I'm Crazed By You're Glittering Light

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Sunday came and Kibum was right on time outside of Taemin's door. His hand shook as he rang the doorbell and looked over at the rose bushes that were planted on either side of the walkway. Soon, the door open and Kibum met Taemin's smiling face.

"Come on in" Taemin moved out of the way and let Kibum in, "I pulled some uniforms from Taeyeon's closet and stole her makeup kit, Jinki is upstairs right now"

"Thanks for doing all this" Kibum followed Taemin through the house.

"No problem hyung" Taemin replied and Kibum's nerves began to calm as he reminded himself Jinki was here too.

Kibum knew Taemin's house was big, but it felt so much bigger inside and for the first time he was jealous of a house. Taemin's family is very rich and Kibum's very sure that's how the twins get away with missing so many days. Although, when you meet Taemin you'd never guess how much money is behind his name. He never flaunts it, he doesn't find it right as his friends are not as well off as him.

Two female uniforms were laid out on Taemin's bed and Jinki was sitting in the floor by a makeup kit.

"She likes to have two of every outfit in case she loses anything" Taemin explained and closed the door behind him and Kibum.

"Do you think these will fit us?" Jinki asked and Taemin shrugged.

"I would try them on first" Taemin suggested and Kibum's face began to heat up.

Jinki slipped off his shirt and started to put on the top half of the uniform.

"It's a little tight, but it fits" Jinki commented and slipped the skirt on over his pants.

Kibum put his overnight bag in the floor before shyly taking his own shirt off to try on the uniform.

"I, uh, bought wigs as well, they're in that box" Taemin pointed to a box beside the makeup kit.

After finding out the top fit, Kibum slipped the skirt on over his pants as Taemin pulled out the wigs.

"I didn't know what either of you would prefer, so I picked up a couple different styles" Taemin told them and took out four wigs.

One only went down to right below the ear, one was medium length pigtails, another was long with bangs, and the last one was a long ponytail.

"You really went all out didn't you?" Jinki asked, picking up the long hair with bangs.

"And hopefully I've picked up some makeup skills from my sister practicing on me" Taemin replied, "She tests any new products on me to see how she'd look in it"

Taemin opened to makeup kit and shuffled through it as the other two looked through the wigs.

"I want to go ahead and do the makeup, just to see if I can do it. Then you can wash it off and we'll watch a movie" Taemin told them, "Jinki, you're first"

Taemin pinned the hair out of Jinki's face and they scooted closer to each other. That's when Kibum realized how close Taemin was going to be to him. He couldn't tell if he was happy about it or not, one wrong move and Minho would kill him for sure. But he could imagine for that amount of time that Taemin was about to kiss him.

"Okay, I'm done. See if you like it hyung" Taemin's voice broke through Kibum's thoughts.

Jinki looked into the hand mirror Taemin gave him and gave himself a shocked expression.

"I seriously look like a girl" Jinki put the mirror down to look at Taemin, "You're really good at this"

"Thank you, the bathroom is right across the hall when you want to wash it off" Taemin replied, "But that's how I'll do it tomorrow morning"

"Alright, I'm going to go ahead and wash it off" Jinki announced and got up.

The door closed and Taemin gestured Kibum over, scooting closer to him and pinning his hair back. Kibum's face burned as Taemin got closer and started with foundation. His mind was spinning as Taemin's mouth opened slightly in concentration.

"Close your eyes, but don't scrunch up your face" Taemin instructed and Kibum complied, trying to relax.

Taemin's fingers spread the wet foundation throughout his face and Kibum shuddered at the touch, trying to will himself to think someone else was doing this. He tried to imagine a female makeup artist, but then his mind went to Taeyeon. His thoughts were torturing him, the memory of the bathroom incident coming to him when Taemin's legs spread around him so he could reach Kibum. His imagination went wild and images of the two of them making love in this position came to him. Taemin moaning Kibum's name as they moved together. He forced the thoughts down, trying to avoid an embarrassing situation as the door opened.

"Almost done hyung" Taemin told him, "I just have to do your lips"

Taemin's fingers rubbed Kibum's lips and his eyes shot open. Kibum looked over at Jinki, who had changed clothes, in attempt to not look at Taemin.

"Done" Taemin announced and handed Kibum the mirror.

Kibum looked at himself and smiled.

"Wow, I'm hot" Kibum said and Jinki laughed.

"I'll go and grab some movies and pop some popcorn from downstairs, feel free to clean up if you want" Taemin told them and left the room.

Kibum was about to leave for the bathroom when Jinki spoke.

"So, it's Taemin?" Jinki asked and Kibum turned around.

"What is?" Kibum asked nervously.

"He's the one you're crushing on" Jinki answered.

"What makes you think that?" Kibum asked.

"That deep blush and the little tent you've set up" Jinki answered and Kibum looked down at his crotch.

"Don't tell anyone, please" Kibum pleaded.

"I would never do that, don't worry" Jinki replied with a giggle.

"Since we're on the subject, is your's Jonghyun?" Kibum asked and Jinki froze.

"Why do you ask? It's not like he has eyes for me" Jinki replied, his expression falling.

"I was just curious, but don't lose hope" Kibum told him, "Keep believing it will happen, maybe not today, but one day"

"Thanks for the advice, but you should take care of that before Taemin comes back" Jinki suggested and Kibum nodded, leaving the bedroom.

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