Chapter 39

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I sit on the couch with TJ in my arms, after telling them; we sit in silence. I was the first to break the silence "I should get an abortion." Ashlyn looks at me frantically "You can't do that." I look at her "Isn't it my choice?" Mariana rubbed my hand "It is but the regret you'd have Casey we all know you'd never forgive yourself." I frown "Why should another child suffer? Tomas will kill himself at this rate." 

Mariana bluntly said "Then you have 2 boys in his remembrance." Ashlyn glared at her "That isn't funny." She shrugged "I'm being realistic." I spoke up "Should I even tell him? I might just be accused of sleeping Ryan again." Ashlyn looked at me "Why does it always fall back on Ryan? It's been over for a year between you guys." I lay back against the couch "Tomas asked if TJ was Ryan's baby." Mariana laughed "Has he had a good look at his son? God said copy and paste." 

Ashlyn giggled "Okay that was funny but back to all seriousness. Tomas is a good father, he made mistakes and he will get better. You know that wasn't him talking. Those drugs..." I cut her off "I gave up on him." Mariana hugged me "You can't save him. We both know you have done so much to save his life but Casey you can't force him to stay clean, he has to choose to."              

I started crying as Ashlyn took a sleeping TJ and set him in his pack n play "His son isn't enough to stop him, I've lost hope that anything will." They both came in to comfort me "He will. It's not that TJ isn't enough for him, TJ and this baby will be the reason he pulls through every time." I stood up once they moved away "I'm going to bed." I picked TJ up and moved him to his crib, Ashlyn and Mariana came into the room with us.

Mariana laid in the middle with Ashlyn and me on the side, Mariana joked "So who am I spooning?" Ashlyn grabbed a pillow and placed it in between them "Casey needs it more." Mariana rolled over and cuddled with me "It's only lesbian if you make it." I started laughing "Shut the hell up." She moved closer "Do you have his cologne? I'll play him tonight." Ashlyn hit her with the pillow "Go to sleep." I started laughing as Mariana turned and hit her back, I was grateful to have such amazing sisters. 

The next morning, we carpooled to school after taking TJ to my mom's. Amanda approached "Casey." I slowly turn to her "I'm not in the mood." Kylie came up behind her "How does it feel to be media famous?" I look at her confused "What are you talking about?" She pulled up her phone to a news media page, Mariana snatched her phone "Who's to say that's them?" Kylie smirked "Scroll down to his mugshot." Mariana gave her back the phone "Yeah well they have it wrong." 

Ashlyn grabbed my arm to comfort me, Amanda chuckled "He pulled a gun on Casey then himself. How was it wrong? It clearly states the reasons he got locked up." Mariana snapped "Had you kept your dirty games away from him I'm sure he'd be fine. This is on you playing make your own family with him. Don't forget the reputation you gave yourself you dirty..." I cut her off "Why are we entertaining them? We know the truth, why should we give our undivided attention to trashy people?" I gently grab Mariana's hand and walked away from them, Mariana yelled "Espera hasta que ponga mis manos en tu garganta, puta sucia (wait till I get my hands on your throat you dirty sl*t)"      

Some of the football players approached us at my locker, one of the guys named Isaiah asked "You okay?" I give him a nod. Isaiah was one of Tomas' friends, they weren't close but when they played together, they always had each other's back in games. Emma and Jacklyn from my team walked up "You shouldn't let it get to you. No one knows him like you and the things being said aren't true." I hated the attention this incident brought and finding out it was on social media made it all the worse.      

Mariana stepped beside "We know you guys are sorry but I think Casey needs time alone, we know you mean well." Both of the team members started leaving, Mariana looked at me "You don't have to be here. I'm sure our teachers will understand." I shook my head "I can't miss anymore." She hugged me "I'm going to head to class will you be okay?" I give her a nod as she looks at me "You both will get past this and it will be old news." 

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