Chapter 16

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The following morning, I overslept and was late for school. I literally ran to get there on time but instead showed up as a sweaty mess. I walked into the classroom like I had been there until the teacher made her speech about being late "Casey why are you late?" I sighed as I turned to face her "I overslept, we had a big game last night." She sat down at her desk "Next time is detention." I think she has it out for me, but oh well she's just a teacher. I went to the only desk available and by the one person, I wanted to be away from, Tomas.

I sat down, I got irritated having him next to me, and I mumbled "Dumb bitch." She looked up, pushing up her glasses "Excuse me?" I looked dead into her green eyes "I called you a dumb bitch." I purposely attempted to get kicked out so I wouldn't have to sit next to him. The class started fake coughing and mumbling, Tomas leaned over and whispered, "What are you doing?" I didn't acknowledge him, the teacher grabbed her detention slips "Detention Casey." I stood up walking to the front "I wake up late once and I get detention; makes me wonder what you have against me." She looked up from writing "Go to the principal's office." I snatched the note once she handed it to me "I wouldn't want to be in this room with you anyway." I threw my backpack on my shoulder and walked out. I spent most of the day in the principal's office waiting for my mom to pick me up.

Around lunch, I just walked home; later that evening when my mom came home she came up to my room and asked "Why was I called into the principal's office? I thought we were done with this Casey." I sat up "I woke up and was late, I have never been late for her stupid class mom." She shook her head and exhaled "No more of this. You can be kicked off cheerleading for this crap." I rolled my eyes "I know." Not a bad idea.

She looked back at me "Wait. This doesn't have something to do with Tomas does it?" I looked up from my book "Why do you think everything is about him?" She crossed her arms leaning on my door frame"She's having the baby soon. Casey he's going to be a father, he's doing the right thing by standing up and taking responsibility for his..." I cut her off "My choices don't rely on him, I don't care what he's doing. We aren't even friends, let alone talking Mom."

She rubbed her temples "It makes me sad you just dumped him like he was never your friend at the worst time possible. He needs support at a time like this." I scoffed and closed my book "I have been nice to Amanda like we talked about." She stood up straight "But not to him?" I got frustrated "How can I be nice to him when he's such a fucking prick!" She got angry "Watch your mouth!" I sighed and it slipped "I'm sorry, he makes me so angry. He's using as a way to cope with it." I realized my mistake after completing my sentence. She looked at me concerned "Drugs? How do you know that?"

I covered my face now angry I said that "Don't say anything, that wasn't true. It's what people think." She shook her head and sighed "You believe rumors over your friend?" I sat on the edge of my bed, fidgeting with my hands "You can't be friends with someone you love. It ruins everything and I'd rather stay away than cause problems." She snapped her fingers and pointed at me "The truth will set you free." She went downstairs. I got up, sat in the window, and looked at the cloud-filled sky. No matter what I chose for myself, it would hurt so I decided we'd go back to being strangers with long-lost memories.

A couple of months passed, coming back from winter break, I broke up with Ryan. I lost feelings for him and it was unfair to him to be led on. He moved schools a week later and life went on. Amanda is due any day and I avoided Tomas. I distanced myself and he eventually caught on I wanted nothing to do with him. Ashlyn continued being his friend and being supportive, we had occasional interactions, but they were mostly 'How are you?' and 'Good luck to you'. I continued cheerleading and focusing on my education, life finally started feeling normal until...

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