Chapter 2 - Meet me.

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Caroline's POV

I woke up after yesterday's meeting with Grace. She sure had opinions on The Winter Soldier. We all had. I got up from my bed and made myself some breakfast. I sensed a presence at my door, so I quickly went over there. When I opened the door, I expected to find a person, but what I found... was a note. I felt relieved as I picked up the note.
The note was newly written, I couldi tell by the rushed writing. I didnt read it closely, so I just took it with me to the table. As I continued to eat my breakfast, I read the note.
It said the following:
"Dear Caroline. Meet me. Follow the path next to your apartment and go to the closest bar. Its called: "Pirate's Cove". 8, tonight.
From, Grace."
I studied the note, and I figured that I'd have to give it a try. Even if it wasnt Grace, this somebody had taken their time planning it. Who would I be to dissapoint?
I threw away the note, as I wrote: "PC8"on my hand. (To remember the time and name of the club).
I sat deep in thought, before remembering that I needed to find out where Winter Soldier was today. I was only 70% sure that he wasnt out on a mission. Those last 30% made me want to figure it out.
If he was out on a mission it was probably to catch me. HYDRA had probably figured out that I was a threat to their soldier.

I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were now my normal blue eyes. Using my powers inside of the apartment, was a really fucking dumb idea. Thats why I used to lend a basement that was safe. A person in my apartment complex, Seth, usually trains there. So I texted him and asked if he was using it. When he texted that he could open it for me, I figured that since it was still 8 hours until I had to get out of here. I had to say yes. I grabbed a hoodie jacket and a pair of yoga pants before going downstairs.
"Heeyy, man!" I said as I saw him standing there.
"Aye, bug!" He said as he gave me a hug. He always called me bug, since he thought I was small.
"Hush your mouth." I said as he opened the door to the basement.
"So how's your wrestling, Colby?" I asked him, using his real name that he didnt particularly like.
"Um, its going okay. Just taking some time off." He said, coming dangerously close to me. I looked up at him, and by now he was leaning down. I quickly froze him in place.
"No, Seth, no" I said.
"Maybe I should train on you?" I continued. While he just stood there, frozen in the ground.
When my conscience started to drip in, I defrosted him.
"Ouch, fuck." He said as he looked at me.
"What was that for!" He yelled out. I ignored him while I focused on the mannequin. Seth was on his phone, so I used my powers to throw it at him.
"FUCKING HELL CARO!" He yelled as it went crashing into the wall because of him stepping out of the way.
"Hmph." I said as I started a fire around it.
"Jesus fuck, that still impresses me." He said as he watched the mannequin, burn.
But then I quickly froze it instead.
I took my hoodie jacket off, revealing my sleeve tattoo. All the patterns on my tattoo, were keys into what my powers could do. I had only found three or four of them. Meaning there were thousands left.

After a few more hours of regular training, Seth and I wrapped up and said goodbye.
It was almost 8 now. So, I started walking towards the "Pirate's Cove". As I walked into the bar, I got a strange feeling. It was as if I was being watched. Which I probably was, considering I probably looked a bit out of the ordinary with my sleeve tattoo, black tanktop and cargo pants. I had braided my hair and let it fall to the side.
Looking around the bar, I noticed Grace sitting there. I walked over to her and sat down.
"So, What's all this fuzz about?" I said as soon as I sat down.
"Oh, hi." She replied. Shortly after, Steve walked in.
He stopped dead in his tracks, and looked at me.
"Caroline?!" He asked.
"Yeah.." I answered.
"Look.. Look at you!!" He said, hugging me.
As we sat down, all he did was stare at me. I just kinda sat there.
He started talking to me, but I couldnt help but focus on everything around me. Something was wrong.
"As fun as it is seeing you. I really should go now." I said as I got up.
"When can I meet you again?!" He asked.
"Grace, have you told him?" I asked her.
"Told him about what?" She answered.
"The Winter Soldier." I replied.
"No." She said.
"Good." I finished.
"What? What about the Winter Soldier? Caro?" He started. While I walked away, I could hear him ask. But Grace luckily held her word and didnt say it.

As I was walking. I suddenly felt a cold presence. I turned around, and there stood the Winter Soldier himself. I looked at him, panicked. He stared back for a second, before grabbing his knife.
"Bucky please!" I begged.
"Bucky, dont make me do this!" I warned as he got closer.
"James Buchanan Barnes! Listen to me!!" I begged him.
"Shut. Up." He mumbled as he went for me. I blocked his move, before I froze him again.

"James Buchanan Barnes.. I'm here." I said. I defrosted him, and he fell to the nground.
"Caro..?" Was all he mumbled to me as he passed out in my lap..

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