Chapter 16 - The Fall.

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Bucky's POV

I woke up. It was dark and cold. I tried to move, but soon realized it was to no avail. My arms were trapped behind my back into the wall. I tried as hard as I physically could to rip it out of the cuffs I was in. They were most likely vibranium.
I didnt say anything when I noticed a figure sitting in the corner of the room. The persons back was facing me. For minutes I just sat there. Until I saw something else in the corner of the room.
What the hell is that?
I thought to myself.

Not too long after, the thing moved its way towards me. It came right up in my face. Only then did I see it's piercing green eyes.
The light was turned on. It wasnt strong at all. But it managed to show me what was in front of me.
It was a black panther.
I sat there in complete shock.
Is this real?
I thought to myself.
A growl came from the panther after it had sniffed my face.
It turned around and walked down to lay down.
I breathed out and relaxed.

"We have a lot to discuss." A familiar female voice spoke from the corner of the room. She had now gotten up and walked to the glass wall seperating me from her.
"But not right now." She grinned as she opened the book she had in her hands.
"желание" ("longing.") She started
"No.." I blurted out as I realized what she was doing.
"ржaвый" ("rusted.")
"Семнадцать" ("seventeen")
"Dont do this." I desperately tried to say.
"Рассвет." ("daybreak.")
"Печь." (furnace.)
"NO!" I yelled as the adrenaline rushed in my blood. I ripped the cuffs off the walls and ran up to the wall where she was standing.
I started hitting the wall.
"Девять." ("nine.")
"SHUT UP!" I yelled.

"добросердечный." ("benign.")

"возвращение на родину". ("homecoming.")

"Один." ("one.")

"грузовой вагон." ("freight car.")

"Доброе утро, солдат." ("good morning, soldier.") She finished as she closes the book.


"Я готов отвечать."
("ready to comply.")

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