Chapter 35

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I look over my shoulder looking for Casey. Once I caught where she was sitting I noticed Ryan at the table with her. I looked back in front of me and took a deep breath; Austin saw me tense up "Don't be worried about all that." I glanced at him as we moved along the line "I'm not." We walked to the table and I bit my tongue up until Ryan commented suggesting I allowed Casey to go hungry. I looked up simply stating what he was as he walked off. It didn't feel like enough but I was already on bad terms with Casey and hitting the guy would've worsened things. 

Once the girls got up and followed Casey, Jake looked up with a bread roll in his hand "What's that about?" Austin stepped in "Ryan is overstepping." I looked at both of them and spoke "I hurt her..." Jake scoffed "Nothing new." I gave him a slight eye roll "Not like that." Austin glanced at me "If you hit her, we will both kick your ass." I shook my head "Nothing like that. I'd never..." I paused midsentence, I never thought I'd take advantage or force myself on her but yet I did. Jake stared at me "Tomas." 

I closed my eyes and reopened them with a sigh "I forced myself on her but I didn't do anything. She told me no and I didn't listen. She became upset and I stopped." Austin punched me in the shoulder hard "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jake shook his head "You'll be making it up to her for the rest of your life." I stood up "I realize I fucked up, I don't need any more lectures." I tossed my lunch and wandered off to find Bradley before lunch was over. 

As I exit the cafeteria I bump into Ryan once again, he puts his hands up in a joking matter "Whoa. You bumped into me." He chuckled and I held myself back, I walked around him and he made one last comment "Regarding your comment earlier. I didn't trap her with a baby. She wants me by choice." I clenched my fists but kept walking. He tested the waters with me but I knew she'd never date the guy again. 

My attention was brought to Casey with her friends, and I decided against going to Bradley. I went to Casey who wasn't happy with my presence. Judging by the girl's faces they knew about it. I slowly approached "May I speak with her?" Mariana crossed her arms "I don't think so. And if you ever..." Ashlyn stopped and gently pulled her away "We'll just go." 

Casey leaned on the locker silent, I sighed but she spoke before me "Whatever it is can wait till tonight." I caught a quick glimpse of her eyes, she had been crying. I nodded "Okay." I ventured off to find Bradley. 


Once Tomas left, I walked away toward my class. Ryan stopped me in the hall "Are you okay?" Tears welled up in my eyes once again "Someday I will be." He pulled me in for a hug "You should be happy now." I pull away "That's with you right?" He shook his head "You didn't deserve how I treated you. You deserve everything and I can't do that for you." I cross my arms "I was being sarcastic." He chuckled "I figured but I won't mind keeping our friendship. You were there for me my first day and I'd like to be there for your time back after everything." 

I gave him a quick smile "You just want to piss off Tomas." He laughs once again "Isn't that a bonus." I threw my hair back "As much I dislike him right now, I can't agree." He looked around "Just be careful." As he walked off, I turned "What worse could happen?" He looked back with a smirk but kept walking. I turned to a hand on my arm, it was Mariana "Casey please no." I broke her hand off me gently "I'm not in love with Ryan. We're friends." Ashlyn smirked "You can't be friends with someone you love." 

*Trigger Warning* *Please skip if rape triggers you*

The bell rang, and they both stared at me "I'm going to class." I continue walking to my next class, I turn to another hand pulling me into the janitor's closet. I felt warm lips touch mine and I attempted to pull away and reach for the door but they stood in front of me preventing my reach to the handle. I smelled his cologne, Tomas. I stopped him "I have class." He moved in again and kissed me "Not yet." I pushed him back once more "Tomas let me out." 

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