Chapter 4 - Help.

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Caroline's POV

After yesterday's heartbreak, I went home. After I got home, I went straight to bed. Trying to recover my feelings from yesterday. Seeing Steve like that was harder than I thought. I thought I had managed to distance myself from him. However, deep down I knew that he was one of my absolute best friends. Leaving him behind wasnt an option.

He used to help me, now, it was time for me to help him. His emotions were all over the place. Tony had adviced me to not bother him for a couple of days. As I was sitting in my apartment, I felt watched again. It was that same feeling I got from last night.
I got a flashback from the other day.
"James Buchanan Barnes.. I'm here." I said. I defrosted him, and he fell to the nground.
"Caro..?" Was all he mumbled to me as he passed out in my lap.."

I looked at my hands, what happened yesterday night? Where did he go?!
I got up from bed, and decided that sleeping was not an option. Sleeping wasnt something important to me. I had to figure out where Bucky was. No matter the cost.

As I walked around in my apartment, I felt something staring at me. I didnt know what it was, but I was scared. There was no way I was turning around to look the thing in its eyes. I didnt know what it was! Honestly, I never usually responded to threats with fear, but this time, I did.
I had to turn around. But I could practically feel this thing's eyes pierce through my soul.

Without thinking about it, I turned on my heels and there I saw him. In the corner of my room, there was two blue eyes. Attached to his body, there was a metal arm. It was him.
He stared at me. Not one single word came out of his mouth. In complete silence we looked at eachother. I took a baby step towards him.
He responded with a baby step towards me.
Not a single word was exchanged between us.
Until we were face to face. I could feel his breath on mine.

After about a minute of us just standing there. He reached for a knife.
He'd made his choice.
He quickly slid the knife roughly into my abdomen.
"B-Bucky.." I breathed out as I started falling to the floor. Suddenly, I felt his metal arm sliding underneath my back, holding me up. He fell to his knees, but he didnt dare to let my body touch the ground. The blood was dripping on the floor, and I felt myself getting weaker and weaker.
"James.." I said, reaching up to caress his cheek.
"Caroline?" He asked me.

I saw his eyes. He started to realize who I was. His eyes quickly stung with tears as he stared at me in disbelief.
"Nononono.." He said, panicked.
"Fuck!" He yelled out as he got up, and found a bandage. I felt his hands slide my shirt up to where he had stabbed me. He quickly put pressure on it and stopped the bleeding.
Then, he grabbed my phone.. Last thing I could see and hear was him dialing some number on his phone.
Then, it all went black.

Steve's POV
I sat on my bed in my room. I had no eaten anything.
Suddenly, I heard a frantic knock on the door.
"Steve! Steve!!" I heard Natasha yell.
"What is it..?" I asked.
"Its Caro.. She's at the hospital.. Barely breathing." She explained.
"What?!" I quickly got up and ran out of my room.
"What happened to her?!" I yelled to Tony.
"The Winter Soldier.. he stabbed her." He replied, sadness in his voice.

"HE WHAT?!" I yelled as I started running to the hospital.

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