Chapter Nine;

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"Lady Montgomery,"

"Your majesty," Jane curtsied lower than Mary had ever seen any of her subjects, Scottish or French, do.

"I've only just heard of your arrival, do come and join me later for a cup of tea if you'd please."

"I'd be most honored, your majesty," she dipped down once more as the French Queen walked away.

Behind Jane stood Alaina's youngest ladies, Maria and Jane.

"Did you hear?" The young lady turned to face the two girls. "The Queen, my queen has asked me to join her for tea later! Oh, how exciting! Come, we must go find something to wear!"

"You go on, Lady Montgomery," Jane took a step back. "I've just remembered there is something I must do first and then I shall return to see you dressed."

Before leaving both her friend and Alaina's sister, Jane dipped low and then rose slowly, quickly turning on her heel and heading directly for Alaina's chambers.

"Where is Alaina?" Jane pressed her hand to her chest to steady her rapid breathing. "I mustn't be long or it will look suspicious, but Jane has been invited to Mary's chambers for tea."

"What?" Anne stood up, the book she held falling to the floor. "Alaina went out for a ride with Natalie, I don't think she is due back anytime soon."

"Well, what do we do?" Jane asked while Anne paced back and forth. "Should we send word to Alaina?"

"No, no," Anne stopped pacing and turned to Jane. "Go, return to her side and see to it that she is dressed for tea. There is not much we can do now."

Jane nodded her head and turned to leave the room. Just as she was about to open the doors, they opened to reveal Natalie, her nose bright red.

"Natalie, thank heavens, is Alaina with you?"

"No," she replied while walking directly for the fire. "Sebastian came and since I was starting to get cold, I left."

"Mary has invited Jane for tea."

"Is that bad?"

"It can be," Anne said.

Their conversation quickly came to a halt when the doors opened to reveal Lady Kenna, returning with a smile on her face.

"Hello," she greeted. "Why does everyone look so tense? Has something happened? Lady Jane, I thought you were with Alaina's sister."

"I'm just returning now, Anne wanted to inform me that Maria and I would be looking after her while she is at court. Good day," she gave a curt nod and quickly disappeared out the room.

"Right then, is Alaina not back?" Kenna looked around the room.

"No," said Anne, now standing up to her full height and sticking her nose in the air. "It seems she is out with Lord Sebastian and Natalie has just returned because she was cold."

"Bash? She's with Bash?" Kenna's smile faded and her voice cracked.

"It's only right, they do have a child together, after all." Said Anne.

"Yes, you're right, Lizzie," she laughed nervously. "Must have slipped my mind."

Anne, proud with herself for finally shutting up Kenna, dismissed herself from the room leaving Natalie and Kenna alone.

"I don't understand why she hates me," Kenna said once Anne was gone.

"Don't take it personally, she hates everyone but her queen, really."

"Why though? Alaina seems like such a wonderful woman, how can she have someone so angry all the time around her."

Natalie stood up and turned to face Kenna, a smile on her face. "Anne has been by Alaina's side since before Alaina learned she was a queen."

"Really? That long?"

"Yes, so you can imagine that Anne has seen quite the things."

"What do you mean?" Kenna sat down.

"Lady Kenna, I must warn you, do not put your nose where it does not belong. All you need to know is that Anne is Alaina's oldest lady and she will remove the nose off anyone who dares to stick it where it does not belong."

"I am sorry, I was just only curious."

"I know, it is natural for one to be. You must know that in order to find out things, you must become more than just a lady."

"More than a lady? What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"Anne would kill me for saying so, but we are no secret. Alaina has her ladies in waiting and then she has her ladies. As her ladies, we do things no proper lady should."

"Like what?"

Natalie sat down across from Kenna. "Well, for one, we are trained the same as one would train their guards or soldiers."

"You mean you're trained to fight like men?"

"Yes, Alaina does not rely too much on men to provide protection for her. She has taken it upon herself to make sure every single lady of her inner circle is properly trained to not only defend her but her country as well."

"You mean like go to war?"

"Yes, very much so."

"Have you?"

"Engaged in a battle? Heavens no, I'm still quite new."

"Yet Alaina seems so fond of you. And Anne too, oddly enough."

"Anne puts up with me since I am not at all like Jane and Maria. While she tolerates Jane, she despises Maria. 

"Another thing required for Alaina's ladies is to be fluent in more than just our native tongue."

"By God, Bash was not lying when he said she is like Catherine."

"I do not know Catherine de' Medici well, but I do know she comes from quite the bloodline."

Kenna laughed, "Be thankful for that."

"We are our Queen's eyes, ears, mouth, nose, guards, ambassadors-"

"Okay, I get it," laughed Kenna again, "You're her everything. But why are you telling me this? Am I not to be trusted?"

Natalie's full lips curved into a large grin. "You have the potential to be one of us," she said to Kenna.

"One of you? You think I can become one of you?"

"Natalie," both ladies jumped up from where they sat. "I thought so highly of you."

"Forgive me, your Majesty," she quickly dropped to her knees.

"No, it wasn't her fault, I was pestering her," Kenna quickly stepped in front of Natalie. "Please don't punish her, punish me."

"I had no intention of punishing anyone, Lady Kenna," Alaina said as she crossed the room and removed her cloak. "I'm just disappointed she would try to go as far as convincing you to pledge your loyalty to me."

"She never said-" Alaina held up her hand to silence Kenna.

"To be one of my elite ladies, you must also prove that you are loyal to me and only me."

"Oh," Kenna turned to look at Natalie and then back to Alaina.

"Indeed," Alaina smiled as she sat down with Elizabeth's letter now in her hand. "Your husband also awaits to hear what you have planned for tomorrow, Lady Kenna. You made go."

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