Chapter 20 - Cuts.

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Steve's POV

I was still out in the woods. It was so silent. I just sat there, up against a tree. The frustration had gone over to sadness.
Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Thor walking towards me with slow steps.
I looked at him, and looked away again.
He sat down besides me.
"Why are you out here?" I asked him.
"Grace is worried about you." He responded.
"Hmph." I responded.
"We didnt do anything." He said.
"What?" I asked.
"Me and her. We didnt do anything, you know." He told me.
"I know." I responded, looking at him.
"Jealousy has never been my strongest side." I said as I looked down.
"It's complicated." Thor responded.
"But I assure you. I look at you like my own brother. I would never touch something that truly belongs to you. She is your soulmate." He explained.
I looked at him and smiled.
"Thank you, Thor. I overreacted. I'm sorry if you thought I accused you of anything." I responded.
"Let's go. Grace is worried sick about you." He said.
"Alright." I said as I got up and we both walked back.

We walked in, and Grace walked towards me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I kissed her lips.
Then we connected our foreheads.
"I'm so sorry. I overreacted." I told her.
"It's alright. I was acting weird." She responded.
"Let's never do that again." I told her.
"Alright with me." She responded.
I smiled as I kissed her lips again.
Thor patted my back as he walked past us.

Bucky's POV
We were still in bed. She was still clinging onto me. Her breathing was soft and her little snores were the most adorable things on earth.
I smiled.. But it quickly faded away as I remembered the events that took place a little over a week ago.
10 words.
10 fucking words is all it takes to break me.
This isnt safe, for anyone.

I nearly killed my girlfriend.
I nearly killed Tony.
Then it flashed through my mind.
The day I killed Howard and Maria Stark.
I lifted Caro off of me and got slowly up to go into the bathroom.
As I stood there looking at myself in the mirror, I noticed that I looked tired.
I've slept for 12 hours.. How?!
I sighed and picked up a razor blade which was laying in the little shelf.
I studied the scar were my metal arm had been attached.
Then I ran the blade down over my chest.
It created a cut. The blood started to form.
I couldnt even feel it.
That's how robotic I had become.
I said as the blood dripped down my chest.

Not too long after, Caro opened the door.
I tried the best I could to hide the cut. But she saw the blood.
"Bucky?! What are you doing?!" She asked, terrified.
"Trying to see if I still feel any pain at all." I replied as I broke down into tears.
She quickly walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around me.
She just stood there, wrapped around me. It felt like my world was complete as she stood there.
I turned around and kissed her.
She had a shirt on. So I lifted her arms above her head and slid it off, not breaking contact with her lips.

When we needed a breath, I pulled back and looked at her body.
"You're so goddamn beautiful.." I said softly as I put my hands on her hips.
"You're pretty beautiful too." She said as her finger stroked my chest and lightly down my metal arm.
I kissed her again and pushed her up against the shower wall.
"Turn the water on." She breathed out as she put her head back when I kissed her neck.
I turned the water on and continued to kiss her.
"I love you." I said..
"I love you too.." She breathed out as she touched me.

Steve's POV

Me and Grace started to work after our reunion.
"We need to help Bucky. He's doing horrible." I blurted out.
"I know we do." Grace said as we walked hand in hand down the corridor.
"Let's ask Wanda.." She said.
"Yes, let's do that." I responded as we walked towards Wanda's room.

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