Chapter Thirty-One;

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Three days. Three whole days had passed since Alaina fell sick. Three whole days since she last woke up and smiled. Her husband, Sebastian De Poitiers, paces back and forth in front of the fireplace, his hands behind his back as he tried to think.

His pacing came to a halt as he rested up against the hearth, his pale blue eyes peering into the dying fire. Because they had two children together, one growing close to an appropriate age to rule a country and the other no older than three days, he would act as the regent of their countries.

He had no real worry when it came to Egypt, Alaina's father was alive and managing that country well in her stead. And of course, upon her death, Denmark would officially be returned to its rightful sovereign. But then there was Poland. Alaina had not yet discussed if Elizabeth would get Poland, nor had they discussed what countries their son would inherit since he was technically considered legitimate.

Bash lifted his head and turned to look at his dying wife. Because of Mary, no one was allowed to end the ill woman's suffering and in a way, Bash was grateful. He hated to see the woman he loved like this, but he couldn't truly bare the thought of no longer seeing her and knowing she would not return for good.

Catherine had made a visit, and upon her visit, she immediately insisted on Nostradamus checking on Alaina. Bash had been against it at first, but it had been three days since he last peered into his wife's blue eyes and he knew it was damn well near time to see if there was at least something they could do while they waited.

"Bash," he turned at the sound of his name to see Mary standing by the door. She wore a black gown embroidered with gold, her way of mourning for Alaina, but not exactly.

"Mary," he nodded his head, acknowledging his sister-in-law since that was all that she was to him now. Due to his marriage to Alaina, he was no longer a French subject or below Mary in rank. "She still has yet to wake, if that is why you have come."

"I figured as much," her sad brown eyes flickered to Alaina's sleeping body. "I pray she wakes soon. Has Nostradamus come to see her? I heard Catherine has sent for him."

"No, not yet," he followed Mary's gaze to his wife. "Wait," he suddenly stood up straight, remembering that there was in fact, someone with special powers that could help them. "I know someone who may help us."

"Who?" Her eyes darted back to Bash.

"A woman. A while back I was sent to check out the runout of a man returning back to life. This man told me of a woman who had brought him back to life. A healer."

"Bash, you must find her immediately!" Mary exclaimed as she stepped forward. "You and I both know that without Alaina we have no real chance of surviving in what will be most utter chaos. And I owe it to her. Because of her I not only is my country safe and my people are happy, but my marriage with Francis has been saved. If this healer requires anything, anything at all, she needs just to name it and I will see to it that she gets it."

Bash smiled softly, "I do not think she would need anything, Mary," he said as he pressed his hand gently to her arm. "But I shall make sure to tell her. Nostradamus should be here shortly. If anyone asks, say that I have decided to go out for a ride to clear my head."

Mary smiled back at Bash. "You needn't worry, just get our Alaina back."

Without another word, he nodded his head and cast one look back to his wife before leaving Mary behind in the room.

Mary watched as he left and then turned back to Alaina. "I do hope you wake soon," she said as she approached the bedside and sat down. "Your son has not stopped crying. He needs you as much as any of us do, Alaina."

She placed her hand over Alaina's and was shocked to find that they felt cold as ice. Mary looked around the room, her eyes landing upon a fur throw on the back of the sofa near the fire. She stood up and walked over to it, retrieving the warm throw and then bringing back to Alaina where she carefully placed it over her.

"There," she said when she made sure Alaina's hands were tucked securely under the warm throw. "This shall keep you warm. You have not had anything in your system and you've lost a tremendous amount of blood since the birth. It's no wonder you still have yet to wake."

"She still has not woken up?" Mary was startled by the sound of Catherine's voice. She didn't recall seeing nor hearing the queen dowager entering the bedchambers.

"No," replied Mary as she turned to see Catherine's usually stern face lined with concern. "Has Nostradamus arrived?"

"No," her face drained of all color as she approached the bed. "He will not be able to make it after all. The most we can do is pray."

"Or maybe there is another way, or so Bash is hoping," Mary knew she shouldn't confide in Catherine, not after what the queen mother did to her, but her concern for Alaina was just the same as Mary's had been and for that, she felt Catherine needed to know as well. "Bash says he knows of a healer and has gone to fetch her."

"I pray he brings her here straight away," said Catherine as she knelt down beside Alaina, her hand pushing back Alaina's chocolate brown hair. "Three whole days it's been."

"I suppose it really is a good thing, she is still breathing when the doctors said she wouldn't make it past the first night."

"Yes," Catherine's voice was dry as she spoke. "I believe that does seem like a good sign. Has her son settled any?"

"I was just there before coming here and he is only getting worse. They fear he will soon come down with a fever. It's like he knows, not even more than three days old and he knows his mother is unwell."

"Perhaps," Catherine stood up, her eyes locked on Mary. "I am never one to suggest this, but perhaps if we brought him to his mother-"

"It may calm him or wake her," Mary too stood up. "Of course, I shall send for the nurses immediately."

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