he finally got one.

Taemin: Kibum, don't worry about it. You were probably seeing things

Kibum sighed, did Taemin already know he was cheating? Was he going to just sit back and let Minho do that? Was Minho really turning into the kind of person who would cheat? Kibum set down his phone and stormed out of the room, back towards the spot he found the two. He watched as a door began to close, sounds of giggling and hushed words following the door shut. Kibum didn't hesitate as he knocked loudly on the door, all noises pausing as Kibum began to wonder if this was a good idea.

"Who is it?" Taeyeon's voice called nervously.

"Kibum" He called back, "Open the door or I will" He demanded, deciding there was no turning back.

The door opened slowly, Taeyeon's eyes slowly meeting Kibum's as she pushed the door wide enough for Minho to be seen beside her. There was a silence between the three of them, none of them finding the words to use. Then, Minho gently pushed past Taeyeon and Kibum as he began to leave.

"Ya, Minho!" Taeyeon called and Minho turned around, "If you leave, this, all of this, is over"

"Tae..." Minho spoke and Kibum scoffed when Minho walked back to the door.

"You're not leaving?" Kibum asked and Minho met his gaze.

"Kibum, stop" Taeyeon warned and Kibum turned to look at her.

"Why should I stop?" Kibum asked, "What about you two?!"

"I know this looks bad, but trust me it's not" Minho told him and Kibum looked at him in disbelief.

"It looks to me like Taemin should break up with you" Kibum spat and Minho grabbed his arm.

"Kibum, you've known me for year, do you really think I would cheat?" Minho asked, a desperate look in his eye for Kibum to believe him.

"Then what are you to doing? Explain it to me, if you can't then my only assumption is that you're cheating" Kibum told him and Minho pressed his lips into a fine line.

Minho looked over to Taeyeon, sighing as she shook her head.

"I... Can't explain. Can't you trust us instead?" Minho asked and Kibum eyed him suspiciously.

"I know you don't know me well, but please just trust me, trust that we're not in the wrong" Taeyeon spoke up.

"I just... Don't know if I can. You both say you're dating someone and then you're kissing each other" Kibum told them, " Unless both of you partners are okay with this, someone is going to get hurt"

"Kibum... Just go back to bed, please" Taeyeon pleaded, her eyes locking with Kibum's.

"Fine just, please don't make too much noise" Kibum said and Minho freed his arm so he could walk away.

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