Chapter 28

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Tomas moved his arm under me and I sat up against the back of the seat. He apologized, and I yawned "Where are we?" It was nearly dark. The sky was beautiful; I looked at him as he said "We're an hour from home." He pulled over, put the truck in park, and turned to face me "I know you're upset." I sighed and looked down "Did you know? Was this planned?" He exhaled "I didn't plan this. I planned to ask you but the baby was a surprise. My happiness wasn't what it seemed. I was insensitive to how you'd feel. With Amanda, I complained every day that I wanted it to be with you so when I saw the test. I overdid it."

I looked away and mumbled, "You made it seem intentional by saying that." He rested his elbows on the steering wheel and sighed running his hands through his hair "No. I wanted my future with you from the moment I met you. I thought I screwed up with Amanda and it turned out I wasted my time with her. I should've never got caught up with them like you had told me many times." He exhaled between sentences "My point is, my excitement came from being able to have that future with you finally. I know we are young and should not be having a baby. I love you and I love our son or daughter already."

I giggled because he was rambling, I knew where his intentions were. He paused and looked at me "You did that on purpose." Another laugh slipped out as I shrugged "You're funny when you're flustered. I can't help it." My heart raced once the thought hit me, my mom. What would she say? I've heard of parents disowning their children over this, I looked up when I felt Tomas' hand on mine "What's wrong?"

I slipped my hand away, pushing the door open as I puked once again, Tomas moved closer and held onto my waist so I wouldn't fall. I hadn't noticed until a tear dripped from my nose that I was crying. I was truly scared, by the stories I heard. Women have died doing this. I feared my body couldn't handle it. I sat up and wiped my face with a paper towel, Tomas had noticed my tears. Then again I wasn't trying to hide it. He knew I was scared.

He handed me something to rinse my mouth "Casey. I'm sorry. I know that you're scared and everything is going everywhere. We can do this. We need to take it day by day." I looked up at him as he held me "I'm worried about what my mom will say or do." He kissed the top of my head "You know she loves you. She would never leave you alone through this."

I took a deep breath, he was right. She might be upset but disowning me was simply overthinking the situation. I sighed loudly "Aren't you worried about what your dad will say?" He chuckled "Oh I know that I will hear it. That I'm sure of." I calmly panicked thinking it would create a problem with his dad and him.

He rubbed my stomach "It won't create a fight between us. He will come around too." I looked up at him and joked "Don't read my mind." He chuckled as he leaned down to kiss me, I moved away "I just puked." He kissed my cheek instead "I know. You're upsetting yourself and the baby doesn't like it. One thing at a time."

I second-guessed what I was about to ask but I needed to know "Were you like this with Amanda?" He sighed "No. I was the opposite, I treated her like shit." Part of me felt bad for her but then again she dragged him along with a child that wasn't his. I felt his glance on me, I turned to him "I expected you to be like that with me.." I paused not sure if I should continue.

He moved back to the driver's seat and put the truck in drive "I know that I was heartless before. I regret it." I leaned against the door and rested my head on the window, I was done talking about it. He figured I was because he stopped talking about it and drove quietly. I started feeling queasy but it quickly subsided once I adjusted the way I laid. I whispered under my breath to the baby 'I love you' I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

I woke up when I heard the door open, I looked up at Tomas getting out of the truck. I looked around at the truck stop as I yawned. My stomach quickly turned and I was running inside. I barely made it to the bathroom when I puked. I wiped my mouth with tissue and sat on the floor in tears. I flushed and stood. I walked to the sink to wash my mouth when a lady came out.

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