Chapter 15

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I walked into the gym looking for the coach to discuss the athletic programs available when one of the girls from the cheer team glanced at me "Casey!" She ran up and dragged me to the coach "If anyone should be captain, this girl is it. She blew everyone away last year." Before I could speak up, the coach looked me over "Do you mind trying out?" Another girl met her at my shoulder "Show her last year's routine you nailed the first time." I had a knot in my throat and before I knew it. I was trying out, deep down I was against it but my younger self was fighting to the surface and she won this one. The coach watched my every move and before I finished the music was cut, the coach handed me the uniform "Congratulations captain."

The two girls came up cheering me on, a few of the guys smirked as they checked me out but I turned my head not interested. The coach dragged me away to go over tryouts; I looked at the long list in front of me. Two other girls who were clearly older sat beside me "What's your vote?" I looked at Ashlyn's name "Um... Ashlyn..." One of the girls cut in "Isn't she your best friend?" The other girl said "I think she has some use for us." She smiled at me "Ashlyn is in." We went over the list and picked a few more girls, unfortunately for me. Kylie was one of them but I put my hatred for her aside and decided what was best for our team. The three of us were in gymnastics together so I know Kylie is flexible and can do moves. Not giving her ego that satisfaction I think that highly of her.

Once we finished up, I ran up to Ashlyn and Tomas talking in the hallway "Ash!" They both turn to me, Ashlyn looked at my uniform "What? Oh my god! You made it!" I handed her uniform to her "So did you!" She hugged me "Oh my god!" I placed my hands on my hips "Guess who's the new captain?" Her jaw dropped "No way! You made it as captain." She hugged me again "Oh my god! Have you told Ryan yet?" I looked around for him "I haven't seen him, but I'm going to right now."

Tomas cut off our excitement "So you joined cheerleading for him? But you were against it when we were together." I looked at him with a dirty look "He encouraged me to join and do what I love, you would've made fun of me." He crossed his arms "How would you know that? Oh! I see he's trying out for football so you want to be his sideline skank."

I crossed my arms "Wow. Hanging around her made you a little b--" I paused to keep myself from calling him a name "Give it time, you'll be begging for my attention as she does yours, where is she by the way? I'm surprised she's not down your neck for talking to me." Ashlyn cut us both off "Will you two just not talk to each other." I dropped my arms "Fine by me, see you at practice later Ash."

I left to find Ryan, Tomas waited until I was a distance before he said "He's ruining her." Ashlyn looked at him "Amanda is ruining you, stop being such a jerk to her if you ever want to be friends again. She didn't get Amanda pregnant, you did." He rubbed his forehead "We have her appointment later, might just tell her I'm not feeling up to it." Ashlyn rolled her eyes "Be responsible and get over Casey please, she's been into Ryan and is most likely going to end up with him again." He took a deep breath "That should be me with her not him." She looked away frowning "I know but life had different plans for you guys."

I finally found Ryan, I ran up to him "Hey!" He turned around, looking me up and down "You made it?" I kissed his cheek "Yeah, I was voted captain too." He picked me up and spun me around "I'm proud of you." He put me down, and I bit my lip "So I was thinking and I want to give us another shot. What do you think?" He smiled "You just made me the happiest guy in this school." He leaned in and kissed me, we got carried away from our heated make-out session we forgot we were at school.

We moved away from each other and laughed at the prying eyes staring at us. Ashlyn slowly approached us "I assume you guys are a couple again?" Ryan grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, I smiled "Yes we are." Tomas was behind Ashlyn but kept walking past us. I glanced at him and Ashlyn smirked "Amanda problems." Ryan looked at me "I have tryouts tonight but they are later in the evening so I can be at your practice." The bell rang, I give him a quick nod and headed to class with Ashlyn.

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