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She's dating someone... Oliver out of all people, I know how he is I have seen him use girls he isn't a good kid on a lot of levels. I am happy she is happy but with him I do not like it. That's my baby girl and I don't want her to get hurt. She is probably going to be the only kid I will ever have. Not many people like me for me, I'm Michael Clifford i was in one of the biggest bands in the world. I've had people use me for fame, I have been forced into love by management and I've never been happy with those. The last thing I need is Bea to get hurt. 

I sound like I'm crazy but I'm not. I also can't just tell them oh you can't take him he's a prick. I want her to make her own choices I want her to make her own mistakes and build off them. But no father wants to see their kids hurt. I've seen her having panic attacks at a young age because of my job and us being swarmed by fans. The thing is if you have a life like hers people will want to befriend you and just to get fame just so they can say I'm friends with so and so I am cool. I don't want that for her. 

When you have gone through it yourself you never want to see someone go through the same thing, especially someone who is close to me like my daughter. Anybody really. Her first time on tour she already had depression it just got worse as the time progressed. She slipped into a state where she was lost. She expressed it the same way I use to do music. The next album she put out it had darker lyrics then her first album, I am not one to talk, my bands first album was upbeat and happy, sounds good feels good was a more darker and meaningful album where it showed real life issues in life. I wrote quite a few songs on that album as well... I was going through a lot at the time. Her second album had meaning it was darker and everyone saw what it meant and how it showed what is actually going on in the world. I remember the day John came to me after one of her sessions with him, he asked me how she was and if she was okay because all the lyrics and rifts she came to him with weren't upbeat as usual.

I'm proud of her but I definitely don't like seeing her the way she is, off stage when I call her she seems upset. On stage she is a completely different person, she's always been shy but around family she was loud. She will call me before she goes on stage maybe about 20 minutes or so and you can hear the softness and fear and nervousness in her voice. Right before she has to leave and go on stage her mood changes the fear washes away her voice gets louder and she's like a completely different person. I love seeing that. Seeing the live videos seeing her smile and laughing if she falls which she does a lot. She makes everything so energetic and she knows how to control the crowd. Seeing her in interviews she is reserved she isn't that loud she hides herself. I've seen people question if she is bipolar due to the changes from on stage and in interviews. 

The day she was born I held her in my hands and never would I have thought that she would be doing what I did at her age. That she would travel the world without me. It's crazy to think of. That's my baby girl and she is making it with her career and she is living a dream that most people wish they could live at such a young age.

I wish I could turn it back... Be there for her more than I was. I was so young when she was born and Crystal left me. She didn't care ever. When Bea started to get somewhere with music Crystal tried wedging her way back into her life. She called me and said dad, mum keeps trying to get past security and she has also tried getting on the bus. I went out and talked to her she told me she wanted to be in my life I needed a mum. I told her that I had one, she looked at me funny and I told her my dad is both my father and mother, I don't need you in my life. I was shocked but also so proud of her. She did that all on her own. 

Crystal has tried to wedge her way into my life again... I'd rather be single for the rest of my life then let her in mine again.

Just imagine this stuff though... Being put into a world and you are instantly famous. Everybody knows you because of your parents. No one wants to be your friend for you they want to be your friend to get close to your parent. 

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