If You Will Leave Me In This Pain

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That morning, Kibum avoided Taeyeon as he got ready, ignoring her texts and when she'd call his name. All he wanted was to hurry up and get to school so he could find a way to avoid Minho. It was the last Friday before their week long break, but part of Kibum just wanted to start the break today.

He finished up washing his face in the bathroom, sighing to himself before opening the door. His eyes met Taeyeon's as she stared at him desperately.

"Excuse me" Kibum said formally, bowing his head slightly and pushing past her.

He was stopped when she grabbed his arm firmly, and Kibum turned to look at her.

"What do you want?" Kibum asked and she hesitated.

"Stay home today" She told him and Kibum gave her a confused look.

"Why?" He asked and she let go of him.

"Taemin said he may be home today, he wants to see you as soon as he gets back" Taeyeon looked away from him as he replied.

"Why does he want to see me?" Kibum pretended to act surprised, a feeling of hypocrisy coming over him.

"Kibum, he told me everything, all about how he cheated on Minho with you" Taeyeon explained, "I was actually surprised he'd do such a thing"

"I was too, until I saw you and Minho together. How long has that been going on, huh?" Kibum asked, anger flaring up.

"Don't talk about things you know nothing about" She told him, "Finish getting ready so you'll look nice for Taemin" She looked down as she said this and then walked away.

Kibum sighed, heading back to his room to get dressed, trying to decide if he would listen to Taeyeon or not. Part of Kibum told him she was lying, but another part wanted to stay and see if she was telling the truth. Despite all the perks of staying home, Kibum put on his school uniform and headed downstairs.

"Good morning sweetie, Taeyeon is staying home today so I'm going into work early, I suggest you stay home too" Mrs. Lee greeted him and Kibum looked at her confused.

"What about my parents?" Kibum asked as she finished laying out the small breakfast.

"I'll call the school before they can call them, our Tae told me your situation seemed bad" She replied and Kibum was dumbfounded, "You can stay here as long as you need to, it doesn't have to just be a week"

Kibum swallowed hard, feeling his emotions start to come up his throat.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Lee" Kibum bowed to her and she smiled.

"You two stay safe today, don't trash the house" She gave a simple lecture before heading for the door, "I'll be home at the usual time, call me if there are any problems!"

The two said their goodbyes and the door shut behind her. Kibum let his emotions out then, tears falling down his face as silent sobs shook him. He pulled himself into one of the bar seats, looking down at the breakfast in front of him. He felt eyes on him as he tried to stop crying and eat, but he didn't dare turn around and meet the eyes. He never wanted to be seen as weak.

AN: This one is a little short, but there is a really important chapter coming up and I wanted to make you guys wait a little longer, enjoy! <3

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