Chapter 6

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The following morning, Tomas's alarm went off and I jumped up running out his door; I ran into his dad "Woah, be careful. Good morning Casey." I smiled "Good morning." He continued down the hall to the staircase; I went to my room and got ready for school. Tomas came in the doorway "Hey. Go ahead and take a shower first, I'm going to go eat something." I looked up at him "Okay." He smiled and left; I got in the shower.

Tomas went downstairs to eat; Rob was at the island, drinking his coffee "Good morning." Tomas grabbed a bowl of cereal "Morning." Rob looked up from his phone "Mind telling me why Casey was in your room this morning?" As he poured the milk "She had a nightmare and I told her she could hang out with me. We fell asleep on accident, it won't happen again." Rob took a sip of his coffee "You know friends don't usually sleep with each other in the same bed. Is something going on I don't know about?"

He took a bite of his cereal "Dad. We are friends." Rob looked down at his phone "Good because if she was your girlfriend, she wouldn't be in the same house as you." Tomas rolled his eyes "I don't see what the big deal would be with that." Just as Rob was going to say something, I came downstairs; I sat next to Rob, and he looked at me "Do you drink coffee? Or want some breakfast? I could make some eggs and toast."

I shook my head "I don't eat breakfast but thank you." Tomas dropped his spoon in the bowl making a loud clank, Rob and I both looked at him "Thanks. Let me eat the stale cereal I'm sure has been sitting in the cabinet for months Dad." Rob put down his cup on the counter "I just bought that a week ago and you made the bowl before I could offer." I looked down trying to hide my smile and hold back my laugh. Tomas walked to Rob's side of the island and put the bowl in front of him "Try this and tell me again this is from a week ago."

Rob took a bite "Tastes fine." Tomas started walking toward the stairs "Then you eat it, I'll get breakfast at school." He went upstairs, and Rob looked at me "He drives me nuts." I giggled "You can say that again." Rob and I talked until he came back downstairs, I didn't feel uncomfortable like I thought I would. He was easy to talk to and he was funny, it was like talking to someone my age. Tomas came down with his shoes and backpack "Ready to go" I got up from the barstool "Yeah." Rob looked at his phone "I should get going too, see you guys when I get home tonight."

He got up and left, Tomas sat on the stairs and put on his shoes "Did he say anything to you?" I shook my head "No." He stopped what he was doing "Everything okay?" I sighed "Yeah." He stood up "That sigh said no." I looked down and frowned "I heard what he said." He walked toward me "Which part?" I looked back up "He said if I was your girlfriend I wouldn't be allowed here. Maybe I should just go live with my mom now."

He stood quietly "That's up to you but he won't find out." I frowned "Maybe. We should get to the bus before we miss it." I started walking to the door, he said "Casey I didn't mean it that way." He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms, he gave me a quick kiss "He won't find out." I brushed my hair behind my ear "Maybe we should stay friends."

He wrapped his arms around my waist "Why?" I could feel the tears come to my eyes "I can't risk you getting in trouble for me again. I like you, I do, but you just moved in with your dad and I don't want to ruin that for you." He wiped away the stray tears "Babe how can you ruin it for me? So he finds out, he can't just kick me or you out because we're together and I know he won't."

I pulled away from him "We need to get to school." I opened the door and started walking to the bus stop while he locked the door. He jogged to catch up to me "So that's it? You'd be willing to end it because of what he said?" I continued walking, avoiding his question, he gently grabbed my arm "Casey?" I stopped walking and pulled my arm away "You act like you're all in love with me. It's been a day." I started walking again.

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