Chapter 18

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I walked out of my class, Amanda was standing by the door with a big smile on her face "Hey." I looked at her with a quick grin "Hey babe." She leaned against the wall "You wanted to talk to me?" I moved out of the doorway "Yeah, my dad wants to have dinner with us tonight. Do you have practice?" She looked around for someone "I have no idea. I don't think so, Casey said she had something to do tonight." I nodded my head as the thought came to me. Did she have a date with someone? I pushed the thought away immediately "She pushes you guys, huh?" She nodded her head as she bit the corner of her bottom lip "That's cheerleading. We work out just as much as football players. We break and sprain our bodies if we aren't careful. The flyers have to work on their balance a lot so that when we're up in the air we don't fall on top of our base or to the mats. I wanted to be a flyer but..." Casey walked up, cutting off Amanda unintentionally "Hey no more neck brace or crutches."

I fought with myself to maintain the nerves causing my heart to race in my chest, the fact she acknowledges me was enough to deal with Amanda "I'm healing well; I can get the cast off in a few days." Amanda cut me off with slight annoyance in her tone "Casey do we have practice today?" She looked at Amanda "No. I do need to talk to you when you have a chance." Amanda wrapped her arm around mine "I'm available to talk now. He doesn't understand cheer talk." Casey slowly nodded "Okay... I just needed that flash drive from you and Kylie. I decided to present it to the coach." Amanda grabbed her bag and opened it handing over a flash drive, Casey put it in her pocket and then threw her hair back. It took every ounce of control not to grab her neck and kiss her. The marks on her neck I'd leave so everyone knew... For fuck sake Tomas. Stop.

Casey smiled at both of us and walked away after a see you later, that was as much as she'd say to me. She never asked about our son or our relationship. Amanda looked at me with her arms crossed "She won't come between us will she?" I reassured her with reach for her hand "No, I am over her babe. I want to be with you." I lied. I'm trying to get over her, but it's not easy when she's always around. I let go of Amanda's hand "I'll fix it right now." I started walking toward Casey's locker "Hey Casey?" She turned as she shut her locker and gave a quick smile, I regretted what I was about to say. I wasn't prepared for her reaction. I exhaled "Look don't get upset, but I love Amanda and she doesn't like when we talk to each other so..." She cut me off "Got it. I was nice to you because your dad asked me to be so don't worry about it." Jake came up beside Casey "Hey bro! Wow! I didn't know you two still talk." She turned her lock "We don't. Bye Jake." She walked outside, Jake raised his eyebrows at me "Bro. Get over her. She's one of those stuck-up cheerleaders now." The taste of blood met my mouth from biting my tongue hard, his words angered me. Casey wasn't stuck up like her team who hated my guts for hurting her so harshly. Can you blame them?

I gave him a hard glare "Like your girlfriend? I forgot Ashlyn was a cheerleader too. But so are Kylie and Amanda. I guess they're all stuck up, right?" Ashlyn and Amanda came up "What's wrong with cheerleaders?" I scoffed and looked at Jake as he took off down the hall avoiding that conversation with Ashlyn. Ashlyn's attention went from Jake to me "I'm not asking. Have you seen Casey?" I pointed at the doors "That way." She walked away, and Amanda looked at me smiling "I'm so proud of you." I wasn't. I hated telling her that, but my son is my priority now, and trying to make it work with his mother was something I had to do for him. I've gotten good at pretending my feelings and emotions toward Amanda, but none were genuine.

After school, Amanda and I met up with my father for dinner. We arrived at the restaurant, and as we walked in, I saw Mrs. Carson sitting with my dad. Next to her was Casey. She looked bored until we walked up then she became agitated. Amanda looked at me irritated. My dad looked up "There you are." Casey looked amazing as usual but tonight was different. She glowed under the lighting, bringing out her features. Casey grabbed her stuff, slid out of the booth, and walked out of the restaurant after saying "I was just leaving." Once she was gone, her mom asked me "I thought you two were getting along again." My dad sighed as he scratched his jawline nervously "I didn't know you were bringing Amanda; no offense, Amanda." She gave him a smile clearly offended by his comment "None taken." I took a seat next to him "I thought it was just us, so I figured why not." Casey came back "I forgot something", she leaned over the booth and grabbed her jacket. I knew I would've regretted that, she looked nice. Never seen her in a dress before, but she was not the same girl I used to know. I nearly stripped her clothes off with my eyes and I didn't hide it well on purpose.

Amanda noticed and shook my shoulder "Tomas, you're doing it again." Sharon asked "How are you doing?" I looked at her "Feeling a lot better." She took a sip of her drink "I'm sorry about Casey, I don't know what's wrong with her lately." Amanda mumbled something under her breath that only I heard, she looked at me and stood up "I need to use the restroom." I asked Sharon "Is she doing okay?" Mrs. Carson looked at me with concern "She stays out late, and sometimes she never comes home. When she does, she's stuck in her room or outside on the trampoline, I had to drag her out tonight." My dad took a drink "We've all been handling it in our own ways." Her mom nodded her head "She's constantly upset about something. I think she misses Ryan, she never told me why they broke up." Apparently, no one did. They were together one day then broken up the next, Ashlyn didn't even know.

Amanda came back "Those are gorgeous bathrooms." I stood up before she sat and walked out of the restaurant; Amanda yelled my name. I had to leave after hearing that. I walked outside and saw Casey sitting on the bench waiting for her mom. I walked up to her "What happened?" She looked up at me "What?" I sat down next to her "I'm sorry I messed everything up. I've hurt you beyond repair and now I've only made it worse by what I said earlier." She bit her lip and began to cry, I pulled her into my arms without thinking. She pulled away from me and moved over "Don't do that." I whispered "I don't love her. I'm just trying to be there for Bentley. I'm doing terribly at this. I thought..." Amanda came out making me pause "What are you still doing here? First, you ruin dinner with his dad and now you're in my boyfriend's arms." I stood up pissed "Don't you disrespect her. You don't own me. I will do whatever I want and talk to who I want. Live with it or leave! I don't love you! I just did this for Bentley!"

Casey stood walking across the parking lot to her mom's car, I lost it with Amanda which made Casey stop "Get out of here Amanda! I will never want to be with you kid or not." Amanda smirked and looked at Casey "Regardless we have a son together. Don't think for a second you will be around him." Casey crossed her arms and said "No worries. I wouldn't want to be in your position. Forcing someone who doesn't love me to have a relationship because we have a kid together. I truly pray your son doesn't turn into you." Amanda ran at her and started hitting her, Casey pushed Amanda off of her "You're off my team." The old Casey would've beat up Amanda but she just fixed her hair and started for the front door. Amanda pulled her phone out "You witnessed that right?" I put my hands up "I'm not vouching for you. You attacked her." I sat on the bench contemplating what the hell just happened until the police pulled up. It brought attention to the restaurant full of people, my dad came out "What happened?" I looked up at him "Amanda attacked Casey and Amanda called the police." He sat down next to me exhaling "Tomas... I don't care who you love or like, but don't start drama between the two girls."

I got angry at his comment "So I'm to blame? Because I was worried and asked her how she was, thanks, Dad. Not my fault Amanda is insecure and thinks Casey will run into my arms if I let her. For fuck's sake she made me tell her some horrible crap, then said she was proud of me today." I couldn't take this right now, Amanda caused so much drama on a night that was supposed to bring us closer. I hate her so much. I look up at Casey and her mom coming out of the restaurant once the police spoke to her, Casey stayed behind her mom avoiding any kind of conversation. Mrs. Carson said "Both of you, have a good night." Mrs. Carson walked away, and Casey stood there nervously trying to figure out what to say "I'm sorry Mr. Evans for this mess. I hope you guys forgive me for ruining your night." I cut in before my dad said something "It was Amanda; you didn't do anything." My dad gave her a smile "It's okay Casey, I hope you're doing okay." She frowned and turned to walk away. She was hurting, and I knew it. Why couldn't it have been her? I would be the happiest guy right now. She won't cause drama like Amanda did tonight. If only life weren't so messy for me.

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