Chapter 1

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***I dedicate the Passion series to my mom, who was my best friend and biggest support of these books, and me as a writer. Rest in peace mom***

It's Mid-August, our summer is coming to an end and we're beginning our middle school years soon. I come from a family of 6, my two sisters, two brothers, myself and my mother; I never knew my father and my mom works as a full-time nurse, my best friend Ashlyn and I have been friends since 3rd grade. I have always been different from other kids and because of that, I was bullied most of my life.

My 6th-grade year begins today and I'm not excited about it. Ashlyn and I walked into the huge classroom full of students, we took a seat in the back of the room. The teacher walked in "Good morning everyone, can I have everyone to the front of the class so we can assign seats." Ashlyn sighed "We won't be next to each other." I groaned "The first day and I already hate the teacher." We walked up to the front of the room, and she started assigning the seats; she placed Ashlyn in the front and I was in the middle section next to a girl with brunette hair to my left and a boy with black hair to my right.

The girl next to me tried talking to me, I looked in the corner of my eye at her but ignored her. I was chewing gum when the teacher spoke to me, I stood up "It's Casey." She didn't seem to want to be here "Can you spit out your gum please?" I rolled my eyes "Whatever." I got up and threw it in the trash, she continued " Let's continue with Tomas." The boy next to me looked up "I'm Tomas, you just said my name. What more do I need to say?" Ashlyn looked back at me and looked at him. I couldn't help myself and I laughed, he looked at me smirking.

The teacher started getting agitated "Looks like we got two smart alecks in the class." I raised my hand "He's got a point though; you did say his name." Ashlyn shushed me, Mrs. Monroe sighed "It's the first day of school and I suggest not getting suspended on it." I smirked "So continue the lesson, we'll learn each other's names ourselves. We aren't in elementary anymore. I'm sure we've learned the concept of communication." Tomas laughed "She's got a point though. No one in here I would care to get to know or befriend. Except maybe Casey." I giggled "Right? I can agree with that statement."

She grabbed her detention slips "Both of you detention during lunch." I leaned back in my desk with my arms crossed "Mrs. we aren't missing out on much so who cares." Tomas yawned "Screw that." She pointed to the door "Both of you out of my class." I grabbed my backpack and walked out "It took you long enough." Tomas and the teacher followed behind me; she stopped in front of us "Stand outside and I will deal with you after class." I rolled my eyes "Right. We will just leave."

We stood outside the classroom, I pulled out a pack of gum "Want a piece?" He shook his head no "So Jacey." I looked up with frustration on my face "It's Casey with a C." He smirked "Still a pretty name for a pretty girl." I rolled my eyes "I'm not interested." The bell rang, Ashlyn came out "What was that? Are you trying to get suspended the first day?" Mrs. Monroe came out "Tomas and Casey, tomorrow your attitudes better change or we can put your desks out here." Tomas shrugged "That works. Won't have to listen to you all day." Ashlyn apologized for me and dragged me away from Tomas "Casey let's go!" She pulled me into the bathroom "Why are you trying to get suspended on the first day?"

I pulled my arm away from her "Because I'm sick of being different. I'm so tired of being the girl everyone makes fun of because I stay to myself." I yanked the door open and started walking to my next class when I got grabbed again "Hey Casey." I turned around "Are you following me now?" He grinned, "Of course not, I have math too." I nodded my head and raised my eyebrows "Right. How did you know I have math?" He pointed at my binder "Right. Guess I didn't hide it, anyways I'm not going." He ran his hand threw his hair nervously "You may be the only person I like in this school." Suddenly my heart raced but kept a careless attitude "Is that so?" He grinned "I wasn't planning to stay, I wanted to know if..." He paused and I took that second to say "You don't have to ask me twice." He was grinning again "Let's go."

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