Call Me A Mess- Chapter 5&6

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I must've fallen asleep, because I don't remember anything else. I woke up in the morning and threw up.

What a fantastic start to the day...

I splashed some water in my face, and brushed my teeth, and when I finally looked into the mirror I saw why you must've thought hell had gone down at the party. My hair was all over the place, unintentionally teased, and generally looked beyond repair, and my eyeliner was everywhere. I grunted, and decided to skip school today. I'd already missed the first lesson anyways.

I opened the door to the backyard to let Doritos out, before trying to find something edible in the kitchen. Aspirin seemed the most appealing, surprisingly. My mobile was on the counter. I picked it up to find a message from Benn.

"Last night was great ;) see you soon x."

So he did remember. Great. I walked back upstairs, got into bed and pulled the covers over my head.


Sometime around two, I finally got up and showered. Two shampoos and about half a bottle of conditioner later, my hair was under control again. I found a clean pair of jeans, a top and an oversized zip-up hoodie that I didn't recognise.

I really need to do some laundry...

Instead, I grabbed my keys, put on the mysterious hoodie that was beside my bed, whistled twice and walked out the door with Doritos. If only I hadn't been so hammered last night, maybe I would've recognised your car in a driveway as I walked down the street. But I was hammered, and I didn't recognise the car.

I walked to the shops to get some dinner for the night, and got a coffee on my way back. Doritos trotted along behind me- I never had to worry too much about him. When I heard him bark, I turned around, momentarily not looking where I was going- and spilling my coffee all over someone who must've not been watching out either.

"I'm so..." I looked up to see you looking down at me.

"Sorry." I continued.

"It's alright, the shirt was ugly anyways. Nice hoodie," you winked.

I paused for a moment, confused. And it came back to me...

"Oh crap. It's yours." I unzipped the jacket and started taking it off.

You laughed, as I continuously apologised.

"Don't worry, keep it for a while. I don't want you to get cold on the way home."

"I'm fine," I said, and shivered- great.

"Well you're not...Just keep it, I'm sure I'll see you soon and you can give it back to me then."


Suddenly it dawned to me how I must've gotten home.

"Hey thanks for getting me home last night...I think."

"Thanks for throwing up on your neighbour's lawn and not in my car."

I blushed, and you grinned.

"You don't remember do you?"

"No, not really. I was only guessing you drove me home last night too."

"I don't even want to know what you'd been doing..."

"I had a shot just before I left. I thought it was vodka, but I'm not so sure now."

"You don't say."

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