Those Dang Gay People

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|\\\\\\\\\\||||||||||[Copied from original document Jan.11 2017, continued copying Jan.15 2021]\_____\\__\\\

Ice and Skrillex went quickly to bed, just after the older sent a text of "!" to Deadmau5.


*Facebook Emoji of Justin Bieber*

7:07 AM, sidewalk of abandoned building.

 A familiar weight was lifted off his head. Deadmau5 opened his eyes sleepily. All he could see was a strange, blurry object. He moved his head and noticed it was a finger attached to a thin arm, with painted nails. He got up. A messy-haired lady wearing too much makeup and not enough clothing looked up at him, holding his hat in her other hand. 

"Aw, I was starting to enjoy watching you sleep," she said in a raspy, old voice. "...Cutie." 

Deadmau5 made a quite disgusted face and grabbed back his hat, shaking it off in case the prostitute had coughed into it or put out a cigarette. He had quit smoking many years ago. 

"Where's Snoop Dogg?"

"Your friend? He got arrested for smokin' weed in the middle of the street at 1 AM. He was holding up traffic and wouldn't move. You were sleeping, and I needed a place to sleep, so I sat near you."

Teh Mau5 sweared. "Thanks," he said because he was a polite Canadian dude. He walked a few metres away, stopping to look back at the prostitute. "We didn't, uh... Do anything, did we?" 

"Not unless you want to." She poked one of her wrinkly boobs. 

"Nope!" The producer looked away quickly and walked off, trying not to puke. 


12:45PM, Babe House. 

"Hey, Icenswag." The Progressive House producer said as he walked over. 

"Heheh, Skril's album," The demiboy laughed, getting the reference. Ze paused hir Guitar hero game, since Deadmau5's eye contact seemed important. 

"Can I play w/ you?" The older dude gave a friendly smile. 

"Sure, LOL." Ice smiled back and grabbed a second plastic guitar that worked perfectly, testing the keys whilst looking at the screen once the remote had been set up.

They continued the song, Ice winning of course. 

The two went through a list of songs, creating a playlist of what to play next. 

"Was it awkward remixing that song on the album?" Ice said casually. 

"Y-yeah, I guess. I've let go of Sonny a little, since I kind of have to." He was kind of sad.

"I'll be feeling kind of down a bit, but I mostly try to distract from that. It's the way breakups are, there's no use crying about it when I could be doing this." He smiled and pointed at the CRT television.

"Yeah." Ice smiled bigger, glad the EDM dude had a strategy for bad stuff. 


Skril was ridiculously tired from the day before, so he was back in bed, snuggling Ice's body pillow and breathing in the smell of his boyfriend. He didn't want to bother Ice, since they spent a lot of time together the last day and ze was currently playing Guitar Hero with Skrillex's ex, Maw-5. It was Ice's favourite game. The tired dude took his glasses off and put them on the chair next to the bed, falling asleep quickly. 

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