Chapter 9 - Become an Avenger.

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Two days after Bucky and Caro's visit. Morning time.

Steve's POV

I woke up with Grace ontop of me. She was fast asleep. I studied her face and smiled at how beautiful and peaceful she looked.
"Goodmorning." I whispered softly to her.
She opened her eyes slowly and yawned as I lifted her onto the bed instead. I got up and walked to the bathroom to shower. As I stood there with my face facing the wall as the water ran down my body, I felt two arms wrap around me.

"Hi Grace.." I said softly.
Her hands ran down my body and then she hugged me tight.
"Hi baby." I heard her respond.
I turned around to see and looked down at her.
She met my gaze and I leant down to kiss her lips.
"I love you, Steven." She said.
"I love you too, Grace." I replied, smiling.
"Touch me.." She breathed out.
My hands ran down her body, stopping at her hips. I lifted her up and pushed her up against the wall behind her.
I kissed her neck and she moaned for me.
"You've gotten better at this." She teased me.
"Shut up." I said as I carried her out of the shower and next to the bathroom sink.
I lined myself up with her before I thrusted into her, earning moans of pleasure from her.

Caro's POV

"Are you okay?" I asked Bucky as I saw him sitting in the windowsill watching the city.
"Yeah.. Just enjoying something I havent enjoyed in 70 years." He said, happily.
"Oh? The view?" I asked him, grinning.
"No.." He replied before walking over to me.
He climbed up on the bed and lifted himself ontop of me.
"You." He smiled as he pecked my lips.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as I lifted myself up to him and put my lips on his.
"I love you, James." I said as I rolled us over.
We pulled apart and I sat back. We both looked out of the window and smiled.
"Why cant we just stay here forever..?" Bucky suddenly said.
"Because we have jobs to do, babe." I said as I pecked his lips and walked towards the kitchen.
I had one of his shirts on and started to make breakfast.

"Are we going to the Avengers building again today?" He asked as he walked out, smiling as he noticed that I was cooking.
"Yes. Fury wants to talk with us." I said.
He huffed and walked into the bathroom.
"Dont be so huffy and puffy." I replied, and I heard him laugh a little in return.
We finished the breakfast and went to the Avengers Building again.

We went there and waited for Cap. But instead of Cap walking out, Hawkeye came out.
"Hi." He said.
"Where's Steve?" Bucky asked.
"Hmm.. I think he's in his room with Grace." He replied. Then he smirked as he realized how perverted that was.
"Anyways. You're here to talk with Fury right?" He asked us.
"Yep!" I said, smiling.
"A'ight, follow me." He said as he showed us the way to Nick.
As we walked in there, Nick and Tony sat there.
"Welcome!" Tony said as he got up to shake our hands.
"Caroline. Bucky." Nick greeted us as we all sat down again.

"So. Cap cares about you two." Nick said.
"Well I would think so, yes." I replied, questioning him.
"Bucky. How are you doing?" Nick suddenly said.
"I dont know... Good. I think." He said.
"Okay. Lets just get straight to the point. We want to have you here at all times." Tony suddenly said.
"What?!" I said, shocked.
"He's.. unpredictable and wanted. Having him out in the public could get him or someone else killed." Tony explained.
"You're insane. Bucky wouldnt hurt anyone." I defended.
"But the Winter Soldier will." Bucky said out of nowhere, as he looked at the floor.
"Is there any reason to be afraid of the Winter Soldier as of right now?" I asked all of them.
"There are many people and pirates who want the Winter Soldier on their side. All they need is 10 words." Fury explained to me.
Bucky sighed and rubbed his face with his hands.
"But.. But we cant do that!" I said, defending him.
"He's going to be safe. And we're going to find out how to fix him. In a couple of months.. He'll be an avenger if he wants to." Tony said.
"An avenger?" Bucky said, lifting his head up, locking eyes with Tony.

"Yes, Bucky. An avenger." Tony said, a little smirk on his lips.
Bucky smiled as he looked around. In the end he locked eyes with me. I kissed his lips and told him to say yes.

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