Chapter 17

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I woke up to the nurse and medics, I flinched away when the light hit my eyes. The medic started asking me questions, I didn't quite understand what was going on. I sat up and they gently laid me back down. I looked around the gym to the group of cheerleaders staring at me and whispering. I glanced over at Casey who was standing with her arms crossed and concern written in her eyes. She looked away and led the team to the locker room, saving me from the embarrassment I already started feeling. I was taken to the hospital where I was forced to take addiction counseling.

The drive home with my dad wasn't any better, I got a lecture I could care less about. The first 20 minutes were quiet, I could feel the tension and disgrace in his emotions. He wasn't proud of me or my mistakes. He hated Amanda too but he sucked it up for the baby. Me? I didn't give a shit, call me a bad father. I stared at the white road lines as we drove on the highway heading home. My dad finally spoke "What is going on in your head? What do you think drugs will help you accomplish? You're already failing out of school Tomas." Everyone knew the answer. I sat quietly, I hardly heard what he said until he yelled my name. I rolled my eyes carelessly "Why do you care what happens to me? I'm a disgrace to you already for making your mistake."

This was our relationship now, we fought every day and bumped heads a lot more. Is Casey worth losing my dad over? Yes. She will mean more than any relationship if only she'd come to forgive me. She made everything better, if she jumped I'd follow her. I'm in deep I know, she's a trap, but I'm willing to fall into it repeatedly. The only reason I'm here is her smile and kind eyes that I love to look into. If only I could stare into them I would never--

The truck came to a quick halt and I looked at my dad breaking out of my thoughts "I am talking to you!" I opened the door without hesitation and began walking, my dad rolled down the window and yelled "Get your ass back in this truck right now!" I walked down the highway with my hands in my pockets, zoning off into my thoughts again. Reality was a lie, I live in my thoughts. Some were good and some not so much. My mind is a mess.

My dad pulled off the highway and followed behind me, I didn't care. He stopped the truck and got out "Tomas! You can't change it now! Casey is doing it for you!" I stopped walking and lashed out at him "Oh really Dad?!?! Do you know her? She loves me! I messed up! I lost her to that dumb witch Amanda! I don't want the baby! I am only 15!" My dad rubbed his temple and shook his head "I can't do anything for you son. I wish I could." I looked down when I noticed he was upset too. I disappoint everyone around me.

I decided to get back in his truck, why do I keep doing that? I'm not myself. I've known that. We didn't talk on the way home. I looked down the street and sighed, the memories of this house doesn't help me recover. As I walked inside and started up the stairs, my dad called for me. I came down and waited for him to say something "I will try to help you. I'll talk to Sharon about Casey, but you have to remember she is her own person and makes her own decisions. She may talk to you, but she may not. You need to help Amanda out, like her or not, Bentley is your son. I'm here if you need me." He didn't understand how Amanda was with my son, one second she complained I'm not a father, and the next she said she'd do it on her own.

She is crazy. I knew that before I cheated on Casey. Why did I do it? I honestly don't know. I'd be happier now if it were her and not this girl. I headed to my room and stumbled over my son's toys. I kicked them out of the way and flopped on my bed; I lay there until I closed my eyes. I visualized her beautiful face in my head and felt a smile come to my face, but it ended quickly when her face went from happy to disappointed. I sat up and exhaled, that always happened. I looked at my lock screen, Casey. She held a rose in both of her hands with a smile on her face, she took it for homecoming. It was after her break up with Ryan, I never quite understood what happened with them. They just fell out one day and everyone was surprised by it.

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