Chapter 19 - Grace&Steve

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Author's POV

A week passed after Bucky and Caro's return. The woman that had kidnapped them, was the same woman who tried to have sex with Bucky. It was a big shocker for all of the Avengers. But they knew she wasnt getting out of the building.

Other than smaller missions. It was going pretty normal for the Avengers.
But something kept troubling Bucky. The incident haunted him.

Steve's POV

"Grace?" I asked as I woke up, but I didnt feel her presence beside me.
But then I smelled the breakfast that was being cooked.
I smiled, and got up. I looked in the mirror and saw a scratch.
"So that's what has been hurting.." I thought to myself as I examined it in the mirror.
It was an intense colour of red.
I touched it and immediatly flinched.
It wasnt bleeding, but it was just so open. But I decided to let it go. My cells would heal it most likely.

I pulled a black t shirt over my head and went out of the kitchen.
There Grace stood, steaking bacon and eggs.
But the odd thing was that Thor also sat there.
He was never up at this early hour.
I shrugged it off and kissed Grace's lips.
"Goodmorning babe." I said.
"Morning.." She replied.
Weird. I thought to myself as I looked in the fridge for something eat.
I turned around and saw Thor literally staring at Grace with a weird expression.
"Okay what is going on here?" I asked as I turned around.
"I-" Thor started but then the door opened and in walked a shirtless Bucky holding Caro, who was clinging onto him with her legs wrapped around his waist.
She was sleeping.
"What's up with her?" Grace asked.
"She's been this way all night. I'm hungry so I decided to just take her with me. Dont wanna wake her." He said as he kissed her forehead.
"Like a little baby." Thor said, while letting out a little giggle.
"She really is." Bucky answered as he grabbed some sandwiches and walked out again with Caro clinging onto him.

"As I was saying.." Thor started.
The door opened again and now Natasha walked in.
"Hi Nat" Grace said, seeming overly excited for something this casual. I raised my eyebrow, but shrugged it off and sat down to eat.
Nat grabbed some cereal and sat down next to Thor.

Grace POV

A short while after Natasha walked in, another person opened the door. This time it was Stephen Strange.
"Hi doctor!" I said as he walked in.
"Sup?" He asked.
"Cooking" I replied.
"I can see that." He answered before grabbing an apple and walking out.
I followed after him.
"Stephen, wait!" I said.
"What?" He asked as he turned around to meet my gaze.
"Do you know where I can test my powers?" I asked him.
"After breakfast, come to my room. We'll go to the training room. I actually wanna discuss your powers with you." He said.
"Alright!" I said as I walked back into the kitchen.
"Where's Steve?" I asked Thor.
"I dont know. He went out or something." He replied as he continued to eat sandwiches.
What? What's up with him today?
I thought to myself.
I sat down to eat, deep in thought.

Steve's POV

I rushed outside and started running.
It was the best way for me to unleash frustration. I ran through the woods. I stopped at a little hill because I saw Pietro sitting there.
I sat down next to him.
"What's wrong?" Pietro asked.
"I'm just frustrated. How about you? Why are you out here?" I asked him.
"I dont know. I just love being here. It's peaceful." He answered.

We sat there in silence.

"What are you frustrated for?" He asked, breaking the little silence.
"I dont know really. Grace is confusing me lately. She has been ever since we came back from saving Caroline and Bucky." I explained.
"Confusing you?" He asked.
"She's just doing her own things, kind of creating a distance between us and being alot with other people." I said.
"Maybe she is going through a rough time right now." He started.
I looked over to him.
"Hey, her friends nearly died. She probably just needs some space or something. It'll be alright." He ended.
"I suppose so." I said.
"Wanna have a race back?" He asked.
"Not really." I replied, laughing.
"Your loss." He said as he ran out of there, quicker than the lighting.
I walked back. Taking in all the nature and beautiful creatures that lived in the woods.

Grace's POV
I walked to Doctor Strange's room and he was already waiting. He walked with me to the training room and we started to practice.

After 15 minutes of using fear as my weapon Strange interrupted me.
"I want you to test it on me." He said.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"I want you to be able to control it better. Make it useful for something else than killing." He said.
"Like what?" I asked.
"I dont know. You'll figure that out." He said.
"Alright.." I said as I took my hands up and summoned the darkest, deepest fears inside of him and dragged it out of his body. It surrounded him.
Flashing images of things he feared.
Then I targeted his heart, and directed the fear towards it. His heart rate quickly sped up and he was sweating and having it hard to breathe.
"S-stop." He said.

I let go and it all went away. He was shaking and trying to catch his breath.
"Are you alright?! Im so sorry!!" I said as I ran up to him.
"Yep. Mhm. All fine. 100% okay yep!!" He said as he held his chest.
"But how did you do that?!" He asked, amazed.
"I dont know, really." I replied looking at my hands.
"That's some amazing skills you have. But remember... Be careful." He said.
I looked at him.
"That's it for today!" He announced, and walked out.

I walked out of there, and into me and Steve's room.
He wasnt here.
Where is he?!

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