Chapter 24

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The following morning, I sat up when I heard Casey moving around beside me. I rolled over and wrapped my arms around her, I nuzzled my mouth by her ear whispering "Casey. It's okay." She woke up and rolled to face me, she gently kissed my lips "I'm sorry." I rubbed her cheek with my thumb "What happened?" She nuzzled into my chest "Bad dream. I don't even remember it now." I kissed her nose "We have a few more hours before check out." She sat up and stretched, she leaned over the bed and grabbed one of my shirts throwing it on. She went into the bathroom and I heard the water running. She came back in and I chuckled "You know we finished the box last night and I'm not sure how much control I'll have seeing you in my shirt." She bent over picking up her clothes and I looked away to maintain myself "Casey." She looked up with a smirk "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize." She giggled as she went back to the bathroom, I threw the blanket back and rushed into the bathroom.

I opened the curtain and climbed in with her, she looked at me in shock but she ended up giggling "Miss me?" I leaned in kissing her "Don't act like you don't know what you did." She mumbled along my lips "I don't kiss and tell." I picked her up and leaned her back against the wall, I couldn't help myself. She gripped my shoulders as she held her head back and moaned as I took care of her once again. I stopped just as I was about to and removed myself "You need birth control at this rate. Or at least a bigger box of condoms." She looked at me "I'm on birth control but that isn't going to fully protect us." I grinned ear to ear "I wished you told me that sooner." She grabbed her washcloth and joked "Get out." I cleaned my body and hair. She gently massaged my scalp and shoulders, we both got out and I helped wrap up her wrist.

She brushed her hair as I put on my clothes "Tomas." I looked up at her "Yes." She set the brush down "Are you truly done with Amanda and Kylie." I stand from the bed "I am. What they did was horrible..." I paused when she frowned, I continued "I never took interest in them out of love. Amanda was easy and desperate for my attention. It made you jealous when you were with Ryan. It's my fault I got what I got out of this. I don't blame you for my choices like I did before. This experience made me grow up and realize what I took for granted. I had an amazing girl and I walked out when things became real. I'm ready for any and all challenges with you from here on out." She had a look of not believing me but could I blame her for her reaction?

She grabbed her things and put them in her bag, she zipped it up "I'm ready to go when you are." I threw on my shirt "I'm ready." She picked up her bag and went to the door; I double-checked everything before following her. Once I caught up with her, I grabbed her bag from her; she waited by the desk and we checked out. Thankfully it was another person who seemed much nicer than the girl last night. The ride was silent with the music barely turned up, I glanced at her as she leaned into the door, staring out the window "Are you hungry?" She glanced back at me but went back to staring out the window "No." I looked around as we drove through Phoenix looking for a diner or something new to stop at. Regardless if she said no, I knew she was. 

I pulled into the parking lot of a burrito spot, she looked at me "What are you doing?" I opened my door "Getting food." I went inside while she stayed in the truck. I ordered what I figured she'd eat, asking would've never gotten anywhere right now. She loved bacon burritos so that's what I grabbed her. I made my way back to the truck; I placed her food in the middle for her reach. I ate about half of mine and I was full. We left Phoenix, she grabbed her burrito and started slowly eating it.  

We eventually made it to the California border; she slept most of the trip once she finished eating. She sat up yawning "Where are we?" I glanced at her "Just made it to California." She stretched yawning again "Pull over, I'll drive." I laughed "I'm okay." She turned to face me and gave me a serious look "No you aren't. I'm fine and I'm asking you to pull over because your eyes are redder than a stoned person." I pulled over "You won this one because I love you." She jumped out of the truck; we switched seats, I have never let anyone drive my truck, but Casey was an exception.

She jumped back on the road, and turned the radio up; she began dancing and singing to her favorite band. She stopped at the light, she continued dancing; another truck pulled beside us. The truck beside us rolled down the windows and started wolf-whistling at her, I couldn't help feeling agitated but what did I expect? I wasn't the only one who noticed her beauty. She ignored them continuing on with her singing and dancing; she revved the engine a few times. 

I didn't take her seriously until the light turned green. She stuck her arm out the window with the middle finger out at the other truck; I sat up in the seat "Babe!" There was a California Highway Patrol car behind us with the lights on; she pulled over. I handed her the registration and insurance "You are nuts." She looked at me smiling and laughing "I'll pay for the ticket." I sat up in my seat "That's my girl." She smirked with a quick shrug "You're a bad influence on me." 

The officer came to the window "Do you know how fast you..." He looked up with shock written on his face "Casey?" She glanced at me confused then back to him "Yes?" He chuckled "Zack, I'm Devon's cousin, we met at Devon's tattoo shop?" She rested her head back "Oh my god! I didn't know you were a cop! What's up?" She got out of the truck and gave him a hug, she turned to me "That's my boyfriend, Tomas. This is Zack, one of Kayla's best friends." 

I had no idea what to say "What's up?" She put her hands together and begged him "This didn't happen, right?" Zack laughed and closed his book "Saw nothing, you guys coming to see Kayla or get some more work done? I remember you talking about a side tattoo." Casey got back in the driver's seat "Both. Don't tell Devon though, he'll tell Kayla, it's a surprise visit." Zack frowned and looked down "Well Devon is actually dead, he was shot, but I can do some work for you guys." Casey looked shocked "Wow! What happened?"

The guy continued to frown "He got caught up in some stuff, came back to him." Casey gave him a quick pat on his hand "I'm sorry. We'll see you around and I'll schedule some work with you soon." She shut the door; he went back to his car and left. Casey sat there for a minute "She hasn't mentioned that to me." I looked at her "Maybe she has a hard time dealing with it." She looked at me "I could never be able to handle losing you for good." I smiled at her "I'm not going anywhere." She started driving to her cousin's house; we arrived after about an hour of driving. She ran to the front door; her cousin's housekeeper answered "Casey! Welcome back!" We went inside the huge mansion; the guy took our bags; she looked at me "It's huge huh? My uncle owns a worldwide business." Kayla came running down the staircase "Oh my god! Casey!"

They looked so much alike, they could be sisters; her cousin was pregnant. Casey looked at her in shock "Wow! You're pregnant!?" Her cousin smiled at me "Is this Ryan?" Deep down I got pissed hearing his dumbass name, I am nothing like that sick fuck. Casey looked at me "No that's Tomas." I shook her hand "Nice to meet you." She smiled "I'm Kayla. Heard a lot about you too." Casey looked around "Where's Uncle?" She frowned "Devon and my dad were killed, Casey. They were caught up in some bad things, I never knew about. Devon's dad was killed too. It's just me here now. " Casey fell into her arms, and Kayla began crying, Casey asked, "Is this Devon's baby?" She shook her head "No. The people who killed my father and Devon. It was his son. I thought he loved me so I left with him, he forgot all about me. He just wanted my father's money and business."

I felt for her, she was pregnant and the guy didn't even stand by her. Ashlyn was right when she said not every guy sticks around, I'm proud to say I did even though he wasn't my son in the end. I miss Bentley so much, but I'm not his father and there is no longer a reason to keep the relationship built cause what's the point? I loved being a father, but I hated being so young and not in love with the girl I thought I got pregnant.

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