I Keep Making Myself Cry

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Kibum was greeted by Taeyeon the next morning, and he was sad he didn't get to see Taemin before he left. Kibum was surprised to see a text from his mother this early in the week away.

Umma: You're not staying at Jonghyun's, where are you?

Kibum knew neglecting to answer her would get him in trouble later, but he had to have at least one safe haven. He decided he'd say he never got the text and hope she believed it.

As he made his way to school with Taeyeon, memories of last night came to him, bringing a smile to him as the cars passed by. When they arrived, the smiled stayed, following him into the school and to his friends where they quickly picked up the new mood.

"What's with that smile Kibum?" Minho teased and Kibum felt guilt hit him.

"I-It's nothing, I was just thinking about something" Kibum half-lied, his smile not faltering despite the growing guilt.

"Don't lie, something good happened didn't it?" Minho asked, smiling with excitement.

"Nothing could have happened over twelve hours" Kibum stated and Minho nodded.

"I don't know, twelve hours is a lot" Jonghyun added and Jinki agreed with him.

"Then something did happen!" Minho declared and Kibum blushed, "What was it? Are you dating someone now?" Minho's excitement made Kibum feel as if guilt was eating him alive.

"I just had a good dream, I've been smiling since I woke up" Kibum told him, avoiding his eyes.

"Must have been quite the dream" Minho replied, "What was it about?"

"My crush, and it felt so real" Kibum answered, looking down slightly.

"Was it a... Dirty dream?" Minho asked and Kibum hit him on the arm playfully.

"It was just a normal cute dream, you and your dirty mind" Kibum scolded and Minho laughed.

"It was only a question Bummie" Minho replied, picking up his backpack.

It was then that the bell rang and the four said their goodbyes and head for class. When Kibum and Jonghyun sat down, Jonghyun was quick to ask questions.

"Did you and Taemin do something last night?" Jonghyun asked, unsure if he wanted an answer.

"What, no, it was just a dream" Kibum didn't feel like he was lying, as he was also telling himself the same thing as an attempt to smother the guilt.

"You seem too happy for it to be just a dream" Jonghyun replied, his look skeptical.

"It was a vivid dream, it was like he was actually there beside me" Kibum told him, but his look never wavered.

"How did you have a vivid dream at a place you've never slept before? I know you Kibum, you wouldn't have been able to sleep last night without help" Jonghyun stated and Kibum swallowed hard.

"Taemin brought me a speaker that played ocean noises all night" Kibum revealed, "Then we talked until we were tired, nothing else" Kibum insisted.

"What'd you talk about?" Jonghyun asked and Kibum sighed.

"He wanted to know why I had to stay a whole week" Kibum half-lied, wanting to get the subject off of Taemin cheating.

"Did you tell him?" Jonghyun asked and Kibum shook his head.

"It took me forever to tell you, I mean, it's just embarrassing" Kibum replied and Jonghyun sighed.

"Needing help is not embarrassing" Jonghyun said, but Kibum didn't look convinced.

"It's embarrassing for me" Kibum admitted, "But my mother texted me this morning"

"That's early" Jonghyun replied.

"She doesn't know where I am, and I don't plan on telling her" Kibum told him, "She knew I wasn't at your house"

"I think she came over, but I didn't answer the door so I don't know" Jonghyun recalled and Kibum stretched.

"I'm just glad I have a safe place" Kibum said, a small smile on his lips.

"She'll probably check Minho's next, better warn him so his parents don't tell her about Taemin's" Jonghyun replied and Kibum agreed.

The two went quiet as the teacher began taking roll.

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