Call Me A Mess- Chapter 7&8

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Sunday began by my parents announcing they were on vacation for three weeks, and wouldn't be going away this time. They "wanted to spend time with their beloved daughter."

'Oh dear Lord.'

Three weeks with my parents at home. That meant two weeks of constant scrutiny of every step I took, every breath I took, every bit of food I ate. It meant not going out, doing homework, going to school, and having to introduce everyone I see- therefore, I wouldn't be seeing anyone. My life was back to what I'd always feared it to be; what it used to be.

My parents used to take vacations more often. They'd stay at home with me, make sure I got to school early, got picked up on time, did my homework for most the afternoon, and only watched "sensible" TV. I never used to mind it much, because my childhood had treated me well, largely thanks to my parents. And we had some good times too, but now I hated living with them, and they hated living with each other, as far as I could tell. They started spending a lot of time in the living room too, as well as turning on the alarm system as soon as it got dark- something I never bothered to do when I was alone.

I think you noticed too, because no matter how much time I spent longingly gazing out of my window, you were never there. Thankfully, towards the middle of the week, my grounding got me out of afternoon tea with the Greek people two blocks down. They were the most sinfully boring people ever, and I often felt bad for their son, Tom, who really wasn't too bad. When I was over there, I loved my parents to death...

As soon as the silver Mercedes disappeared around the corner, I grabbed my keys and ran to the lake. It was Thursday afternoon, and if I remembered right you went running on Thursday afternoons.

'Gym Mondays. Running Thursdays. Yep, that's what you said. ' I mentally reassured myself.

I sat on the swings by the lake, leaning my head on the chain to my left, swinging back and forth just slightly. Just as I was thinking how incredibly unfit I was, I felt a gentle but firm push from behind, swinging me higher. I jumped off the swing and turned around, to find you catching the swing, smiling. Without even thinking, I jumped into your arms, and counted myself lucky you caught me. You set me back down on the ground, keeping your arms firmly wrapped around my waist.

"You stink." I grinned.

"Ever so charming," you replied, letting me go.

"You know it."

"You should be doing homework young lady," you said, hands on hips.

"Don't mock me."

You laughed, and apologised. I knew you didn't really mean it, but it didn't matter. You cleared your throat.

"Free tonight?"

"I can't, sorry..."

"Busy getting drunk on who-knows-what?"

I glared at you, and you playfully put your arm around my shoulders as we started walking.

"No, grounded."

"Never bothered you before."

"I know, but my parents are home. 'Spending time with me'. They've got the alarm on and everything."

"Oh wow."

We walked in silence for a while, until I realised there was no way Mum and Dad had stayed at the Greek people's for this long.

"Shit." I broke the silence.


"My parents will be back home by now. I have to go."

Call Me A MessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora